Chapter 39

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For the next two weeks, Louis and Harry call more. Because of the different time zones, it is hard to keep a good sleeping schedule, but they don't care. They try to watch the time, though it seems like when they talk, they lose track of time.

Most of their time is spent talking about their days, their dreams, the future, their carriers. They have sex, also, but mostly they talk about their life together. What it is, what it will be. They daydream together about a house, a home where they will be together with a dog or two, and most importantly, their future kids.

That is what they do right now, while Louis is going around the house, packing. Harry's mum and sister come to see Harry in New York for the first time in almost a year. They arrive tomorrow. Harry will have three days with his family before Louis arrives, too, and meets them.

"Hero, calm down. It's gonna be okay, and you don't have to pack now you leave in three days." Harry reminds him softly. Louis is walking around the living room, balancing his phone between his ear and shoulder while he cleans up the room a little.

Originally, he just went downstairs to get his phone charger but upon seeing the mess, he had to clean up a little. And it was his mistake for rushing it, because he stubbed his toe on the table.

"Fucking hell! Shit!" He curses, jumping on one foot around the living room, until he falls on the sofa. "Fuck."

"Baby, you okay?" Harry asks worriedly.

"No, I stubbed my fucking toe. Shit." He says and Harry chuckles. "Nice to know my misery makes you laugh, Dimples." Louis huffs, frowning in pain. His toe is throbbing. Why does such a little bone hurt so much?

"No, baby, sorry. It's just... kinda funny?" He says and Louis rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever."

"Oh, come on, don't sulk. It'll be okay, it hurts then it goes away." Harry relativizes.

"Yeah, you're right. Anyway, what were we saying?" He says, getting up from the couch and finishing to tidy up.

"I was telling you not to worry about my family." Harry tells him and Louis sighs.

Right. Louis is worried about that. He does not see why it would go wrong, but at the same time he can't stop worrying. What if they just do not like him? Or find him ugly? They could. When Louis tells Harry that, Harry breaks into uncontrollable laughter, which confuses Louis a lot.

"Oh my god, Hero, you can't be serious. It's just- no. Impossible. You're literally the most gorgeous man to have ever walked the earth." He says and Louis feels flattered, but still.

"Listen, love, I appreciate it but you're biased." Louis tells him and Harry clicks his tongue disapprovingly.

"I might be. You remember when we talked about no negative talk and everything? Well, it still stands even if I'm not there with you. And they're gonna love you." He assures but Louis still is not convinced. He will be once he will have seen Anne and Gemma and once they have told him they liked him. Genuinely. "Not as much as I do, though." Harry adds and Louis cracks a smile.

"I know." He says as he goes back upstairs, satisfied with the state of the room. A happy sigh leaves his mouth the second his back falls on the mattress.

"Anyways, I'm so happy they're coming." He says excitedly. "It's been so long since I last saw them."

Louis smiles as he answers, "Yeah, I know how much you miss them. What do you have planned for when they come? Because I know for a fact that you planned things."

"Yes! I'm gonna take them to my favorite bakery, they have to taste their-" A sound interrupts Harry and Louis looks at his screen, indicating he has 10% left. He groans as he remembers he left the charger downstairs. "Am I annoying you?" Harry asks.

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