Chapter 2

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Louis wakes up before the alarm is set to ring and Harry is still sound asleep. Louis turns it off and decides he will wake Harry up after having taken a shower. Because he needs a shower.

He gets out of his bed and walks to the bathroom. The room is not big but it has enough space and there are also little bottles of shampoo and body wash. Louis takes a look at himself in the mirror and almost winces at the bags under his eyes. Yes, he slept, but he is still tired and apparently it shows.

He undresses and gets in the shower once it has heated up. He lets the hot water wet his hair and plasters it to his forehead, standing still under the water. Louis takes his time and when he is finished he goes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. He had forgotten to take his clothes in the bathroom.

When he goes out, Harry is awake and staring at the ceiling, sprawled all over the bed like a starfish. When he hears Louis, he turns his head and his jaw goes slack as his eyes rake over Louis' chest, then his lower half and the fact that he was only in a towel made Louis feel extremely self-aware and exposed. Harry's eyes are burning through Louis' skin and Louis does not know if he feels so self-conscious about his body because Harry is a stranger or if it is because he is fucking attractive. Or maybe because of both.

Louis clears his throat and looks away from Harry's much too intense gaze. Harry's eyes snap up to Louis' face and he goes back to staring at the ceiling, blinking slowly. He seems to pull himself together and sits up, but not looking at Louis.

"Okay, so um." Harry starts. "I, uh, was wondering if I could borrow some clothes from you? Because I obviously don't have any. And don't worry I'll buy some back for you." He adds and looks at Louis.

Louis blinks and nods. "Of course."

He bends down and he sees Harry quickly looking on the opposite side of Louis who takes two pairs of sweats and two jumpers, one for him and another for Harry. He hands him the clothes with a pair of briefs but he does not look at him while he does so.

"Thanks." Harry says with a light smile, looking at Louis swiftly before going into the bathroom and locking himself in.

Well, that was pretty awkward. Louis had always had this ability to put himself and others in awkward situations, but this time it was not even his fault. Okay, maybe if he had not left the bathroom almost naked when an almost stranger was there it would have been less awkward.

Harry comes out of the bathroom a good fifteen minutes later and Louis is lying on the bed, looking at his phone. He was watching dog videos. Louis looks up to Harry and sees that his clothes are a bit too tight on Harry but he looks good anyway.

"I'm definitely going to need to buy you and myself clothes." He chuckles as he pulls on the sleeves of the sweater, walking toward his bed to sit on the edge.

"I'm not letting you buy me anything. I'm already feeling like I'm your sugar baby or something and just, no." Louis says, which makes Harry look at him as he lets out a small laugh.

"Okay but if I give you a gift, you can't refuse it."

Louis tilts his head to the side and leans on his elbows to look at Harry better.

"Why not?" He raises a brow.

"It's rude to refuse a gift." Harry says matter of factly.

"Okay, but imagine someone gives you a dead rat and says: 'It's a gift, you have to keep it'. I could say no and I would say no."

Harry rolls his eyes. "I'm not offering you a dead rat, Hero. I'm just buying you clothes because I took yours and you took me with you on your trip."

"You can't always use the excuse of me 'saving' you to get your way." Louis tells him.

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