Chapter 44

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Until Louis and Harry find a new place -preferably a house-, Louis moves into Harry's flat. Louis is looking for a job, sending off résumé to universities around and in New York, hoping to get a response.

Even if he does not have a job yet, he still has the band and Harry. Now that Louis lives in New York, he can go to rehearsal with them and the band is complete. They perform one or two times at bars, and everyone absolutely loves them and the vibe of their songs. Louis and Liam get praised a lot for Ready To Run.

When Harry is not with the band, he has his job at the bakery and he loves it. Louis does too, since Harry brings home pastries after almost every shift.

Obviously, with Harry working, Louis is alone at home all day until around six, when Harry comes home. So he takes advantage of all this free time to look for houses, clean up the house, play with Kitty Purry -he is aware he said he will never call her that, but he must admit it kinda grew on him- and he even tries new potential hobbies.

One time, when Louis could not sing with the band as he had a sore throat, he stayed home and tried his hand at cooking.

He made homemade tagliatelle with salmon. And he did not mess it up. When Harry stepped a foot inside, he almost fainted at how shocked he was seeing Louis cooking. At least that is what he claimed. Louis had rolled his eyes but he was not a tiny bit annoyed. When Harry tasted it, he almost moaned and he could not stop praising Louis for literal days, considering how bad he originally is at cooking.

One of Louis' new hobbies is working out with Niall. They play footie together along with some of Niall's friends, who soon become Louis', too. Ed also tags along, sometimes. Getting along with him might have been tough at first, but with some time they both started to like each other. Ed is interesting, funny and extremely talented. He is a wonderful songwriter and performer.

Harry is delighted to see them hang out and get along.

Today, after Louis finishes his footie match with Niall and Ed, he goes out to the grocery store.

He is walking through the alleys, looking for tomatoes when he receives a call. He almost does not answer, being busy balancing Kitty's food and some other things while reaching for the tomatoes. He regrets not having taken a bag or a cart.

Finally, he sighs, then puts what he has aside and balances his phone between his ear and shoulder.

"Hello?" Louis says, struggling as he almost drops a jar of jam.

"Hello, I'm John from Suny Westchester University. Is this Louis Tomlinson?" He hears and almost drops everything to the floor.

"Yes, it is!" He answers eagerly. His heart is beating fast in his chest. A smile breaks his face until he remembers that they could call to tell him he does not have the job.

"You sent your résumé a few days ago, if I'm not mistaken, and we are looking for a drama teacher. We have a vacant spot starting next term since our last one decided to retire. We'd like to call you in for an interview, if you're still interested in the job." The guy, John, from Suny Westchester University where Louis really wants to work at, says.

"Of course, yes. I'm free anytime for an interview." He tries to be casual, but inside he is fucking bouncing with excitement.

"Okay, then next Tuesday at nine. You'll just have to go to the desk office and tell the receptionist your name. She will tell you where to go."

"Okay, thank you." He says and hangs up, the biggest smile spreading on his face.

He can't believe it. Oh, God. He has to tell Harry right now. But he cannot call him, he wants to tell him in person. It is too big of a news to be told on the phone. This is so great, Louis wants to hug the first stranger he finds. But mostly, he wants to tell Harry and hug him.

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