Chapter 3

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"Harry! Wake the fuck up." Louis says, shaking Harry who just groans, not even moving an inch.

Louis curses and runs a hand through his hair. It is 3:37 am and if Harry really wants to see this stupid sunrise he better get his ass of this bed. Louis has been trying to wake him up for the past seven minutes. He is going to splash him with water, he swears.

Wait. It is actually not a bad idea.

Louis runs to the bathroom and grabs a cup that was sitting on the sink before filling it in with water and walking back inside the room. Harry is peacefully sleeping and has no idea what is coming, Louis can tell by the little smile on his face while he is asleep. It is a soft sight. Too bad Louis is going to splash it.

Not gonna lie, he is going to laugh about this for a lifetime. He used to wake Stan up in the morning like this because like Harry, Stan is a deep-sleeper.

Louis smirks and does not waste any more time before flicking his wrist and letting all the water pour on Harry's face. Louis laughs and takes a few steps back because if there is one thing he had learned from Stan is not to stay close to someone you woke up that way.

Harry gasps audibly at the cold water on his face and sits up brutally before looking around and seeing Louis laughing a few feet away. Harry glares at him and pushes his hair, which is now plastered on his forehead, back.

"I'm going to end you." He says, his voice deep and Louis is not even scared because he looks like a puppy even when he is angry. It is endlessly cute.

"I should have recorded that." Louis says between laughs. Harry rolls his eyes and pulls the covers away to walk toward the bathroom.

"What time is it?" He asks from there and Louis hears the water run.

"Around 3:45 a.m." Louis answers and before he can think about anything more he feels the collar of the back of his t-shirt being pulled and icy water running down his back.

"Fuck!" He screams, jumping away as Harry laughs. "You're an idiot!" Louis says and Harry laughs harder.

"Says the one who woke me up with a cup of water to my face." Harry shakes his head but his smile is still on his face.

"Well to be fair I tried to wake you up normally for seven endless minutes before that." Louis replies and narrows his eyes at him.

"I'm a heavy-sleeper, I can't do anything about it." He shrugs. "Anyway, the drive is two hours long, right? Right." He answers himself and claps his hands. "Can I borrow you another underwear please?" Harry says with a way too innocent smile.

"Yes." Louis says. "Take one and hurry the fuck up, I have to go in the bathroom after you and we're leaving at 4:15 at the last."

"Okay." Harry says and just digs into Louis' bag before taking what he needs and going to the bathroom saying: "Thank youuuuu!"

Louis just rolls his eyes and takes his phone to see what time the sun is rising. Turns out it is not for another good three hours so Louis figures they will be okay if they leave on time.

A good ten minutes later, after Louis pounded the bathroom door several times yelling at Harry to hurry, Harry left the room and Louis finally got inside. The first thing he does is take that stupid damp shirt off.

He takes a quick shower, brushes his teeth and then puts on comfortable clothes -it's not like he had any other clothes anyway. He leaves the bathroom and finds Harry lying on his back on the bed with his feet up in the air and the clothes Louis lent him.

"Come on, we're leaving." Louis says as he puts his things in his bag and throws it over his shoulder.

"Yup!" Harry says and leaves the room, only holding a little toothbrush and his clothes from yesterday in his hands.

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