Chapter 24

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They pack as quickly as they can, dress -mostly- and walk hand in hand back to the hotel. They do not say a word and on Louis' part it is because he is nervous.

He never had sex with someone he cared about. Hell, he had never made love to somebody which is a big, huge, enormous thing for Louis. Harry means so much and Louis stresses out that he can't make Harry feel good or something equally bad.

They arrive at the hotel and walk into the elevator in silence. As soon as the door closes, Louis finds himself pressed against the wall and Harry's lips are attached to his. Louis does not complain, he just kisses back eagerly. Some of their stuff falls on the floor but they do not find it in themselves to care even the slightest.

The elevator dings and they part, both of their faces flushed. It is their floor. They gather what is on the floor and hurry to their room. Louis quickly opens it and pushes Harry inside. Everything is quickly back on the floor and their lips find their ways to each other.

Louis walks Harry to the bed and this one falls flat on his back, looking up at Louis. "How... How do we do this?" Harry asks breathlessly.

Louis is holding himself up above him and Harry's hands wind themselves around Louis' neck. "Whatever makes you feel good, love." Louis simply says and Harry nods.

"Okay, um. Is it okay for you, like." He gestures to their position but keeps going. "If we stay like this? You, on top." He asks but Louis is already nodding.

"Yes, of course." Louis says before kissing Harry again. "It's perfect." He says as he starts kissing his cheek then his neck. "You're perfect." He tells him between kisses.

Louis can feel that Harry is nervous, probably as much as he is so he decides to keep kissing his neck and his cheeks until he feels that Harry is more relaxed and comfortable. Louis gently rubs Harry's side and thighs until Harry loosens up, sucking a hickey on his collarbone, near the swallows' tattoos.

"Lou." Harry lets out, his hands combing through Louis' hair.

"Let's take off your shirt, okay love?" Louis asks, looking into Harry's eyes and Harry nods, biting his lip. Louis smiles reassuringly as he reaches for the hem of Harry's tee.

"God, it's been so long since I've done this. It worries me a bit." Harry admits, sitting up and toying with the hem of Louis' tee once his own is off. Louis sits next to Harry and takes his hands in his.

"You know we don't have to do anything, H, right?" Louis tells him and Harry bites his lip so hard Louis thinks he might actually be bleeding. "I'll wait for you to be ready. We can just cuddle tonight, or whatever. We'll do whatever you want us to." He says, kissing Harry's knuckles.

"I just... I want to. I want you, but I don't know. I'm a little scared I guess." Harry shrugs, still looking down.

"It's okay, darling. What about we watch Cars so I can prove you it's better than Shrek?" Louis jokes and Harry lets out a laugh before pushing Louis playfully.

"There's no way you can prove me wrong about Shrek." He snorts. "Besides, it's rather late. Maybe we could just snuggle and talk for a bit?" Harry looks up at Louis and this one smiles and nods.

"Sure, baby." Louis agrees.

The two of them decide to change into their pajamas -which mean in their boxers- and brush their teeth before laying in the bed. Louis is on his back, Harry's head on his naked chest as Louis pets his hair lovingly.

"You know," Louis starts. He has done a lot of thinking lately, as you probably figured, and he thinks right now is a good time to be a little more open with Harry. "You were my first real kiss." He admits shyly.

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