Chapter 1

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Louis and Harry stop in a diner not far into town. Louis does not even know what town it is they are in. It does not matter. There are more serious things right now.

"So, Harry." Louis started once both of them ordered something and the waitress left. Louis had ordered three chocolate chip pancakes while Harry had settled for French toasts with a milkshake.

"What exactly is your plan? Do you need me to drop you off somewhere or something?" Louis asks, arms crossed over his chest.

Harry looks around him at his surroundings, with big puppy eyes. And he looks almost impressed. But then his eyes settle on Louis' and he just stares for a minute. Louis frowns but does not point it out.

"Um, I don't know." He shrugs. "I don't really have anywhere to go."

Louis narrows his eyes. "So... you don't live anywhere?"

"Well, I guess I do but since -may I remind you- my boyfriend broke up with me and we lived together..." Harry says hesitantly, shrugging.

"Why exactly did he break up with you?" Louis asks and the way he may seem a bit insensitive but if the situation was this bad, maybe the guy had a reason?

Harry blinks at him a few times and then purses his lips.

"I killed all of his family." He deadpans, looking straight into Louis' eyes and Louis starts to worry a bit for his life. His eyes are widened comically as he watches Harry's face.

"You- what?" He dares to ask, a bit horrified.

Harry's lips twitch and he bursts out laughing, covering his mouth with his hand. And it is quite an endearing move. Harry is laughing so hard he throws his head back and that attracts some gazes their way.

"Oh my god, you should have seen your face!" He keeps on laughing but a bit less loudly and he shakes his head as he replaces his gaze on Louis.

Louis is a bit at loss for words but after some time during which he just looks at Harry taking the piss, Louis opens his mouth.

"Well, I don't know you. I don't know if you didn't really do this." Louis shrugs a shoulder. Harry purses his lips and seems to consider Louis' answer. He then nods.

"Yeah. But honestly, I didn't kill his family." Harry assures and somehow, Louis believes him. There is something in his eyes that is earnest and so Louis decides he believes him. Or maybe he decides to do it for his own sanity.

"Anyways." Harry says seriously. "I took his phone to call my sister because my battery died but then he got super defensive and I didn't understand until I saw his text with another guy." He shrugs, his lips pulling downward even though he obviously tries to sound unbothered. "So, naturally, I asked for explanation and he threw me out, yelling at me that I didn't respect his privacy and he left."

That is even worse than Louis imagined. Not that Louis imagined anything but. He kind of did.

Louis might be slightly gaping at the audacity of the guy. If Louis understands this right, that means that Harry's ex cheated on him and yet he told him Harry didn't respect his 'privacy'?

"He got mad because," Louis pauses. "Because he cheated on you?" Louis asks, unsure if he heard right.

"Yup." Harry nods, lips pursed as he looks everywhere but Louis' direction. Louis nods back and it is at that moment that the waitress came back with their plates. They both thank her and start to eat.

Louis wonders if maybe Harry was lying about his story. Because, like, you can't blame Louis for not trusting a complete stranger, right? Even if said stranger is fit and attractive. Never judge a book by its cover.

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