In The Woods PT. 2

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Herb was healing Espresso. They had gotten back on the cliff a few minutes ago. Madeleine was holding Espresso's hand. Latte walked over to Madeleine, "Madeleine, are you alright? Don't worry, Herb says that Espresso will survive."

Madeleine nodded. He was gently rubbing his thumb on his hand. Latte smiled, "Hm, maybe you can go take a walk around? Just don't go to far. I think it will help you take your mind off this even for a little while."

Madeleine tried protesting, "But what if he gets hurt when I'm not around?" Latte sighed, "Well, the Royal guards are here, I am here, Herb is here. I don't think he'll get hurt further."

Madeleine tried thinking of another reason, "What if something happens while I am gone and then you guys are severely injured?" Latte thought for a moment, "I'm sure we can take care of ourselves. Besides, if we're severely injured, you could send a message to the Kingdom for backup since you won't be as injured!"

He thought for a moment, "I'll leave for 10 minutes. I'll come back here right away when I am done." Latte nodded. Madeleine got up, he started walking into the direction of the woods.

Madeleine started humming. He was actually enjoying the peace and quiet he was having currently. He started mumbling to himself, "What if they are being attacked right now? Has it been 10 minutes? What if they lied and left me here for dead?"

Then, he heard rustling in the bushes. He swiftly grabbed his sword and held it in a protective stance, "Who goes there?!" He asked. No one answered.

He heard more rustling. He turned his head and gasped when he saw Spirit. "My my, look who we have here! It's the little whiny Prince! Where is your boyfriend, Espresso? I would want to talk with him!"

Madeleine gripped his sword tighter, "Why, so you can ask for a fresh start? I don't think he will answer that question in a very nice tone. You did in fact cheat on him and r@pe him, so I think the answer is quite obvious."

Spirit groaned, "Hm, I suppose that is correct. However, I can actually force him to have a fresh start with me. I can even force him to marry me if I want to!"

Madeleine was confused, "What? Don't tell me you don't know my background! A lot of people avoid me for a reason, my dear!"

He shook his head, "I am part of the gang that rebels this kingdom. I am a criminal, and with all the members that the gang has already gotten, I think we will be able to overthrow you easily." Madeleine gasped.

"We will overthrow you and your royal bloodline and steal the crown! We can enslave you and make you work until you die, unless, you want a faster and quicker death." Spirit walked towards Madeleine, "Why so shocked? Scared that I will overthrow you?"

"Or maybe he is surprised that you can get even more evil than you already were." Another voice spoke. Madeleine and Spirit turned their attention to th direction of the voice. Espresso was awake and fully healed.

"Espresso! You're alright!" Madeleine said, running over to him and hugging him. Espresso hugged him back, he gave Spirit a death glare. Spirit scoffed.

"What's the matter, dear? Are you angry at me because of a teeny-tiny accident?" Espresso scowled, hugging Madeleine tighter in the process.

Madeleine noticed the tension and let go of Espresso. "Espresso, are you alright?" He asked. Espresso nodded, "I'm fine, Madeleine. Its just this bitch that is bothering me, is all."

Spirit smirked, "Hm, how about this? Let's have a duel. The loser has to do whatever the winner says. You may add in any rules you would like."

Espresso thought about it, "We can't use magic, call for help from anyone or use weapons like knives and guns. If one of us break either one of those rules, then the other instantly wins."

Spirit nodded, "Now, what would you do if you won?" Espresso looked over at Madeleine, "You get to set the condition, I suppose." Madeleine thought about it.

"Well, if you win, Espresso, then I would like to torture Spirit. We can execute him during our wedding or coronation." Madeleine said, smiling. He was blushing a bit but it was hard to tell.

Espresso nodded, "What about you, Spirit? What are your conditions?" Spirit smirked, "Well, I would first off overthrow the Royal family. Then, I shall execute that whore and marry you." Madeleine gulped.

Espresso sighed, "Alright. We can only use hand-to-hand combat. No weapons, magic or help." Espresso took off his glasses and his coat, he didn't want to get them messy.

"My dear, could you please hold this for me? I have a bitch to beat up." Madeleine blushed but nodded. Espresso gave him his stuff and walked closer to Spirit.

"Let's just get this over with." Espresso mumbled. Spirit nodded. They moved to a more open area with less trees. Espresso pulled up his sleeves, "Come at me, bitch."

Spirit rolled up his sleeves and charged at Espresso. He tried punching Espresso a few times but he dodged. Espresso punched Spirit in the face. Spirit groaned, he punched Espresso in the stomach.

Madeleine was worried. He wanted to help Espresso but he remembered the rules. No help from the outside. Espresso held his stomach, but he managed to dodge the attacks.

Espresso tackled Spirit on the ground and started punching his face violently. "AGH!" Spirit screamed as Espresso kept on punching his face.

"I can't let you execute the on person I love in this entire universe.." Espresso mumbled. He glared at Spirit and punched him even more violently.

Spirit kicked Espresso off of him and stood up. Espresso groaned, he looked at Spirit and smirked, "CMON! DON'T TELL ME THAT YOU ARE ALREADY GIVING UP! THIS IS WAY TOO DAMN EASY!" Spirit was bleeding all over his face.

He hid his hands behind his back and summoned something. He summoned some creatures behind Espresso to help him. Madeleine saw them and grabbed his sword, "Espresso! Watch out!" He yelled, slicing the monsters in half.

Espresso gasped. He looked at Spirit, "You tried to trick me, didn't you?!" Spirit smirked. "Well, you broke the rules!~" Espresso chuckled, "I'm sorry, but you broke them first. In fact, you broke two of them! We weren't supposed to use magic or get help from anyone outside. Madeleine may have helped me, but I had already won."

Spirit was shocked. He realised what he had done and Espresso smirked. The Royal guards came rushing over and they took Spirit. He fainted, so the guards started dragging him.

"HEY! Where are you taking him?! I wanna kill himmm!" Madeleine sat down on the ground. Espresso chuckled, "Dear, we're going to kill him during our wedding, remember?" Madeleine looked down, "But what if you don't want to marry me?"

Espresso laughed, "Well, I'm not telling you if I want to marry you or not, you'll just have to find out when you propose to me!~" Madeleine blushed. He yawned and Espresso chuckled.

"Aww, looks like someone is tired!~" Madeleine didn't respond back. Espresso put on his glasses and his coat and started carrying Madeleine on his back.

Madeleine blushed. The sun was already setting. They started walking back to the Kingdom.

Madeleine noticed that Espresso's neck was slightly revealed. Without thinking about it, he gently bit his neck.

"WHA-" Espresso blushed, Madeleine was too tired to process what he just did. "Idiot, why would you do that?!" Espresso got flustered, Madeleine looked at him, "I don't know..but you are yummy....."

Espresso blushed even more, "Shut up!" Madeleine blushed slightly, he had processed what he did but he was too tired to react properly.

Madeleine buried his face into Espresso's neck, " you, Espresso.."

Espresso heard some silent snoring. Madeleine had fallen asleep. He chuckled, "I love you to, dork."


This Chapter is extra loooong

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