Chapter 40

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Two days later Louis is standing in front of Harry's door. He is nervous, jittery, excited. He does not even dare reach for the handle or knock. He just stands dumbly in front of the door. When he was downstairs he punched the code with trembling fingers, then climbed the stairs instead of taking the lift, which was dumb because he is even more sweaty now and his arm is numb from carying his suitcase all the way up.

Seven fucking floors. Why did he do that, even?

Fuck, get a grip, Louis, he thinks to himself.

It is just Harry. And his family. Cool. Nothing too bad. And his mum had seemed sweet when he had her on the phone last time, except for the light threat at the end of the call. Besides, she wrote a book to help people out. She can be nothing but sweet and a literal angel. A demon can't raise a lovely being like Harry. And probably Gemma, but Louis will not get ahead of himself, he does not know her yet.

Louis takes a deep, settling breath before he knocks.

His knuckles barely made contact with the door that it opens wide, knocking on the wall behind. Harry's body collides into his, Louis barely standing upright.

"God, I missed you." Harry's breath tickles Louis' neck where he is buried. Louis smiles and wraps his arms tightly around Harry's waist, squeezing his hip.

"Missed you too, Dimples." He says and then smirks, pulling back to look into Harry's eyes, their faces inches apart. "Were you waiting for me behind the door?" He asks cheekily.

"Yes." Harry says without shame, then bends down to finally press his lips to Louis'.

Someone clears their throat behind them and Louis takes a step back, his cheeks heating up at the idea that they saw them kiss. He knows this is stupid, and childish, but still. He wants to make a good first impression.

Louis looks up at the young woman who is standing in the doorway, leaning against it. Gemma, Louis guesses easily. He smiles at her.

"Hi, I'm Louis." He says and purses his lips when she does not answer right away, sizes him up before. He feels scrutinized and slightly uncomfortable under her piercing gaze. What most disturbs him is the way she stops to stare at Louis' Converse.

He has practically never worn them, they are the one he bought after having visited the museum, while Harry was buying a phone. They are simple, plain black. What is wrong with them?

He looks down at them and sees the smiley he drew on the left one, then the big ass H on the other. Louis is feeling self-conscious and stupid. It was a silly thing Harry dared him to do, so everyone knows Louis is Harry's.

"Cool shoes." She says, looking back up at the same time at Louis. She smiles at him. "I'm Gemma." She says and they shake hands.

She walks in then, Harry is still next to Louis in the hallway. Louis turns to him and sees Harry's crooked, stupid cute frog smile.

"Cute shoes."

"Shut up." Louis rolls his eyes and smiles, walking in. He drags his suitcase behind and takes off his shoes at the entrance, knowing Harry hates that Louis walks in with his shoes.

It smells good, and the smell comes from the kitchen. In the kitchen is a woman who looks like both Harry and Gemma, and she can only be Harry's mum. She has her back on him, being busy with cooking, but she turns around when Harry calls her. Gemma has wandered off somewhere.

"Oh!" She says, her face brightening as her eyes fall upon Louis. "You must be Louis! I'm Anne, it's so lovely to finally meet you." She hugs him, much to Louis' surprise, but delight. It is almost like Harry's and his mum's first interaction. He likes that. "Harry's talked about you so much. Talked our ears off, actually."

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