Chapter 5

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Harry lets go of his bags and throws himself in the bed as soon as Louis opens the hotel door. Louis rolls his eyes and goes to open his suitcase and change.

"The bed smells so good." Harry mumbles into the sheets.

Louis laughs and shakes his head, going to the bathroom to change into a pair of skinny jeans and a white tank top. It's warm enough outside and if they decide to do something outside then he will be comfortable.

When he leaves the bathroom, Harry is folding his clothes and putting them in the suitcase he bought. He turns towards Louis when he hears him approach and quickly does a once over before smiling.

"I like your tattoos." Harry says.

Louis blushes a bit and smiles. "Thanks. My mum kind of hates them." He says.

"Oh? Why?" Harry looks up from his suitcase and his eyes bore into Louis'.

Louis shrugs and does not break eye contact. "I don't really think she hates them, but she sure hated the first one I did because I was sixteen and she didn't want me to." He smiles as he looks at his first tattoo, the little stick guy with a skateboard. "So from then she kind of promised herself she'd hate them." He chuckles.

He is sure his mum likes some of his tattoos but just for that first one she says she does not like them, but he sees how she listens when he tells her why he got one.

Harry chuckles and shakes his head. "I actually got my first tattoo without telling my parents either."

Louis laughs and Harry does too. It's funny, that.

"Oh, speaking of parents, do you want my phone? To call your mum?" Louis asks, thinking back to when Harry asked to call his mum.

"Oh thanks." Harry says.

Louis pats his back pocket for his phone and when he does not feel it he turns to go back to the bathroom. He finds it sitting on the sink and comes back into the room with a smile. Harry is sitting on the bed and playing with his rings on his left hand.

"There." Louis tells Harry as he hands him his phone, stopping right in front of him. So close that their shoes are touching.

Harry looks up and smiles. "Thanks."

Louis smiles back and Harry takes the phone. Louis turns to go lay down a bit as Harry gets up and calls his mum.

"Hey mum, it's Harry." He hears Harry say softly, Louis then hears the door open and close. Harry probably wants his privacy, which is understandable.

Louis sighs loudly and turns to his side in the bed. He thinks about how he was nervous about how it was going to go with Harry. He is not nervous anymore. Harry is like a puppy, or a cat, whatever floats his boat. He is all laughter and dimples, nothing bad can come out of this. Louis might even find a friend in him during the trip. They get along, Louis thinks, and it is already great.

Louis looks around the room quickly and his eyes fall on Harry's suitcase. He frowns as he remembers why Harry was here with him in the first place. Harry's boyfriend left him. Who does that? And without any of his personal stuff? Louis does not get why Harry does not seem so mad about it. He just does not even look like anything happened.

Louis lays on his back and sighs loudly, the sound echoing in the empty room. He closes his eyes and crosses his ankles, then uncrosses them, and crosses them again. He does not really know what to do with himself at the moment. He is bored. He cannot text Lottie and bother her or watch something on his phone, or listen to music. Boring. He can't even talk to Harry, because he is gone with his phone. The two only things Louis has not to get bored are gone.

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