Strange Encounter

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Once again, this idea was from a rp me and my online friend did. I don't know if they would be comfortable with me telling their user so I won't say it, but if they want to reveal their user they can reply in the comments, the credits go to them!

I hope you enjoy! :D


It was a normal day in the Kingdom. The villagers were shopping, the knights were training and the children were playing with each other.

Espresso got up from his seat. He made his way over to his coffee machine and made himself some coffee. He had been working for a long time today and decided to take a short break.

He grabbed a book from his book shelf and started reading it. He looked out the window, it was a sunny day. Sunlight was good for him. He closed his book and went over to his coffee machine.

He drank some of the coffee and groaned, "It needs some work, but I suppose it will do."

He drank the rest of his coffee and headed outside. He adjusted his slightly broken glasses and walked around.

Meanwhile, Madeleine was talking with his family at the dining hall.

Pure Vanilla, Madeleine's grandfather and Madeleine's mother, Vanilla Madeleine Cookie(Or Vanilla MC for short) were discussing about a few duties they had today.

Custard and Cream Puff were eating their breakfast. Madeleine had already finished his and started washing the plate.

"Madeleine, dear, when are you going to get a lover?" Vanilla MC asked, walking towards Madeleine. He shrugged and continued to wash the plate.

"Cmon, you know I won't judge you if you have a crush on a girl, boy, non-binary, and others! But, if your not ready for a relationship, I understand, dear!" Vanilla MC patted Madeleine on the shoulder.

"Mom, I know that you and the others are supportive of me being Pansexual, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to confess to him yet.." Madeleine blushed as he said that.

He placed the plate on the counter, "Besides, even if Espresso is gay, I don't think he would like me back!" Madeleine continued.

"Madeleine, I'm sure Espresso would love you! Don't let your insecurities get the best of you! And even if he doesn't, there are still plenty of other cookies in the sea!" Vanilla MC hugged Madeleine and smiled at him.

"Thanks, mom. I needed to hear that," Madeleine hugged back. He checked the time, "Oh, I have to get going now, I'll see you when I get back!" Madeleine started walking away and waved goodbye to Vanilla MC.

She waved back. Madeleine smiled and made his way out of the castle. When he reached the front gates, the guards greeted him. He didn't want to be disrespectful so he greeted them back and continued walking.

When Madeleine got passed the front gates, he smiled. He always like it when the Kingdom was quiet, too much noise and he would have a small panic attack.

He walked down one of the nearby paths to town. He hoped that he could see Espresso today, even if it was only for a split second.

When Madeleine had reached town, he noticed a lot of cookies turned their attention to him. They started greeting him and complimenting him. Madeleine smiled, a group of female cookies went up to Madeleine and started asking him questions.

"How does it feel to be part of the Royal family and to be the Knight Commander at the same time? I bet it feels amazing!" One of them said, "When are you getting a girlfriend, Madeleine? If you are still single, you can give me a call!"

Madeleine socialised with the cookies a bit until he saw a familiar cookie. He took this as an opportunity to leave the group of female cookies due to him being uncomfortable.

He walked over to Espresso and smiled, "Good morning, Espresso!" Madeleine greeted. Espresso smiled slightly at him.

"Good morning to you to, Madeleine. Just one question, why do you always end up bumping into me? It's as if the universe wants us to meet up or something."

Madeleine chuckled, "Well, maybe we're just lucky!" "No, you are lucky, I am not." Espresso meant that as a joke but Madeleine felt a bit hurt front that comment.

"Oh, alright, uhm.." Madeleine was trying to not make the conversation awkward. He looked at Espresso's face and noticed that his glasses were broken.

"Hey, do you need me to buy you new glasses? I don't think it's good to keep broken glasses." Espresso shook his head, "No, and don't think about giving me money to buy them. I wouldn't want to be caught dead with a dollar."

Madeleine was slightly confused but understood. "Well, would you like to go for lunch tomorrow? I'm free at that time so I think it should be fine, right?" Espresso thought for a moment and then mumbled something.

"..If I'm still alive at that time...." Madeleine couldn't hear what Espresso said, "Uhm, I didn't really hear what you said, can you repeat that?"

Espresso shrugged it off, "No, it was nothing, it's not important so you shouldn't worry about it." Madeleine grew a bit concerned but nodded.

Espresso looked at his watch, "I have to get going now, I'll see you tomorrow, Madeleine." before Madeleine could say anything else, Espresso walked past him.

Madeleine knew that it wasn't a good idea, but he decided to follow Espresso.

Espresso wasn't taking his usual way home today. It was a different route. He kicked one of the rocks on the path and looked behind him. Madeleine quickly hid, luckily, Espresso didn't notice him.

"I will surely get burnt, even if his family made it illegal..." Espresso mumbled out. Madeleine was slightly shocked but continued to listen.

"..My warrant from death was signed long ago, there is nothing I can do about it, I just hope Madeleine wouldn't get to upset about my death."

Madeleine gasped. Espresso walked into his house and locked the door. Madeleine didn't know what to do or say so he went back home.

He was silent for the rest of the day. It was quite unusual, but no one questioned him.

Madeleine barely managed to fall asleep that night. He just wanted Espresso to be alright.


End of Chapter 1! I'll try posting one Chapter and 1 Oneshot a day!

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