Chapter 15

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"Are you ready for the best day of your life?" Louis asks Harry, beaming as he drags him inside the amusement park. They had arrived a few moments ago and the guy who let them in -after Louis bought the tickets, as promised- gave them a blue and green bracelet they needed to do the attractions.

Harry whines and shuffles behind Louis. "It's gonna be horrible." He complains with a pout that Louis notices when he looks over his shoulder. Louis rolls his eyes at the annoying curly haired boy.

"I'm sure you'll thank me later." Louis smiles as he walks through the park towards nowhere in particular. He just waits until Harry sees something he is willing to do.

"Why aren't we doing anything?" Harry says as he walks normally now, having stopped acting like a kid and walking beside Louis.

"I'm waiting for you to tell me what you're willing to try." Louis shrugs like it is the obvious answer.

"Oh." Harry raises his eyebrows and looks around. "Um, this one?" Harry says, pointing to a small ride and yeah, he sounded unsure but whatever.

"Okay, let's start slow." He says and walks toward the line which is not really long, fortunately, and Harry does not have time to back off because they are already sitting in a car. "You okay?" Louis asks Harry who is fidgeting with his hand that is not in Louis. Harry nods very unconvincingly and Louis squeezes his hand in what he hopes is reassurance. Harry snaps his head Louis' way and Louis smiles softly at him, which seems to make him relax a bit.

"Yeah, great." he nods and smiles. "Just a bit apprehensive, is all."

"It'll be okay, love." Louis says as the rides begin and Harry has a crease between his brows but otherwise he seems rather calm about it. He does not let go of Louis' hand, though, and Louis likes this.

The ride goes quickly and very well. Even if Harry screams and digs his nails in Louis' hand at the beginning, he soon loosens up and at the end of the ride, he is laughing. Louis is laughing along, of course.

"Wasn't that bad, was it?" Louis says, smiling smugly and Harry rolls his eyes when he sees his expression.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't look so proud, alright?" He says but his little fond smile betrays him. Louis smiles and looks back ahead and away from Harry's face. "So..." Harry starts innocently, swinging their linked hands forwards and back.

"So?" Louis questions, raising his head and looking at Harry's contemplating face.

"My kiss?" He asks with a slight blush, looking everywhere but Louis' way, trying not to sound too eager.

Louis knows he is, though. He would lie if he said he is not, either. He lets out a breathy laugh, retaining Harry from walking further away by his hand. Harry stops and turns to stand in front of Louis who smiles at him softly.

"So that's what you really want, uh?" Louis smirks as he looks up at Harry. Harry looks down at their feet and bites at his bottom lip. Louis is endlessly endeared by the guy in front of him.

"Kinda." Harry finally says quietly, raising a shoulder and Louis shakes his head fondly, bringing his unoccupied hand under Harry's chin to tilt his head up so their eyes meet. When they do, Louis takes a few seconds to look at the different shades in Harry's eyes then he closes his and leans in. His lips meet Harry's and it is the same as the first time. The sparks, the electric feelings in Louis' gut and the attraction.

This is a slow and sweet kiss, their lips moving as if they were only one and Louis is almost shocked at how his lips feel against Harry. They feel like they were curved to fit with Harry's soft and sweet lips. Louis brings his hand which is under Harry's chin to the nape of his neck and tangles his fingers in the hair there. One of Harry's hands snakes around Louis' waist and pulls him closer until there is no space between them.

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