Chapter 6

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"Hero, wake up." Louis hears, still half asleep.

He does not answer and keeps pretending he is sleeping, hoping that Harry is going to leave him asleep. Which is not the case. He feels his shoulder being shaken and he groans

"Go away, Dimples." He mumbles into his pillow, turning his back on Harry while he does so.

"Come on, breakfast." Harry tells him. "We have plenty to do today, let's get it started!" He finishes cheerfully.

He is way too enthusiastic for Louis' liking in the morning and way too joyful for someone who should be having a hell of a hangover right now.

"Why aren't you hungover?" Louis asks, still refusing to open his eyes.

Louis feels like he is going to throw up, almost as if he were hungover. Thing is, he did not drink much yesterday and certainly not enough to feel hungover, so why is he feeling the way Harry should be feeling right now?

"Because I never am." Harry answers simply and Louis wants to shove him because if Louis drinks a little bit more than he is capable of, then he feels like he is dying.

"Hate you. Leave me alone. Let me sleep." He says and puts the covers up to his face.

"Hero." Harry says. "Please? I'm hungry."

"Then go buy a snack or something. I don't know." Louis mumbles, feeling himself drifting back to sleep. The last thing Louis hears before being asleep is Harry's groans and his enormous feet stomping away.

It could have been seconds, minutes or even hours for all Louis knows, when he is awoken by a heavy weight crashing on his body. Louis grunts in pain at the thing that just crashed him and opens his eyes, only to find Harry innocently smiling and lying on top of him. Louis widens his eyes as he takes Harry in. His torso which is so fucking close to his face and his damp curls falling on his shoulders. Then he widens his eyes even more when he realizes Harry is naked. Well, he has a towel around his waist but he is nearly naked.

"Harry you're fucking naked!" He screams and he is honestly in a total panic because it is not that he minds like but his body seems to mind.

Harry only rolls his eyes and leans on his elbows on each side of Louis' middle. "I'm not naked I have a towel."

"But- But you're naked under your towel!" Louis retorts and Harry puffs out a laugh.

"Because you wear underwear under your towel when you get out of the shower, Hero?" Harry raises a brow with a smirk.

Forget what Louis said yesterday about the 'I'm glad I didn't drive past Harry'. He changed his mind.

"I don't but I don't jump on you either, do I?" He asks and moves a bit, trying to get Harry to move but if he is being honest, it just makes the situation worse. Louis is sporting a semi and is trying to get Harry away by bucking his hips up -which does not work, may he add- and all it does is create friction and make him harder.

Damn it. It is not like it is because of Harry. Okay, it may be a bit but it is the fact that he just woke up and he had not had sex in such a long time that he gets a bit horny. And let's face it, Harry is fit as fuck, so.

"For god's sake Harry go away." He says desperately. Louis stops moving and stares at Harry in his eyes. Eyes which are really really green and very intent in looking into Louis' own.

Then the green eyes are sparkling with mischief and Harry drops his arm, officially laying all of his weight on Louis. Louis lets out a 'oof' and Harry chuckles.

"Oops. I'm so clumsy." He says and rolls off Louis.

Louis rolls his eyes and stays in the bed as he waits for Harry to just go away. No need to embarrass himself with his morning wood.

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