Chapter 48

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The morning of May 28th of the next year gets Louis pacing in joggers in his hotel room.

He is in England, Kent more precisely, because he is getting married today in a super cool venue Harry found randomly one day.

They were looking for a venue, but rather in the US, not really having thought of going abroad. That, until Harry found this venue and just exclaimed, "This is it! This. Is. It."

So Louis had taken a look and upon seeing the venue, he could only agree. It is beautiful. It's called The Garden, and there is a fucking gazebo.

But now, there he is, in his own hotel room not too far from the venue, pacing and biting at his nails. He is nervous. So, so, so nervous. Don't get him wrong, he is having absolutely no second thought, not when involves Harry. Ever.

And there is no but, he is just extremely nervous because he is getting married.

They have been in England since last week, so they got to visit some museums, as per Harry's request. Louis has to admit he quite likes them now. The greatest part of their time was spent walking around the city and drinking tea outside.

As if teared out of his thoughts, Louis whips his head in the direction of the door when he hears three knocks. He walks and looks into the peephole, only to see his mum on the other side. He sighs in relief, but he is also a little disappointed.

For some reason, some cliché or something, Harry and Louis can't see each other until the wedding this afternoon. That means they slept separately so they can get ready and blah, blah, blah. So Louis misses him. He kind of hoped it would be him.

He opens the door, hugging his mum as soon as she steps in.

"Cuddly this morning, aren't you?" She teases. "You already miss him that much?"

With his head still buried in her neck, he nods. "Yes. And I'm also very fucking nervous." He says as he lets go of her.

She smiles softly and cups his face. "You're going to be a great husband, Boo. Everything will go just fine." She tells him and Louis takes a deep breath.

"Yeah, you're right. And I've still got time to prepare mentally, the wedding's in more than five hours. Perfect."

In reality, the prospect of having to wait to marry the love of his life annoys him quite a lot.

"When's Zayn set to arrive? I think you might need your friend." She pats his cheek and walks around him to go to the bed, where Louis' suit is neatly put in a thing that is supposed to protect it.

Louis still thinks he could have just hang it in the wardrobe but when he suggested that, his mum almost murdered him.

Louis wonders how Harry will be dressed. Harry had refused to tell him, for tradition, and Louis couldn't -still can't- stop wondering.

"In, um." Louis takes a look at his imaginary watch then back up at his mum. "Any minute now, I think?"

As if on cue, someone knocks.

"Must be him." He says as he opens the door, finding Zayn to be on the other side. "Hey mate."

Zayn smiles at him and walks inside, waving at Jay. "Hey, Jay." He pecks her cheek and she grins at him.

"Hi, Darling. I'll leave you with him." She pats his shoulder and attempts to whisper, "He is a nervous wreck."

"Hey!" Louis frowns, offended. Zayn laughs and replies, "I can see that."

Louis flicks his forehead and Jay laughs, leaving with, "See you later, boys."

As she closes the door, Louis lets himself fall onto the bed, groaning. Zayn, his best man, only chuckles and hangs Louis' suit on the bathroom door.

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