Chapter 9

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When Louis wakes up, it is because of the sun shining brightly and his body hurting. He does not even know how he fell asleep in this condition, maybe he was so tired that he finally did.

He tries to roll on his back but something is stopping him. Louis blinks his eyes open and is met with curly hair in front of his face. Louis realizes he is in fact spooning Harry and Harry is holding Louis' hand.

Oh god. What should Louis do? Okay, his back is hurting -and so is his whole body- but he has to admit he is comfortable. And he does not want to wake Harry up in the process of getting up. But he should get up. He really really should. But he does not want to. And he can't, because Harry is still holding his hand and does not seem to want to let go anytime soon.

Louis does the thing he thinks is the best and asks, "Harry? You awake?" He hears Harry groan and tighten his hand around Louis'. "Dimples, hey." He repeats.

Harry groans again and lets go of Louis' hand to rub his eyes, which is a very endearing move. Louis takes back his arm and stretches.

"Was I holding your hand?" Harry asks as he sits up.

"Yeah." Louis nods and looks at Harry, who is blushing and smiling sheepishly.

"Sorry." He says and looks away.

"No worries." Louis shrugs.

Louis gets up and his back hurts. He could appreciate a massage. Is there any massage thing in this hotel? Even if there is, he will not go because it costs an arm and a leg and if he wants to do things during this trip he better not use his money for that. He will just take a hot bath, that will do. Except the room does not have a bath.

"Let's try to get out of here." Louis says as he walks towards the door, Harry following him.

Louis tries to open the door by pushing it and it still does not work. He tries to pull it, expecting for it not to open but it does. Why did it not open yesterday?

"Is it open?" Harry asks, stopping beside Louis.

"Yeah. It didn't work yesterday." Louis says confusedly.

"Maybe you had a little too much wine." Harry teases, bumping his shoulder with Louis'.

Louis rolls his eyes but smiles as he opens the door so they can get inside. Louis steps in and then he hears someone to his right yell. "Hey! It's forbidden here, stop!"

Louis widens his eyes and in a panic he takes Harry's hand and runs, dragging Harry behind him. He hears the man scream after them but he just runs and refuses to stop. Louis does not stop running for two floors until he opens their door and drags Harry inside, slamming the door behind them. He is a bit out of breath and Harry is too. They are both panting and Louis rushes a hand through his hair before looking at Harry, who is already looking back with a silly grin on his face.

They look at each other for a second before bursting out laughing. Louis lets himself fall to the floor, all of his bones aching from the night and the run.

"Please," Harry pants from where he is sprawled on his bed, "don't make me run ever again."

Louis lets out a laugh and gets up. "It was either you run or you get caught."

"Meh." He shrugs.

Louis rolls his eyes and walks to his bag, taking clothes. "I'm going to shower." Louis says as he walks into the bathroom.

"'Kay." Harry replies.

Harry is probably going to fall back asleep, Louis thinks, so he has time to take a shower as long as he wants to.

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