Chapter 26

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When they walk inside the bar, the first thing Louis notices is the fact there are not many people. It is not as crowded as all of the bars they have walked past. Louis looks around as they walk further inside and when he spots a table, he tells Harry that he is going to save it while Harry orders them drinks. Harry agrees with a smile and they part.

Once Louis is comfortably seated on the stool, he looks for Harry among the few people. A face catches Louis' eyes. There is a brunette guy with a bright smile and an earring on one ear. Louis thinks he looks familiar but he can not quite replace where he has seen him. However, he does not have time to wonder about this any more because Harry is back with a beer in one hand, a cocktail in the other and a smile upon his face.

"This is for you." He says, handing Louis his beer and sliding on a tool.

"Thanks, love." Louis says softly before taking a sip of his beer and looking around the bar. His eyes find the guy again and this time Louis notices a guitar in his hand. "Have we seen that guy before?" Louis asks Harry, who is now watching in the direction Louis was looking at.

"Isn't he the guy who bumped into you around two days ago? If not yesterday, even." Harry asks and Louis widens his eyes and hums.

"Oh, yeah it's him. Absolutely him." Louis agrees and his gaze falls on the little scene where a guy just walked up.

"Hello everybody!" He says cheerfully, smiling. "So it is almost time for our singing contest, please register at the desk here," He points to a desk where a young woman with pink hair is sitting. "if you want to enter. Thanks for your understanding." He finishes and gets off the stage.

"Come on." Harry says, getting up and taking Louis' hand to drag him along.

"What? You told me it was a karaoke thing, not a real singing contest!" Louis exclaims as he lets himself be dragged along to the desk, Harry smiling happily.

"Well, it's almost the same thing. And whatever it is, I want to win that thing, Hero, and you are going to help me do it." He tells Louis who immediately halts in his steps and shakes his head. Harry stops too when he notices that Louis did and turns around with a frown. "What?" He asked confusedly.

"I'm not gonna sing in front of a whole bar!" Louis exclaims, dropping Harry's hand to throw his own in the air. He pinches the bridge of his nose. "I thought we came to watch people and for me to watch you win that contest. I didn't know you expected me to sing because I won't and I'd only make you lose." He says and at the end, he frowns upon seeing Harry smirking. "Why are you smirking?" Louis asks, narrowing his eyes at Harry. "What did you do?" He says before looking behind Harry at the desk and seeing his name on the paper. "Harry!" He screams and looks back at the guy who looks at him innocently.

"Hum?" He simply says, his smirk replaced by an innocent smile as he walks around Louis to go back and sit at their table.

Louis stays there for a little time, still dumbfounded about how Harry just registered them both even though Louis said he did not want to. The worst part is that Louis wants to participate, but he is deeply scared of it. He never sang in front of anyone before, and on one hand it does not matter much since everyone in the bar is already probably deadass drunk but on the other hand, Harry. He has to sing in front of Harry and Louis is sure that his voice will get all wobbly or caught in his throat or something equally bad.

Louis decides he needs a drink. Or five. He needs to let loose a little and right now he thinks alcohol may be the only solution. And he is in a bar so it is pretty convenient. Louis shakes himself out of his trance and walks to the counter, taking great care of avoiding Harry until he has at least three drinks in his system.

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