Chapter 46

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When Louis is not working or spending time with Harry, he is on the phone with his sister pacing in yet another jewelry. He has been trying to find a ring -the perfect ring- since March, and now they are in June. The twenty-eighth. And he still hasn't proposed because he cannot seem to find a ring that he thinks portrays just how much he loves Harry.

At this rate, they'll be seventy and Louis will still be planning his big proposal.

By big proposal he means that he wanted to go with Harry for another road trip. Louis is on holiday and Harry's bakery will not open before fall, since it needs renovations. What that means is that they have time. So Louis wanted to go back on the road and go to Santa Monica like for their first date and propose on the beach while the sun is setting.

Something sappy. Something Harry.

"God, Louis, just find a fucking ring." Lottie groans, obviously growing impatient. "You've been at it for forever, and while it's sweet that you're trying to give him the best you're pissing me off."

Louis would be offended if he did not feel the same about himself right that moment. But as it is, he does. It is so annoying he starts to wonder if he really wants to marry Harry, which he regrets immediately. He is sure he wants to marry him a hundred percent, he is just getting on his own nerves.

"Sorry, I just don't see anything that... I don't know, that catches my eye." He sighs, a hand on his hip as he looks at the rings.

It is not that they are ugly, but they are just too simple. Or too extravagant. Overall, something Louis does not want. So he finds himself walking out of the jewelry empty handed, once again.

"Do you realize how long it's gonna take if you keep this up? They'll have invented a way for you and H to have a biological baby and while that wouldn't be so bad," She continues when she sees Louis' face on her screen. He sure wouldn't mind having a baby with Harry. Their baby. Or babies. First he still needs to work on this proposal thing though. "It won't happen before a few dozen decades. So you better be faster than that." She raises an eyebrow.

Louis sighs and runs a hand over his face as he walks back to his car, sitting in it. "I know, Lots, but I just want it to be so great it leaves no room for him to say no. Just in case." He shrugs, feeling stupid once he voices it out loud.

He has thought about it, about Harry saying no. That may be why he has been putting it off for so long. But he just can't help it, the worry keeps gnawing at his mind and he will not be able to push it away until he has an answer. But he can't get an answer if he does not ask. There, it is a downward spiral.

He is just really scared and he does not want to mess it up.

Life with Harry is so great, despite some disagreements here and there, mainly about the fact that Harry gives Kitty way too much food while they eat so now she climbs onto the table. It annoys Louis a lot. Aside from that it is perfect, they've got their routine but it never gets boring, because if there is something that Harry isn't it is boring.

He is surprising, spontaneous, a ray of sunshine at every time of the day. Even when he has bad days, he still is all that to Louis. He still is caring and generous, maybe so much that it unnerves Louis because he knows he sometimes is too good for his own sake. He always wants people that matter to him -or even strangers- to feel good and at ease and happy, and if there is something in his power to make that happen, no matter if he himself feels good, he will do it. And while it is a quality that Louis greatly admires about him, it sometimes sucks.

"You're such an idiotic fuck!" Lottie snapping brings him back from his thoughts. When he looks at the screen he sees her almost ripping her hair out. "How can you even believe that he'd say no? He'd literally go to Saturn for you to give him a kiss on the cheek! He's so bloody in love with you it's fucking disgusting to witness, I can't believe you're dumb enough to doubt that." She keeps cursing, shaking her head like a disappointed and pissed off mother.

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