Chapter 30

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Louis thinks: fuck it. He fucked everything up and he should not have. He is going to do that grand and meaningful, romantic gesture Harry always dreamed of. He is going to be the one that goes to New York, finds Harry and confesses his love for him. That is how it will work for them because it is what Harry deserves. He deserves an ending as you can read in books, a happy ending. And maybe Louis is his happy ending. Louis hopes he is Harry's, because Harry is Louis'.

This is all Louis is able to think about as he packs. Lottie stays with him and tells Louis about her second date with Will while he packs. Louis listens and tries his best to be quick when he packs so he can leave soon.

"How are you going to go there?" Lottie asks him and Louis' movements stop.

He had not thought about this, actually.

"By plane?" He says finally, zipping his bag shut. He hears Lottie huff behind him so he looks at her only to see her eyebrows raised.

"Maybe you should buy a plane ticket if you plan on going there, yeah?" She tells him and he guesses she has a point. "And it's really expensive, do you even have the money?"

And the thing is, Louis does not. He has a little money aside for stuff but not for 500$ plane tickets.

Louis groans and lies on the floor. "Why is it so fucking complicated?" He complains.

"Well if your stupid ass didn't let him go it wouldn't be this hard." She points out. "You can't leave for New York today." She finally says and Louis' head snaps in her direction. He frowns.

"Why not?" He starts complaining. "When will I go, if not today? I can't lose any more time, I've lost enough already!" He says, frustration clear in his voice.

Lottie sighs. "Listen, Lou. You don't even know where he lives or how long you'll stay. Maybe taking a few days or a week to plan this could be wise." She says softly but Louis just huffs, pained by the mere mention of waiting even more.

"Seriously? And what? I should give him enough time to find someone else who's better than me so he can replace me?" He shakes his head and keeps rambling about how he does not want to lose more time but Lottie cuts him off harshly.

"Shut up!" She spats and then lets out an angry noise Louis could not quite describe. Louis shuts it immediately, staring at his sister. But he does not shut up for long. Unfortunately.

"You don't know him, Lots. He is... He always sees more in people than there is and that's probably what happened with me. And even, he can easily find someone else and I'm sure he could fall in love with literally anyone if they're remotely nice to him or give him the bare mini-" He does not have time to finish because Lottie raises her voice. She sounds even more cross than before and this time Louis really stays quiet.

"I can't believe you're such an idiot and you're still doubting his love for you! He literally called you and left you a message in which he was drunk and told you he missed you a dozen thousands times! He even fucking told you he thought you were it. For him you're the only fucking person in the entire world and you're here doubting him! Give him some fucking credit!" She tells him furiously and Louis does not like the tone she is using with him.

She sounds like an angry mum and Louis feels like a child who is getting reprimanded. He knows it is fair, though. He regrets having said that about Harry. He knows that is not it and Harry is not what he said of him mere minutes ago.

They stare at each other for a few minutes, Lottie's eyes are angry and Louis' mouth is agape.

"You're right." Louis finally says, looking down. Lottie sighs.

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