Chapter 25

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When Louis wakes up, it is to a cold and empty bed. He frowns and pats around, looking for a muscled body or a mop of curly hair. But he finds nothing. He rubs at his eyes and sits up, his back resting against the headboard. He looks around at the room and expects to see Harry at the desk or on the balcony, but he is nowhere to be seen.

Louis is not going crazy, okay? But he starts to wonder if it was all just a dream and he never met Harry. That would make no sense because if it was a dream then he would have woken up in his own bedroom but also it would make sense because Harry is too perfect to be real.

"Dimples?" He calls but when no one answers, Louis takes his phone from the nightstand. He sighs in relief when under it, there is a little note written on a napkin.

'I'm out to buy us some food :))
I'll come back soon!!! xx'

Louis smiles and checks his phone to see the time. However, he has no time to see it because Lottie's picture pops on his phone to indicate that she is facetiming him. Louis rolls his eyes but answers with a smile on his face.

It is crazy to think how much he misses his family... He spent his whole life with them and never went away so it is pretty normal to feel homesick a little. Except that when he is with Harry, he does not get this feeling that much.

"Louis! Oh my god you're alive!" Lottie says the second Louis accepts the call. Louis rolls his eyes which is a thing he and Lottie do a lot in each other's presence. They still love each other, though.

"Indeed I am. How are you?" He asks, trying not to lead his sister to talk about Harry or anything. But Louis is not so optimistic since he is pretty sure the only reason she called is to know things about Harry.

"Fine, fine, brother." She brushes off quickly before she asks, "How are you?" with a smirk.

Louis inwardly rolls his eyes at his sister's curiosity but answers anyway. "I'm doing fine, the weather is great and I haven't bought you a souvenir yet." He tells her, hoping that she would start complaining and forget to ask questions about Harry.

"Really?" Lottie looks affronted and then huffs. "Alright, you find a guy and then: poof! you spoil him and forget to spoil your favorite sister of ALL TIME!" She throws her arms in the air and shakes her head. "You're the worst." She rolls her eyes.

There she goes. Why does Harry have to do anything with this? "I said 'yet', which means that I am going to." He points it out to her, making her sigh.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." She says and leans closer to the screen, holding her head on her palms. "How's your Disney princess? I don't see him anywhere." Lottie says and Louis sighs, annoyed.

"He's fine." He simply answers with a tight lipped smile.

Maybe he should talk to someone about what is going on with Harry. About his feelings for Harry, more precisely, and his sister would be the best person to talk to because he trusts her more than anyone. But at the same time, in case it does not work out -which is more likely happening- then it would be easier to forget about it without his sister to remind him.

"Tell me more." She inquires, wiggling her eyebrows. "Did you kiss?" She asks and Louis blushes furiously.

"Lottie!" He exclaims and she widens his eyes and squeals.

"You did! You kissed! When? How?" She beams excitedly and Louis would lie if he said that he is not excited to talk about it. After all, it is his sister and he always shared a lot with her. And Harry means a lot to Louis so he really wants to tell someone.

He bites his lips to prevent the biggest grin from appearing on his face and then proceeds to answer.

"In Denver. We were at Pride and then I don't know! We lost each other and we were looking for one another then we tripped and I ended up above him and... He asked me if he could kiss me so obviously I said yes, have you seen him?" He exclaims, his eyes widened because even now it is hard to realize how pretty Harry is.

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