Chapter 43

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During all of September and October, it is impossible for Louis and Harry to see each other at all. They call and facetime, but it is hard since both of them started working and Harry rehearses with the band two evenings a week. They mostly call on the weekends, except on Saturday mornings since Louis works.

But finally, after these endless weeks apart, they get to see each other on Halloween. Harry has come to Nevada for a week since Louis' contract ended, and they celebrate together. Then they go trick or treating with Louis' siblings.

Harry insists on him and Louis having matching costumes, so they end up going as Shrek and Fionna. Louis as Shrek and Harry as Fionna. Upon seeing this, Lottie has made fun of them and teased Louis about how whipped he is as he had accepted to wear that. Ernest and Doris are dressed up as Dupond and Dupont in Tintin and Fizzy as Jack Sparrow.

Lottie does not come, since she had a movie date with Will.

They have fun that night. When they go home, they throw themselves on the couch and watch a movie while eating all of the sweets they got.

During Harry's stay they do a lot of activities with Louis' siblings and family. They go to the park, have picnics, do movie nights, game nights and one of the evenings ends up in a big Just Dance contest -Louis wins, obviously. Overall, they have a lot of fun.

Then, unfortunately, Harry has to leave again. But it is bearable to let him leave since Louis knows he will see him in two weeks.

It is Harry and the band's first concert. It takes place in a small bar in town, but still, it is big! Louis is really proud of him and he could never miss it.

So this is how he finds himself in a crappy bar in New York, sitting on a stool with a beer in hand.

He had previously been drinking and talking with Niall, until this one could not keep avoiding setting up. He had to leave Louis to go tune his guitar and set the drums for Liam to play.

Now Louis is waiting, watching Harry who is walking onstage, flashing Louis a bright smile and a small wave.

He is wearing one of his blouses, a black one that hangs low and shows most of his chest, along with a pair of lilac trousers. He looks beautiful, as he always does.

He leans close to the mic, his arms folded behind his back. "Hi, I'm Harry. I'm part of a band named One Direction." Harry stops to chuckle, Louis smiles. "It's quite a weird name, we are aware, but it's the best we came up with. Anyways, this is Niall on the guitar," He points to his left, where Niall is standing with a white electric guitar, then points to Zayn. "Zayn, and Liam on the drums. We'll sing a few songs for you tonight, we hope you enjoy!" He throws the public -more particularly Louis- a bright smile before people clap and they start the first song.

The song is called 'Wolves', and Harry is dancing around, singing like an angel sent from above, staring at Louis at every sappy lyric he sings.

Don't get Louis wrong, all four of them have amazing voices, but Harry's is the one which stands out more to Louis. He pays extra attention whenever his lover starts singing, and he watches him every single second.

Mesmerizing, is what he is. Louis can't tear his gaze away and he sees people in his peripheral vision watching Harry, too.

After the first song comes another, this one slower, but just as beautiful as the other. Harry is still as perfect as he sings, putting all his passion in his performance. He was born to be on stage, that much Louis is sure of it.

Louis could fall asleep at the sound of Harry singing. His voice feels like a blanket that envelopes Louis' whole being, keeping him safe and warm. It is a comforting feeling.

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