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Vanilla MC noticed that Madeleine and Espresso were extremely happy the past few days. She didn't have a problem with it, it was just slightly unusual.

Especially since Espresso was smiling everywhere he went. Latte and the children at Espresso's school was slightly confused since Espresso was being so happy and bubbly.

It was definitely unusual. Vanilla MC was wiping one of the plates that she had just finished washing. Cream Puff and Custard were playing in the garden like usual. Pure Vanilla was at the balcony, looking at the view of the kingdom.

Then, Vanilla MC had a realisation, "Madeleine!" She yelled. Madeleine ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, "Yes, mother?" he asked. Vanilla MC smirked, "Soo, when's the wedding?" She asked, looking at Madeleine.

"Uhm, in a few mon- wait a second, how do you know that me and Espresso are getting married?!" Vanilla MC giggled, "Hah! I knew it! You are going to marry Espresso!!"

Madeleine blushed, he hid his face behind his hair as his mother laughed. Espresso heard some noise and went downstairs, "Is something wrong?" he asked, looking at Vanilla MC.

"Nothing! It's just, I'm so happy that you two are getting married!" She said, wiping a tear away from her eye. Espresso smiled nervously, blushing a little, "Well, he proposed to me a few days ago, so the wedding isn't going to happen until a few months later."

Vanilla MC nodded, "No wonder why you were so happy these past few days, Espresso! I could only imagine the moment Madeleine proposed to you!"

"Mommm..." Madeleine mumbled. Espresso chuckled and walked over to him, "You idiot, now I'm going to be stuck with you for the rest of my life." Espresso kissed Madeleine on the cheek, making Madeleine blush.

"Would you like me to prepare the wedding cake orrrr.." Vanilla MC looked at them, "Hm, not right now." Espresso said. He looked over at his fiancé, "Me and this idiot need to discuss something."

Espresso dragged Madeleine upstairs to their room. Madeleine looked at him, confused, "Babe, what are we discussing?" He asked, looking at Espresso.

"Sit down on the bed first." Madeleine nodded and sat down on their bed. Espresso closed the door and sat down next to him.

"Soooo, what are we discussing?" Madeleine looked at Espresso, "Well, you know how I cover the right side of my face, right?" Madeleine nodded, "Would you still love me if I showed you why I covered it?" He held Espresso's hand, "Of course! I don't care about your looks, Espresso. I love you because you're you!"

Espresso blushed, he smiled and looked away, "Well, it's because of my right eye. It's something that I was born with, and when I showed it to Spirit, he said it was disgusting."

Madeleine tilted his head, "I'm sure that it isn't that bad! And don't listen to what that bitch says, his opinion isn't valid when it comes to you!" Espresso looked back at Madeleine, blushing.

"A-Alright, but I warned you.." Madeleine brushed some of the hair away from the right side of Espresso's face and chuckled once he saw Espresso's eye, "It looks lovely. I think that it's really unique!" Espresso was slightly shocked, "But my eye doesn't have any pupils or colour.."

Madeleine shook his head, "It's beautiful. I'm not saying this because I am you're fiancé, I'm saying this because it's true." Espresso scoffed and looked away, "Hmph, idiot, always making me fall for you further."

Madeleine kissed the top of Espresso's head, "I'm just telling the truth, babe." Espresso looked down, "Would you like to see it more often?" Madeleine nodded, "Yes!" Espresso chuckled at how excited Madeleine was.

"Fine, fine. I'll only show it to you, though." Madeleine punched the air, Espresso rolled his eyes and kissed Madeleine's cheek. He was surprised but ended up blushing and looking away, "Aww, you're so cute when you're flustered!~"

That made Madeleine blush even more, he used his hair to cover up his face. Espresso brushed some of the hair away from Madeleine's face, "Cutie.." Madeleine was internally screaming.

Espresso sighed, "Well, I should probably go work on my experiments. I don't want to, but I have to. Sorry, Mads." Madeleine looked back at Espresso, his face looked sad. Espresso felt guilty, "Don't give me the puppy eyes, dear.."

Madeleine didn't cooperate. He gave Espresso the puppy eyes, making him feel even more guilty. Madeleine leaned his head against Espresso's chest, "Don't gooo, you're so comfy.."

Espresso blushed. Madeleine wrapped his arms around Espresso's waist and snuggled closer to him. Espresso sighed, "I guess I can stay for a little while longer." He wrapped one of his arms around Madeleine, his free hand was petting Madeleine's head.

"Your hair is really soft, Maddie." Espresso said. Madeleine looked up at him and smiled, "If you want, you can play with it! I don't mind if it's youu.." Espresso chuckled. He played with some of Madeleine's hair.

Madeleine giggled, "This feels nicee.." He snuggled closer to Espresso, he didn't realise that Espresso had gotten really flustered.

Espresso thought to himself, 'What did I do to end up with an angel like you?' Madeleine looked back at Espresso, "You're face is really pretty." Madeleine moved his face closer to Espresso's, "What are you doing?" Espresso asked, slightly flustered.

Madeleine kissed Espresso on the lips. He pulled away and giggled, "That tasted sweeter than usual!" Espresso gently smack Madeleine on the head, "OW! That hurts..." Madeleine placed his hands on his head.

"Idiot," Espresso looked away, "Always saying such weird and flirty stuff." Madeleine pouted, "All I'm saying is the truth!" Espresso rolled his eyes and poked Madeleine's cheek, "If that's the case, then the truth is ridiculous."

Madeleine gasped, "How dare you!" He looked away, offended. Espresso scoffed, "Alright, you big baby. I have to go work, stay here or go train or something because I am not coming back soon."

He sighed, "Fine. I guess I can't stop you from work forever.." Madeleine looked down, slightly upset. Espresso sighed, he kissed Madeleine's forehead, "Don't be upset, I'm not going to be gone for a eternity."

Madeleine groaned. He fell back onto the bed, slightly upset.

"Alright, I'll come back up at around 5pm. It's already 3:30pm, so you just have to wait a hour and a half. If I am not back before 5:15pm, then you can come downstairs and pick me up, alright?" Madeleine nodded. Espresso stood up and walked over to the door.

"I love you." Espresso said, making Madeleine smile, "I love you too!" Espresso smiled at Madeleine and left the room.


My cousins were playing with me again. I promise I'll post more often during weekdays until my holiday is over :)

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