Moving In

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Espresso woke up early that day. Madeleine was still asleep, he didn't get much rest due to night watch yesterday. Espresso chuckled and petted Madeleine's head before getting up and changing into new clothes.

He went downstairs to look at the amount of damage Spirit had dealt to his house. Luckily, the laboratory didn't get trashed. The kitchen and the living room was torn up and there was rubbish everywhere.

The walls had holed in them and papers were scattered everywhere. Espresso sighed. He cleaned up the house and threw all the rubbish away. He went over to his laboratory and started packing his notes and other items that could fit in his bag.

He was planning on teleporting the bigger items such as his desk and machines once he had explored the castle.

Espresso finished packing his notes, pens and some of the smaller equipment into his bag. He stretched for a bit and yawned.

He heard footsteps, Madeleine was dressed up in his armor and was pretty tired. Espresso chuckled, "You could've slept in, you know? You don't have any training or duties today."

Madeleine groaned, "Can we just get the moving part over with?...." Espresso rolled his eyes, "Hmph, you seem pretty tired. Would you like me to carry you?"

Madeleine was slightly shocked. He blushed a bit before he answered, "Fine, I am sleepy anyways." Madeleine felt Espresso pick him up bridal style. He wrapped his arms around Espresso's neck and smiled.

"Cmon, let's head to the castle. I'll ask someone there to give me a tour. You, on the other hand, will go to sleep." Madeleine shook his head, "Noo, I don't wanna sleep, I wanna give you a tour...."

Espresso shook his head, "Nope, its fine, you'll go to sleep." Madeleine groaned, but he couldn't find an excuse to not sleep so he just stayed quiet.

Espresso walked outside. He used some magic to close the door and casted a spell to start flying. They reached the castle after 5 minutes and he flew down.

He could hear Madeleine snoring. He chuckled a bit and went through the front gates. The guards didn't question him.

He used magic to open the door and he went upstairs. He looked for Madeleine's room. "Oh, there it is!" there was a room that had the name 'Madeleine' on the door.

Espresso opened the door with his magic. He sighed, the room looked exactly like it did when Madeleine brought him here during the incident two months ago.

He set Madeleine down on the bed, removing his armor so that he would be more comfortable. Espresso walked over to the closet and placed his clothes there. He unpacked the two plushies and set them down on the bed.

He placed some of his pens on the desk that was in the room. Madeleine's diary and a few papers were left on the table, "Hm, maybe he writes stuff here."

Espresso closed the door after he covered Madeleine with the blanket. He walked downstairs. There was some noise coming from eh dining room. Espresso opened the door and saw Madeleine's family there.

"Uhm, hello?" Espresso said. They turned their attention to him and smiled, "Principal Espresso!" Cream Puff and Custard said. Pure Vanilla waved at Espresso and Vanilla MC smiled.

"So you are my son's boyfriend, its a pleasure to meet you," Vanilla MC said, she stood up and shaked Espresso's hand.

"I heard about what happened yesterday, are you alright, Espresso?" Pure Vanilla asked, standing up and walking towards him.

"Yeah, I am fine. Just a few injuries. If Madeleine hadn't come as backup with the royal guards, I would probably be hurt even more." Vanilla MC sighed in relief.

"I heard that you are planning on moving into the castle. Have you already packed your things?" she asked. Espresso nodded, "The rest of my stuff will be teleported here."

Vanilla MC smiled, "Alright, would you like me to give you a tour? I don't think you managed to fully explore the castle."

Espresso shook his head, "No, its fine. I already know most of the rooms. I'll just explore a bit on my own and then I'll start moving my stuff."

Vanilla MC nodded, "Alright then. If you're hungry, you may come into the kitchen. I usually stay here unless I have an errand to do, and I wouldn't mind cooking for you, after all, you are my son's boyfriend!"

Espresso smiled at Vanilla MC, "Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you very much, Ms. Vanilla Madeleine Cookie." Vanilla shook her head, "No problem, and please, call me Vanilla MC. The full name is way too long."

Espresso nodded and walked out of the room. He explored the castle by himself. It was pretty big, there were a lot of rooms. There was a living room, dining room, storage room, library, the bedrooms upstairs and the attic.

Espresso headed into one of the empty rooms and teleported his equipment there. He reorganised them until he like the placing.

Espresso sighed, he checked the time and was slightly surprised. "I left at 6am, how is it already 1pm?" Espresso walked out of his new laboratory and headed to the dining hall.

"Ah, welcome, Espresso! You're just on time for lunch! Madeleine just woke up so he's a bit sleepy." Espresso sat down next to Madeleine. Madeleine hugged Espresso.

He chuckled, "Aww, you're still sleepy?" Madeleine groaned. He rested his chin on Espresso's head.

Vanilla MC took out her phone and snapped a picture, Pure Vanilla looked at her, "What? I can't take a picture of my son and my future son in law?"

"Vanilla, it invades their privacy." Pure Vanilla responded, "What about the time when I was dating Lemon MC? You would always ask us uncomfortable questions!"

Pure Vanilla chuckled, "I guess we do have some similarities, my daughter." Vanilla MC laughed, "Yup, and my son is most likely gonna be next!"

Espresso and Madeleine blushed when they overheard their conversation, "Mom!" Madeleine said, "What? You two are so cute!"

Espresso sighed, "I guess so.."


I was hanging out with my cousins so I am sorry for the late update ;~;

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