Chapter 12

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Louis wakes up the next morning with a mouthful of Harry's hair. Louis raises his head and uses his free hand that is around Harry's waist to take his hair out of his mouth. Louis looks around and sees that they are in the middle of the bed, which means that both of them moved in their sleep. Which is a good thing. It would be quite embarrassing if it had been Louis who clinged on Harry during the night.

Louis decides he is going to get up and go to the bathroom, but for that, he needs to take his arm back, and his arm is under Harry's head.

Cool cool cool cool cool.

He really needs to get up before Harry awakens because he will probably think that Louis cuddles up to him on purpose -which is not the case- and that would be awkward for both of them.

Louis moves his arm slowly and tries not to move Harry too much while he takes it back. He finally succeeds and Harry is still asleep. This is a win.

Louis sighs to himself and wonders if they will end up like this for the next two nights as well. Not that he is complaining.

On his way to the bathroom, Louis grabs his bag. He does not even bother looking at the time or the weather and just chooses clothes that are still clean. Is there a laundromat here? Because he really needs to wash his clothes and underwear.

Turns out that the clean clothes that he has left is a white tank top and a pair of black very skinny jeans. When he says very he is not exaggerating. They are the tightest jeans he has ever possessed.

He washes himself quickly and dresses. He brushes his teeth and tries to style his hair that is very much dishevelled. Louis tries his best but he does no miracles and his hair is still a mess. He sighs and leaves the bathroom, figuring he will not do any better by ruffling his hair.

Louis sees Harry still asleep on the bed and he seems to shiver a bit. Louis frowns lightly but does not do anything, because what could he do? He takes his phone instead and sits against the headboard on his side of the bed, ankles crossed at the end.

Louis hears Harry make a sound and move in the bed, Louis does not pay it any mind as he scrolls through his instagram, seeing a few pictures of his sisters and his friends. He decides to pay to Harry attention when he feels an arm being thrown over his lap. He looks down and sees Harry with his head a few inches away from Louis' thigh and his arm over his lap.

Oh okay.

Time to wake him up. Yeah. Good decision.

"Dimples." Louis says but Harry just groans and tightens his arm. Why does he always do that? "Hey, Dimples." Louis pokes him in the cheek this time, but all Harry does is scrunch his nose and Louis hates him because it is just so cute.

Why is he adorable like that? It is not fair, much less when Louis is trying to wake him up.

"Harold." He says and Harry rolls away, groaning.

"Don't call me Harold." He complains with a raspy and sleepy voice, rubbing at his eyes. So calling him Harold is the answer to wake him up. Good to know.

"You didn't want to wake up. I had no other choice." Louis shrugs.

"Whatever." Harry sits up and looks at Louis. "Good morning." He smiles and Louis smiles back.

"Good morning, Dimples."

Harry gets up and walks to his suitcase. "What time are we going to Pride?" He asks.

"I don't know, it's up to you." Louis shrugs.

"Let's grab something to eat and then we'll go. It's already noon." He says.

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