Chapter 14

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"C'mon it'll be fun! You promised me you'd try." Louis says from outside the bathroom.

See, the thing is that Harry pretended he was okay with the idea of going to an amusement park and said he would go get dressed. So, naturally, Louis let him get dressed in the bathroom like any normal human being. But, Harry being some weird, frightened, personification of Bambi, ran and hid in the bathroom at the first given chance.

"It'll be fun?" He almost yells and Louis can imagine his eyes bulging out of his sockets. "And I didn't promise anything!" He counters.

"Dimples, you don't even have to do the big rides. There are other things to do." He says, letting his head fall on the door.

"No, there are not." He says stubbornly and Louis rolls his eyes, letting out a sigh.

"Alright. So I'm going to go without you." He tells Harry and leans away from the door, walking to the front door with loud steps -maybe unnecessarily very loud steps- and opens then closes the door, staying inside the room.

Harry is quiet for a few seconds before he whispers, "Hero?" and Louis can tell he has his ear pressed to the door. Louis quietly walks back to the door and hides behind it.

When Harry probably deems the outside safe, he unlocks the door and opens it slowly. Louis' heart is beating fast in anticipation and he is biting at his lip to hide his grin. He feels like a kid again, ready to make his sisters jump in fear as he startles them.

Harry slowly walks out and looks toward the front door, a frown apparent on his face. Louis takes this opportunity to tackle Harry to the floor on his back, Louis landing on top of him, straddling his hips. And weirdly, this is very reminiscent of yesterday's events, but Louis does not have time to have that thought for long because Harry is letting out a shrill scream and almost punches Louis. Louis widens his eyes and grabs both of his wrists to pin them to the floor, next to Harry's head.

Harry breathes heavily and stares wide eyes at Louis, who stares right back into Harry's eyes.

"What the fuck!" Harry then screams, trying to get out of Louis' grasp. "You could have killed me, you bloody idiot!" He says, still wriggling and Louis can't help but laugh, still not letting go of Harry's wrist.

"Oh my god." He says between laughter. "You're so funny."

"I am funny?" Harry says, seeming bewildered.

"You are." Louis says with a wide grin. Harry narrows his eyes and he is still gaping at Louis, stilling his movement for a second

"I don't know what's funny about you giving me a heart attack!" He says, squirming again under Louis.

"Okay, right. You seem fully alive to me and you're being overly dramatic." Louis says pointedly, accentuating what he says with a tilt of his head.

Harry fake gasps and looks at Louis, affronted. "How dare you tell me I'm dramatic?" He whispers threateningly. Well, Louis guesses he tried to look threatening but all Louis sees is cuteness and a scrunch face that makes him look like a frog. Louis giggles at that thought.

He usually does not giggle. Like, never ever.

Harry's face softens and breaks into a tiny smile he is rather quick to hide, but not quick enough for Louis to miss it.

"Ha- ha!" Louis says winningly. "You smiled! See, you're fully alive and you seem to love life." He adds, and Harry stops wriggling, smiling softly up at Louis.

"Okay, you won." He says and Louis' smile widens, until, "But." Harry adds, smiling mischievously, making Louis' grin turn into a pout. He hates conditions. "I'm not going to that stupid amusement park."

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