Chapter 23

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When they finish watching all three Shreks, Louis makes the mistake of saying that Cars is better. That prompts Harry to make a monologue to explain why Shrek is better, and it takes quite a long time. Louis does not mind, though. He loved listening to Harry and particularly when he talks about something he loves and is passionate about. Which in this case is Shrek.

By the time Harry has finished his explanations, it is already late afternoon so they decide to get dressed and go out.

Now the two of them are walking on the crowded street of Santa Monica, hand in hand. It is really nice. Louis loves this, he has to admit it. Walking with Harry, talking and holding hands with him. It is already so familiar that it surprises Louis. It surprises him that he is already so attached, even if he has not known Harry for a long time.

They have an expiration date, Louis reminds himself. He knows he keeps repeating this, but he needs to if he does not want to get too hurt. He knows it will hurt, however things happen, but he is not prepared. If anything, he is prepared to stay with Harry, and for things with him to stay this way. And this is scary. It is already too familiar, Louis is already too enamoured and it kind of sucks when he knows that this will end soon.


"It's already six and a half. What about we go on that date tonight?" Harry suddenly speaks up, interrupting Louis' thoughts. Louis is grateful for the interruption and the weight of Harry's hand in his comforts him. Which kind of sucks.

Louis looks at him and his smile is dazzling. Louis will never stop being absolutely mesmerized by Harry's every move. Which, once again, sucks for Louis.

"Okay." He simply answered, a small but genuine smile at his lips. When Harry smiles Louis can't help but do the same.

Harry bends down to kiss Louis' cheek, making this one blush. "Okay, then we're gonna need a blanket, wine and food." He says, counting on his fingers. Louis is very endeared by this. And by pretty much everything Harry does, really.

"And where will we find this?" Louis asks, unable to tear his gaze away from Harry's face. Which is why he bumped into someone. Louis turns his head to the person he bumped into and comes to a stop to apologize. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was walking." He says to the brunette guy who waves him off.

"No problem, mate." He has an Irish accent, Louis notices. He looks up at Harry and smirks. "If I had a boyfriend like him, I too would not look where I am walking." He says and then just walks away, leaving Louis blushing furiously and Harry standing still next to him.

"What... was that?" Harry says, the two of them watching the guy leave.

"I have no idea." Louis shakes his head then sighs. "What a weird little guy." He turns back around and resumes walking, Harry following easily.

Harry chuckles. "You two were the same height." He points out. Louis jabs his shoulder and shakes his head.

"Shut up." He tells him fondly. Then he remembers something else the little Irish guy said. "What makes him think we are boyfriends anyway?" He asks and he can feel Harry slightly tense next to him. He decides to ignore it.

"I don't know. It's not like we hold hands, kiss, go on a date, have sex." He says pointedly and okay, when he says it like that it sounds a lot like being boyfriends.

"When you put it like that..." Louis shrugs. "And for the record, we hadn't had sex sex." He says, making Harry roll his eyes.

"Whatever." He says, sounding a little hurt. "Let's just get those blankets and wine." He starts walking faster and towards the first shop he sees. He drops Louis' hand.

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