Chapter 41

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In the morning, the only reason why Louis wakes up is because Gemma knocks repeatedly on the bedroom door.

"Wakey, wakey little love birds!" She says from outside.

Louis groans but smiles when he feels Harry's warm skin against his torso. After an endless month during which he woke up cold and alone, he finally has his lover in his arms. The thought makes him grin so wide he has to bury it in Harry's neck, in case it outshine the sun itself.

"Hey, baby." Louis kisses the back of Harry's neck. Harry shudders but hums a response. "Let's get up and shower, yeah?" He adds and feels Harry nod.

They get up, Harry following with his head hanging, his features heavy with sleep. Louis is still a bit tired from jet lag and yesterday since they went to sleep pretty late, but he can't shake the smile off his face.

The first thing that happens when they get out of the bedroom is that they are assaulted by Gemma.

"Hi guys!" She smiles and then scrunches up her nose as she walks past them. "Yeah, go take a shower, you reek of sex. Ew." She shakes her head and leaves.

Harry lets out a discontent noise while Louis chuckles.

"I hate her." Louis hears being mumbled as he closes the bathroom door behind the two of them.

"Fine, but she's kinda right." Louis amends and Harry whines, taking off the only piece of clothing he has on -his boxers- and gets into the shower.

"I know she is, that's why I hate her."

Louis chuckles and follows him in the shower. Harry has his head hanging, the water running down his back. Louis reaches for the shampoo and pours some on his hand before starting to wash Harry's hair softly, massaging his scalp and being careful not to tug. Even if he likes it. The point of the shower is to clean the smell of sweat and come on them, not to add more.

Harry hums and raises his head to glance behind him at Louis, a soft smile hedging his pretty face.

"I like it when you do that." He whispers, voice filled with softness.

"I know."

They shower, taking turns to wash each other's hair. Charles Boyle would say it is one of the most romantic gestures ever, and while he would not be entirely right, he would not be wrong either. Maybe it is not romantic, but Louis loves washing Harry's hair as much as Harry enjoy Louis washing it.

Harry has planned for the four of them to go to the restaurant he told Louis about. Naturally, Harry wants to choose Louis' outfit. Louis knows why. His suspicions are proven right when Harry smiles innocently, pulling a chino as well as a dress shirt out of his wardrobe.

"You have to stop buying me such nice clothes, Harry." He sighs as he looks at the tag. Gucci.

Louis kind of figured out Harry's obsession with Gucci. He would not be surprised if he had a Gucci dress hanging somewhere near his pink flowery suit that they bought on the second day of their trip. Or was it the third? Louis is pretty sure it was the second.

"But I like buying you things." Harry tilts his head as he holds the clothes out for Louis, who accepts them with a light roll of his blue eyes.

"Yes, I know. But I don't like that I can't buy you nice things like that as often as you offer them to me." He admits, starting to dress.

"Hero, come on." Harry groans, walking backwards with a heavy roll of his eyes.

"I know I 'don't have to' but that doesn't mean it doesn't bother me." He shrugs simply, buttoning the shirt up.

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