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Madeleine woke up. He looked around, Espresso wasn't anywhere. He yawned and got up, putting on his armor.

He headed over to the kitchen, he checked the fridge and sighed, "Espresso, we've ran out of food!"

Espresso came running towards the kitchen and checked, "What?! I could've sworn I bought more yesterday!" Madeleine shrugged, "So, I guess we're going on a shopping trip?"

Espresso sighed, "Yes, Madeleine. Get your gear, we're heading to the other side of the Kingdom where there isn't any homophobic cookies."

Madeleine nodded. He grabbed his sword and a few bags to put the supplies in. "Alright, Madeleine, lead the way, you are a bit more familiar with that side of the kingdom than me."

Madeleine grabbed Espresso's hand and dragged him out of the house. They locked the door and started walking towards the opposite side of the kingdom.

"I can walk, you know?" Espresso groaned, Madeleine just kept on holding his hand. Espresso casted a flying spell and started floating up, "Huh?" Madeleine was slightly confused.

Espresso let go of Madeleine's hand and smirked, "Race you!" Before Madeleine could process what was going on, Espresso already flew towards the small village.

"H-hey! Wait up!" Madeleine ran after Espresso. Espresso chuckled when he saw Madeleine below him. He started flying faster.

When Espresso had reached, he went back down to the ground and dusted himself off. Madeleine appeared a minute later, panting.

He sat down on the ground to catch his breath, "No fair! You know I can't fly! And I wanted to hold your hand!" Madeleine pouted. Espresso chuckled, "Are you throwing a tiny tantrum? That's adorable, you know! And plus, you could've asked me to cast a spell on you so that you could fly!"

Madeleine looked away from Espresso, still pouting. Espresso rolled his eyes and helped Madeleine up, "Cmon you big baby, we have to go shopping!"

Espresso held Madeleine's hand and they went to a nearby shop. When they walked in, Espresso smiled, "Huh, not bad. I like the music too, it's relaxing!" Madeleine tried to stay mad at Espresso, but ended up chuckling a little.

"Now, is there anything you want?" Espresso turned to Madeleine, "An apology." Espresso sighed, "I'm sorry, but I meant the stuff in the store, Madeleine."

Madeleine thought for a moment, "A Espresso plushie, if they have one." Espresso nodded, "Do you want to go look for that first?" Madeleine nodded, he ran off into one of the aisles to find the plushie.

"Dork." Espresso mumbled. He walked around but noticed a familiar cookie. He groaned once he realised who it was. Madeleine ran back to Espresso, "Look! I found an Espresso plushie! It looks just like you!" Espresso turned around and smiled, "That's nice of you, Madeleine."

Madeleine looked over to the direction Espresso was looking at and groaned, "Is that Spirit?" Espresso nodded, "Yup, and his bitchy wife." Madeleine scoffed, "He is married and yet he is still cheating. Once a whore, always a whore, am I right?"

Espresso laughed, "You are correct, I suppose." Espresso took Madeleine's hand and went over into a different aisle to get the food.

Spirit noticed them and scoffed. He ditched his wife and followed them. "Well, look who we have here! It is Espresso and that whore!" they both turned their attention to Spirit and groaned.

"Spirit, leave us the fuck alone. You're just lucky that I haven't kicked your ass yet since I'm not in the mood." Spirit smirked, "And why do you think you can do that?"

"I pinned down Milk Cookie, and he is stronger than your skinny bitch-boy ass, you think I can't do it to you to?" Spirit was slightly shocked, but he scoffed and walked away.

"Woah, that was pretty hot." Madeleine blushed a little as he looked at Espresso. Espresso hummed and continued to pick out some food, "You gotta show your place sometimes, you know?"

Madeleine nodded, "..I wonder if Espresso can pin me against a wall?.." he mumbled to himself, Espresso heard and laughed, "Nah, I am too short for that, honey, but I can still pin you to the ground, after all, we are both switches!"

(If you don't know what switches are, they basically are people who swap between being top or bottom)

Madeleine blushed and hid his face behind his hair. Espresso checked if they had everything they needed and smiled, "Let me just get a Madeleine plushie, then we'll be all set!"

He got himself a Madeleine plushie and headed to the counter. Madeleine payed for their stuff and they left the shop. Espresso looked over at Madeleine, "I'll give you temporary flying abilities so you won't have to be angry at me anymore, alright?"

Madeleine smiled, "Alright!" Espresso casted the spell and Madeleine started floating, "Weeeee!"

Espresso chuckled and they both started flying home. Spirit was flying and following them, "Hah! Losers!" Espresso flew towards Spirit and slapped him, "Fuck you and your whiny wife!"

Espresso flew back over to Madeleine. Madeleine pointed the middle finger at Spirit and flew faster. Spirit scoffed, he was offended.

Madeleine and Espresso eventually got back to the house. Madeleine got on the ground and walked inside. They placed all the stuff on the kitchen counter and Madeleine took his Espresso plushie.

"I have night patrol, later. I won't be back until 5am." Madeleine said. Espresso nodded, "Alright, anything specific that I need to do?"

Madeleine thought for a moment, "Well, if you here any strange noises that don't sound familiar, call me. My phone will be fully charged and with me at all times!"

Espresso nodded, "Alright, make sure to stay safe, dork." he kissed Madeleine's cheek and he smiled.

"Oh, I have to go to training, now, I'll see you later!" Madeleine kissed Espresso on the cheek. He placed down his Espresso plushie and ran out the door, making sure to lock it.

Espresso sighed, "What am I going to do with you, stupid dork?.."


I am sleepy but I have motivation >:D

From the Start, to the End (Madeleine x Espresso) Where stories live. Discover now