Chapter 8

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Harry comes back around 7:20 and wakes Louis up. He has bought a bottle of red wine, and crisps.

"Did you enjoy the walk?" Louis asks him, stretching. Harry nods and starts digging into his bag, taking out one of the sweatshirts he bought yesterday.

"It was great. A bit of fresh air and music." He says, turning back to Louis. "You should take a sweater. It'll probably be cold up there." Harry says and he has a point.

"I don't have any sweaters, actually." Louis says. Harry blinks and sighs, trying to be annoyed, but Louis sees his lips twitch.

He goes back to digging into his bag and takes out a beige jumper then he throws it Louis' way. Louis catches it.

"Thanks but you didn't have to." Louis smiles at him but still puts it on. The jumper is too big for him, it falls slightly over his shoulders and the sleeves are too long. He rolls the sleeves a bit so it does not go beyond his wrists.

"Aw." Louis snaps his head in Harry's direction and sees him with a stupid grin on his face. "You look so tiny, Hero. That's so cute." He says, reaching a hand to pat Louis' cheek.

Louis's cheeks heat furiously at the fact that Harry called him cute and also because of the small pat. Louis grabs Harry's wrist and lowers it, giving him a playful glare, hoping the blush is not too evident. But seeing the smirk on Harry's face, it probably is.

"Let's go Hero, the sun will set soon." Harry says, grabbing a bag and two glasses and going towards the door. Louis follows him and they leave.

They look through the hotel in search of the door which leads to the roof. They finally find it and as expected, there is a sign saying 'Roof access. No trespassing' but also as expected, Louis does not pay it any mind. 

"I'm not sure it's a good idea." Harry says and Louis turns to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Really now?" He says. "It was your idea." Louis reminds him.

Harry shrugs and plays mindlessly with his ring. He says, "Yeah but I'm not sure."

Louis rolls his eyes and grabs Harry's hand, the contact making both of them visibly shiver. Louis does not let that occupy his mind and just pushes the door open. He pulls on Harry's hand and they step outside. They are met with a view of the mountains and Louis knows that the sunset is going to be beautiful.

The door closes itself behind them and they walk toward the edge of the roof. Their hands are still in each other's and neither of them really realize until they sit. Louis takes his hand back at the same time as Harry does.

"Sorry." Louis smiles sheepishly. He does not know why he is apologizing, really.

"S'alright." Harry smiles kind of shyly and Louis believes he is blushing too.

Louis turns his head back to the view displayed in front of them. It really is cool. The sun is not setting yet, but he is low in the sky.

Harry sighs and Louis hears him dig through the paper bag to take out the bottle and two glasses. In their room, there were not any wine glasses so Harry took the water ones instead.

"Ta-da." Harry smiles, holding the bottle of red wine up. Louis smiles at him as Harry pours a generous amount in each of their glasses. He hands one to Louis with a grin and takes his own, directing his attention to the scenery.

Louis does the same and takes a sip of his wine. Louis usually is not that fond of wine, but this one is good, he has to admit it.

The sun is slowly starting to set, the sky and clouds turning shades of purple, orange and pink. Louis closes his eyes and tilts his head back to let the last rays of sun warm his face.

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