Chapter 31

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Today is the day. Louis is leaving for New York in a few minutes. He just has to wait a little to get on board and then he is going to see Harry.

Louis is nervous. He has been thinking about what he is going to say for the past five days and honestly, nothing feels good enough. No word can express how much Harry means to him and it sucks.

He will think about it while being in the plane for five hours -or maybe he is going to get some sleep because he has not slept correctly for five days- then in the taxi on his way to Harry's.

Right at that moment, someone speaks over the speaker to say his plane is here and they have to get onboard. Louis gets up from his seat and grabs his bag. He walks to the line to show his ticket and passport before he is allowed in. The next thing is, he is seated in his seat on the plane and he is only five hours away from Harry.

Unfortunately for Louis, during his five hours of travel, he cannot do anything he planned on doing because of a very talkative lady who talks to him. Louis is polite so he listens but most of the time his thoughts wander back to Harry.

What if when he sees him he stays frozen in place and can't say anything? What if he just stares at Harry? Louis does not know how it will go and it stresses him out even more.

He will arrive at Harry's at around three and a half in the afternoon if he is lucky and catches a taxi quickly. Right now, when he walks out of the airport, it is almost three.

Louis gestures to a taxi when he sees one and thankfully, it stops. He climbs in and gives Harry's address. Louis has around twenty five minutes to stop stressing out and sweating. Because it is kind of gross.

To occupy his mind, he decides to send a text to his mum telling her he is in New York and still alive. He sends a text to Lottie after.

Louis: i'm seeing Harry in less than an hour i'm shitting myself rn

Lottie: i was waiting for your text
Lottie: it's gonna be okay. apologize and give him the ring and then prove him every single day from then that he means everything to you
Lottie: as simple as that
Lottie: don't mess up AGAIN

Louis can do that. He can. Definitely. He just has to tell Harry he is sorry and he loves him and regrets being a stupid asshole. As easy as that. Easy peasy. Cool cool cool.

"You're here, sir." The taxi man says and Louis snaps out of his thoughts. He thanks the man, takes his bag, pays him and the man is gone.

Louis takes a deep breath and stares at the big building in front of him. Louis kind of forgot Harry was rich. Louis can almost see Central Park from where he is.

Closing his eyes, Louis takes a deep breath. He can do this. He has to. Ed gave Louis the code number so he could climb up and actually knock on his door. He also told Louis he did that in case Harry would slam the door in his face so Louis would be able to feel the hurt of rejection like Harry did. If Harry were to slam the door in his face, which Louis hopes he will not.

Louis walks closer to the door and types in the code. The door opens. Louis pushes it and calls the lift before stepping inside. He presses the button for the seventh floor, the door closes and opens again mere seconds later. Louis walks through the corridor all the way to apartment thirty six.

Louis stares at the number and decides to check on his phone it is the good one. He knows it is because he looked at Harry's address countless times but he is trying to gain some time. It is the good number.

Louis breathes in and out a few times, trying to calm down his pounding heart. It does not really work. Louis stands straighter, changes his mind and stands a little less straight because it feels too forced.

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