Chapter 33

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The next morning, Louis is woken up by Harry peppering his face with soft kisses. Louis smiles without opening his eyes, appreciating finally waking up with Harry and having had a good night of sleep.

"Rise and shine, sun." Harry says and Louis' grin broadens as he opens his eyes and his eyes meet Harry's sparkling ones. "Hey."

"Good morning, my love." Louis tells Harry, pressing a closed mouth kiss to Harry's smiling lips.

Closing his eyes again, Louis takes Harry in his arms. Harry giggles and holds Louis tightly. They stay there in each other's arms, unmoving, for a few minutes before Harry pulls away and gazes up at Louis.

"Ed'll be here in thirty minutes. We should get dressed." Harry says and Louis hums but shakes his head.

"Nope, we stay in bed." Louis says and Harry starts to protest but Louis shushes him and pets his hair aggressively, making Harry laugh. "Shh go back to sleep."

"Lou, come on!" He giggles, pinching Louis' hip.

"Ow! You savage!" Louis says, pushing Harry away as this one keeps poking and pinching Louis' side. "Stop it." Louis laughs and finally, he grabs Harry's wrists and pins them on each side of his head, straddling his hips.

Harry bites his lip and looks up at Louis with so much adoration Louis could burst with happiness. Louis' eyes travel down to Harry's torso covered by Louis' t-shirt. He loves seeing Harry wear his clothes, it makes his stomach swoop.

"You're staring." Harry says, smiling. Louis looks back up into his lover's eyes and bends down to kiss him before letting go of Harry's wrist and rolling off him.

"I know, but you're pretty so you can't blame me." Louis says, standing up and extending a hand for Harry to take. Harry pouts but takes Louis' hand and gets up.

They go to the bathroom and while they are getting dressed, they hear a knock on the door. Harry tells Louis he will get the door so Louis can take his time getting dressed. Harry leaves the room.

Louis is nervous to meet Ed. They did not talk much but Ed let Louis know he did not like him. So Louis is apprehensive about this breakfast. However, Louis is determined to make a good impression because he plans on staying quite a long time with Harry and Louis had better get along with his friends.

Taking a last deep breath, he opens the door and walks to the kitchen. The air smells like bacon and Louis hears cheery voices talking to each other. He walks in and sees Harry cooking and Ed talking to him. Louis decides to make his presence known by clearing his throat and waving to Ed when he looks his way.

"Hi, I'm Louis." He smiles, extending his hand for Ed to shake. Ed stares at him, then at his hand and finally back up in his eyes.

"Ed." Harry says, a hint for him to take Louis' hand. Louis feels uncomfortable.

Ed looks at Harry and seeing his pleading eyes, he sighs and looks back at Louis, shaking his hand. When he does he shakes it way tighter than necessary but Louis shuts up and suffers in silence. He even holds back his sigh of relief when Ed lets go of his hand.

"I'm Ed." He simplys says, his voice cold and his face impassive.

Harry sighs and puts the bacon along with scrambled eggs in each of the plates around the table and sits. The silence is uncomfortable and Louis slides his hands under his thighs.

"So," Louis starts, deciding he should take the first step. "when did you two meet?" He asks, trying his best to make conversation.

Ed looks at him, his face unimpressed as he answers, "Is it any of your business?"

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