Flustered Mess

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Madeleine was finally aloud to head back to the castle. Espresso was going to pick him up later.

The nurses told Madeleine to be more careful when going outside. He nodded and they left him alone. He changed out of the hospital outfit and into his armor.

He looked over at the gifts his family had brought for him. There were flowers, cards, letters and pictures.

He smiled, but then he saw a unusual gift. It was a small box, black in colour. It looked like it was made to keep jewellery in.

Madeleine's curiosity got the better of him. He opened the small box slowly and gasped when he saw what was inside.

It was a ring. It had a small white crystals surrounding the main part of the ring. It was a diamond ring. Madeleine looked at the small note that was on the box.

It is your mother, Vanilla MC here! Recently, I have noticed you and Espresso had been really REALLY close together. I know that it has been barely a year since you started dating, but I wanted to prepare beforehand.

This is a diamond ring as you can see, the reason why I bought this was so that you could propose to Espresso. Your relationship is honestly better than most of the ones I have seen so I thought that I could get you this!

Don't tell Espresso about it, though. It's a secret. Propose when you are ready to, Madeleine.

-Mom <3'

Madeleine blushed. He could feel his heart beating faster. He closed the box and shoved it into one of the bags that the infirmary provided for him.

He tried calming down, but it didn't work. He shoved some of the cards and letters into the bag, trying to cover up the box at the bottom.

Madeleine gently placed the flowers and pictures at the very top. He sighed. He felt slightly guilty that he shoved the box all the way to the bottom so he reached in and grabbed it.

He placed it on the very top of the pile and sighed, "Why does my mom have to do this to meeee?" He covered his face with his hair and sighed.

There was a knock on the door, "Come in!" Espresso opened the door, Madeleine blushed and his heart started to beat faster.

Espresso chuckled, "What's the matter, Madeleine? You seem pretty flustered to see me!" Madeleine shook his head, "N-nothing! Just something on my mind."

Espresso seemed curious, "What is on your mind, Madeleine? I want to know. You can tell me, no worries!" Madeleine blushed even more. He looked away from Espresso.

Espresso noticed the bag Madeleine was carrying. He looked around and saw that all the gifts were gone. He looked at Madeleine, "Was it one of the gifts? Did your mother put a embarrassing photo on the table?"

Madeleine shook his head, "It's one of the gifts, but it wasn't an embarrassing photo. I can't tell you, though." Espresso understood.

"Cmon, dork. Let's head back to the castle!" Madeleine nodded, he held Espresso's hand and they walked out of the room.

The walk back to the castle was pretty silent, surprisingly. Usually, Madeleine would be talking about stuff and complimenting Espresso but he was quiet today.

Too quiet.

Espresso groaned, "Alright, Mads, whats the problem? You are unusually quiet and flustered today. Did something happen that I didn't know about?" Madeleine blushed a bit. He shook his head, "It's nothing, I promise!"

Espresso could tell Madeleine was lying, "Madeleine, you know you can tell me anything, I'm your boyfriend, silly. Now, what's the problem?"

Madeleine kept silent. Espresso scoffed, "Cmon, dear, you can tell me." Madeleine still didn't say anything.

"Hm, are you uncomfortable with telling me? It's alright if you are, but just know that I'll always be available if you need someone to talk to!" Madeleine smiled at Espresso, "Thank you, Espresso." Espresso nodded and they continued walking.

Fortunately, Madeleine wasn't as quiet now. He was still flustered, but he was atleast starting up conversations unlike just now.

Espresso chuckled when Madeleine would try to show off. He liked how overly confident Madeleine was, he thought it was cute.

Espresso continued to listen to Madeleine talk, "And this once time, while you were away from the Kingdom for a few days, me and my comrades managed to slay a dragon! Can you believe it?! We slayed a dragon!" Espresso laughed. Madeleine looked at him, confused, "Sorry, it's just I really like it when you talk so much. I honestly find it cute!"

Madeleine blushed again. He hid his face in embarrassment. Espresso walked closer to him and moved some of the hair away. He chuckled when he saw how flustered Madeleine was.

Espresso kissed Madeleine on the cheek, he blushed but smiled at Espresso, "You're such a cute dork, you know that?" Madeleine could feel his heart racing.

"Uhm, y-yeah.." Espresso noticed that Madeleine was now extremely nervous. He knows that something is wrong with Madeleine, but he doesn't want to make him uncomfortable so he doesn't question it.

He held Madeleine's hand and started dragging him back to the castle. He blushed but he let Espresso drag him. He didn't know why he felt so nervous around Espresso now, it was like he became his past self when he was still crushing on Espresso.

Espresso noticed that Madeleine had gone quiet again. He scoffed, but decided to let him stay like that. He didn't want to force Madeleine to talk if he didn't want to.

They had reached the castle, but Madeleine didn't realise it. Espresso coughed to get Madeleine's attention. He snapped out of it and looked at Espresso, "We're here, Madeleine."

Madeleine nodded. Espresso dragged him inside. All that Madeleine could think of was that small box from his mother. He did in fact thought of proposing to Espresso soon, but he didn't really have the courage to.

Espresso dragged him to their room. He closed the door and pushed Madeleine onto the bed. He was surprised but didn't question it.

Espresso pinned him against the bed, "Uhm, E-Espresso, what are you d-doing?" Madeleine got flustered, he looked away from Espresso.

"You idiot, you always have to make me worried about you, don't you?" Madeleine was shocked, "You worry about me?"

Espresso glared at him, "Of course I worry about you, dork. I was crying over your death for weeks, I would try to make you happy and keep you safe and you think that it is all for fun?" Madeleine shook his head.

"Then, why are you acting so strangely? I'm worried about that, you know. You weren't like this when we were at the infirmary, but when I decided to pick you up, you become a flustered mess. It's like you became your past self before we started dating."

Madeleine stayed silent, he looked away from Espresso. "Madeleine, look at me." He refused. Espresso forced Madeleine's face to face him and kissed him.

He was shocked, Espresso pulled away, "Don't act like this around me. I am your boyfriend, not your friend that you are crushing on." Madeleine nodded. Espresso smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Good, now change out of your armor, I want cuddles." Espresso got off of Madeleine. He nodded and stood up, walking over to the closet to change.

He walked back over to Espresso and sat next to him, wrapping his arms around his waist and burying his face into Espresso's neck.

Espresso chuckled, "Yeah, this is what I prefer, the Madeleine who would have the guts to do stuff like this." Espresso took out a book and started reading it, playing with some of Madeleine's hair while doing so.


Sorry that this came out late, I was playing with my cousin.

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