Chapter 11

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The drive to Denver goes unbelievably quickly and as expected, Harry drives for six hours straight.

They talked and did not even see the time fly. Especially since they revived their arguments about pancakes and crepes. Louis was honestly surprised and impressed by what Harry had to say. Because he had very much to say. Much more than Louis would have ever thought was possible. In the end Louis gave in and said that those were two different things.

But they did not only talk about pancakes -mostly because it took at least a good hour and a half- they also talked about Harry's job, pastries and what they both did in their freetimes.

Harry likes golf, fashion, music -obviously- but he also writes songs and even if Louis is really annoying, Harry still refuses to let him listen or read. Apparently Harry also is very sappy. When Louis says sappy, he is not even exaggerating. Harry loves reading romances and most of the films he watches are romances. But Louis should have guessed that Harry was cheesy when he told him his top 5 favorite Taylor Swift songs of the moment were:

1- Daylight
2- Paper rings
3- My tears ricochet
4- Enchanted
5- Better than revenge

The third one is actually very depressing and the fifth lowkey sexist but we will not mention that, because it is a masterpiece.

Whatever, the point is that Harry is a cheesy bastard and his biggest dream is to find his lover like in books, accidentally falling on each other or love at first sight. But Louis is quite the opposite. Not that he does not dream about finding someone with whom he can have a relationship with but he knows life is not a movie so he does not get his standards too high.

Anyways, even as they walk in a very expensive looking hotel that Louis could never afford but Harry insisted they go, Harry is talking passionately about his ideal love story.

"You know, like, imagine I walk in a library." Louis rolls his eyes and keeps walking toward the reception where there are already a few people. He also makes sure to have a grip on Harry's shirt because this one is so into what he is saying that he does not look where he walks. "And just there is the person I need. We make eye contact and then I look at the book they're reading and it turns out to be my favorite one!"

"Careful." Louis says, tugging at Harry's shirt to prevent him from stepping on a bag that someone dropped. Harry does not even notice.

"And so I give my opinion about the book and my favorite character and then he thinks the opposite so we go into a debate for why or why not the character is the best and we end up talking for hours and then we kiss!"

"That's very cheesy, Dimples." Louis says, coming to a stop behind two people who are asking for a bedroom. "Maybe a bit too much." He finishes, releasing his grip on Harry.

"It's the perfect love story." Harry counters and the people in front of them leave with a key in hand.

Louis steps forward and smiles at the receptionist "Hello, we'd like to book a room with two beds for three nights." He says.

The receptionist smiles sadly at them and says, "I'm sorry sir, the last room with two beds had just been taken. We only have rooms with one bed left."

"Oh." Louis says and turns to Harry to whisper, "We can look for another hotel if you want?" but Harry shakes his head.

"I don't mind sharing a bed. We can just stay on our side." He shrugs. "But if you don't want to, it's okay."

Okay so Louis was not expecting that. He knows it does not mean anything. And they already slept together anyway. It was a totally different situation and they ended up cuddling but it does not matter. Okay. Right.

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