Faint Memories

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(Some of this  Chapter will be written in Madeleine Cookie's perspective. He will be a teen in this chapter.)

I woke up, I don't know where I was but I definitely was not at home. I looked around, I noticed that the walls were white in colour. I looked at myself and noticed I was wearing a hospital outfit.

The doctors rushed in, "You're ok, Prince Madeleine! Thank the cookie gods!" I was confused. What happened?

"Uhm, where's my mom? What happened?" I asked. The doctors grouped up together and started discussing something. They all looked at me, "She is doing fine, young Prince! She is outside waiting for you."

The doctors gave me some new clothes and I changed into them. I walked out of the room and my mom hugged me, "Oh, my precious little boy! You're alright!" She said, tears rolling down her face.

"W-What happened?" I asked, hugging her back. She sniffled and pulled away from the hug to look at my face, "Was it dad again?"

She nodded. I looked down, slightly ashamed, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from him." Mom lifted my chin up, "No, you did protect me. I just d-don't want you to risk your life again!"

She hugged me even tighter. I was slightly confused, "Mom, what happened?" I asked her. She pulled away from the hug and sighed, "Your father, he..." She started.

"He had hit you again. He used one of those darn knives this time to. I am just so glad that he didn't kill you! There is a scar on your cheek, and a stab wound on your stomach, but other than that, you are alright!"

I held my cheek, it hurtled a little bit but not too much. I teared up, "Mom, am I w-weak and useless..?" She shook her head, "No, sweetie! You were a hero, you save me!"

"You're growing up so fast, and becoming so heroic. It's just that I'm so happy my little boy is all grown up!" I chuckled, "Mom, I'm still 15 you know.."

"And the moment you become 25, these two babies in my stomach would be 10!" I laughed, "You could just call my siblings by their name!" Mom laughed along with me, "Fine, fine. I suppose calling them Cream Puff and Custard wouldn't be so bad."

"Hey, what about dad?" I asked. She shook her head, "I filed for a divorce, he won't be bothering us any time soon. Problem is, he comes from a wealthy family, so we'll probably see him around still. He can pay his taxes, you know."

I scoffed, "Hm, that's unfortunate. I would've preferred to not see him anymore. I guess thats the down side, but good news is that I don't have to see him as often or get slapped by him for no reason!"

Mom nodded, "Come on, Madeleine. Grandpa is waiting!" I nodded. Mom grabbed my hand and started dragging me out. I waved goodbye to the doctors and she took me back to the castle.

"Madeleine.." I heard a voice call. "Madeleine." It spoke again. "Madeleine! Snap out of it!"

Espresso shook Madeleine. He snapped out of the small trace he was in and looked at Espresso.

"Madeleine, you really have to stop making me so damn worried." He looked down slightly. Espresso rolled his eyes when he saw that Madeleine was slightly sad.

"Idiot, what is there to be sad for? All I'm telling you is to stop making me worried. I'm not mad at you, dork." Espresso patted Madeleine's head. He yawned a bit.

"Looks like the dork is sleepy, huh?" Espresso chuckled. Madeleine hugged Espresso tighter and fluttered his eyes closed. He was starting to drift off to sleep.

Espresso chuckled when he heard some silent snoring coming from Madeleine. He petted his head and smiled to himself.

He continued to read the book he was reading earlier. Madeleine snuggled closer to Espresso, making him chuckle. He heard Madeleine mumbled to himself.

Espresso listened to what Madeleine was mumbling, reading his book at the same time.

"I'm..sorry...." Espresso was confused, "What are you sorry for?" he asked. Madeleine didn't respond. "D-dont come any...closer....." Espresso didn't know who he was referring to.

"..Don't.....hurt me....." Espresso could hear Madeleine sniffling. He saw a few tears rolling down his cheek. Espresso examined his cheek closer, he noticed that Madeleine has a scar on his left cheek.

"What in the..." Espresso mumbled to hikmself. Madeleine hugged him tighter and snuggled closer to him. Espresso started comforting Madeleine.

"Shh, that isn't real. You're having a nightmare, Madeleine. I'm here, don't worry." Espresso was patting Madeleine's head and rubbing his back.

Madeleine whimpered slightly, but he didn't make much noise. Espresso noticed that he was a bit more in peace now. He kissed Madeleine's forehead and continued reading.

"..Espressooo...." He turned over to Madeleine, "What is it, dear?" He moved his face closer to Espresso's neck, "..Warm...." Espresso sighed, blushing slightly.

Espresso continued to read, he was still rubbing Madeleine's back to comfort him incase of another nightmare. Luckily, it seems like Madeleine was having a much more nicer dream now.

"..I love....youuu...Espresso...." Espresso smiled to himself, "I love you to, dork.." Madeleine smiled. He loosened his grip on Espresso's waist, indicating that he was fully asleep now.

Espresso sighed in relief, "His hugs are way too tight for my liking. But then again, it kinda feels nice. I should probably get used to it, he is going to be with me for a long time."

Espresso slowly moved Madeleine off of him. He went over to the closet and changed into more comfortable clothes. He checked the clock, "10pm. I should probably get to bed with Madeleine now."

He went back over to the bed. Espresso put away the book and climbed into the bed with Madeleine. Madeleine instantly started cuddling him.

Espresso yawned. He closed his eyes and snuggled closer to Madeleine, falling asleep peacefully.


I am sleepy but it isn't even night time yet.

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