Chapter 27

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They can hardly keep their hands to themself as they walk through Santa Monica towards their hotel. Sometimes, Louis stops Harry to kiss him and other times it is the other way around. When they finally get to the hotel, they both hurriedly make their way upstairs and to their room, giggling like idiots. Once they step inside their room and the door closes, Louis grabs Harry's thighs and the younger man jumps and wraps his legs around Louis' waist.

While they make out, Louis tries his best to guide them to the bed and if he bumps into a few items, he does not really mind. Louis feels his knees bump into the mattress and he unceremoniously drops Harry on it, making him chuckle as he grabs Louis' collar and kisses him again. Harry's hands soon start looking for the hem of Louis' tee and he takes it off. Louis eagerly takes Harry's stupid cute shirt off and then starts working on his jeans, nearly tearing them like an animal. Harry laughs and does the same to Louis' jeans.

Soon enough, the two of them are only in their boxers and their lips find their way back to each other. They are both getting worked up, their hands and lips exploring each other's body.

"God, Lou." Harry breathes, one of his hands grasping the sheets and the other in Louis' hair as Louis works his tongue over Harry's hard nipple. "You're driving me so fucking crazy I might die if I don't get you inside me soon." He moans and Louis decides to no longer tease Harry's nipple and instead he pushes himself off of Harry and walks to their suitcases.

"Do you have lube? Condoms?" Louis asks and Harry nods eagerly, making Louis smirk. Harry kind of had this planned, didn't he?

"In the front pocket." He impatiently says, leaning on his elbows to shoot Louis an urgent look. "Hurry!" He says and lets himself fall back down on the bed.

"Yes sir." Louis rolls his eyes fondly and bends down to take the lube and the condoms. He hurries back to the bed and kisses Harry's lips softly before taking off Harry's boxers and throwing them carelessly on the floor. Harry blushes as he looks at Louis who stares very openly at Harry's cock.

"Do something!" Harry whines, covering his face with his hands and Louis chuckles. Gently, Louis starts kissing Harry's inner thigh, making Harry open his legs more and more as he lets out little puffs of air.

When Louis reaches his cock, he looks up at Harry who is staring at the ceiling, waiting for Louis to finally do something. Louis smiles and looks at Harry in all his beautiful naked glory before boldly licking the underside of Harry's hard cock. Harry lets out a loud gasp which turns into a moan when Louis takes him in his mouth. Louis bobs his head a few times, enjoying the feeling of Harry in his mouth and by the sounds Harry lets out and the way he tugs at Louis' hair, Louis guesses Harry enjoys it just as much.

Louis pulls away with a 'pop' when Harry tells him he is close. Louis opens the lube and puts some on his fingers. He climbs up on the bed until he is over Harry and he kisses him as his hand finds its way to Harry's hole. Harry lets out a shaky breath against Louis' lips and wraps both his arms around his neck.

Louis smiles sweetly at Harry, looking for any sign of discomfort in his lover's face but finds none. He just sees lust, anticipation and excitement. Harry' hand finds its way to Louis' cheek, softly rubbing at the skin as they lose themselves into each other's eyes. Harry' mouth opens and his eyes close when Louis' finger enters his hole. Harry is still a bit loose from this morning, which makes it easier to move inside of him.

Louis peppers every centimeter of Harry's skin he can reach as he slowly and carefully works him open. He adds a second finger when Harry asks him to, and then scissors and curls his fingers, trying to find Harry' sweet spot. Harry pants and moans in Louis' ear and every single sound goes straight to Louis' cock.

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