Chapter 7

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Once they finish eating they decide they should go to the Musical Instrument museum. Well, Harry insists they go. The tickets are 20$ and Louis lets Harry pay this time because it was his idea, and Louis will pay for the tickets for the amusement park. That is how they decide to do it.

Anyways, they are now inside, Harry pointing to almost every instrument and always finding every instrument more interesting than the one they have seen just before. Louis listens to him babbling about the piano they are looking at and how Harry would love to have such a beautiful piano. Louis listens to him and nods his head from time to time. Sure, he does not understand everything Harry says, but he still pays attention because it is interesting.

Harry is interesting.

And the way Harry seems so happy when he looks over at Louis and sees him paying attention brings a warm feeling in Louis' being. As well as his smile and flashes of dimples.

They continue walking and looking at the instruments, some being very old and seeming 'weird' in the way Louis had never seen or heard them before.

"Look over there!" Harry beams, walking closer to where guitars are exposed.

Louis follows him and looks at the guitars. There are plenty in front of Louis and he can't tell what the difference is or if there is one. He just appreciates their looks and shape. Some are really cool.

"Oh. My. God." Louis heard Harry say breathlessly.

Louis averts his eyes from the electric guitar he is looking at and reports his attention on Harry.

"What is it?" Louis frowns, coming closer to look at what Harry is looking at. When he sees, he literally gapes. "Oh. My. God. Is this why I think it is?"

"Yes." Harry answers, too in awe to say anything else.

They look at each other and beam, the surprise and shock off their faces. There in front of them is a Taylor Swift exhibit from the Red tour.

"Oh fuck! Let me take a picture!" Harry says, already reaching for Louis' phone in the front pocket of his jeans. Louis does not protest and lets him take it out, unlocking it and opening the camera. "Did you see her guitar?! She's amazing!" He says, clearly amazed as he takes at least one hundred pictures of every guitar, clothes and mic from different angles.

Louis stares ahead at all of the things displayed, from the mic to the guitars and to the outfits and the boots. Honestly, this is the closest he has ever been -and will probably ever be- to anything related to celebrity. And he may still be gaping a bit. He is a fan, alright? He has every right to feel overwhelmed.

When he turns to look at Harry, he sees that the phone is held in his direction and Harry smiles behind it.

"Hey, I never said you could take a picture of me." Louis complains, just to be annoying -and a little bit because he is insecure and does not like pictures of himself.

"But you look so cute, I just had to." Harry replies, putting the phone down to let Louis see his pout.

Louis rolls his eyes because Harry looks like a kid and also because he tries to hide his blushing. He would have to stop blushing every single time Harry compliments because it seems that Harry loves giving compliments.

"Ugh. Fine. Go back to taking pictures of the exhibit instead, will you?" He says.

"I think I have enough." He assures and Louis nods.

"I can't believe it was here and you didn't tell me." Louis says, going next to Harry to look at the phone and the pictures which he is going through.

"I didn't know, Hero." Harry shakes his head, his curls brushing Louis' neck from the fact that Harry is taller than Louis and Louis has his head bent under Harry's own.

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