In The Woods PT. 1

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This is a few weeks after the last chapter btw

Also, this scene is actually one of my Oneshots but slightly different. I made the Oneshot after we were done with this scene lol


Espresso had decided to take a walk in the woods today. It was pretty early and Madeleine wasn't awake yet so he took this as an opportunity to have some alone time.

It was quite dark, it was only about 5:30am. Espresso happened to be the first one who woke up in the castle. His stomach growled, he hadn't had breakfast yet.

He didn't mind though, he was used to eating less food. He used one of the coffee beans he had to light up the way. He heard some rustling in the bushes.

"Shit." Espresso ran to a darker part of the woods, making the coffee bean disappear to cover up his tracks. He looked around and saw Cake Hounds. Espresso groaned, the cake hounds sniffed the area and left.

He heard more rustling, he covered his mouth with his hand. Some of Dark Enchantress's minions were patrolling the area. Once Espresso made sure that they were gone, he got up and started running.

He heard footsteps behind him and instantly knew they were chasing him. He climbed up one of the trees and stayed silent, the minions didn't see him and ran off.

He took out his phone and texted Madeleine.


Prof. Espresso☕:
Help, I am lost in the woods and Dark Enchantress's minions are looking for me.

Oh no. Stay where u r, I am coming.


Espresso quickly put away his phone once he saw the minions again. The minions were getting closer and closer to him. They started climbing up nearby trees, scouting the are for Espresso.

Espresso cursed under his breath. He thought he was going to get caught, but a familiar cookie rushed over and fought them off. Espresso used his coffee bean to light up the area and instantly jumped down once he saw Madeleine.

"Shit!" Madeleine yelled, one of the minions punched him in the gut. Espresso summoned a spell and the minions instantly turned to dust. He ran over to Madeleine.

"Madeleine! Are you alright?" He asked, checking for any injuries. Madeleine shook his head, "No worries, I'm fine! But that punch to the gut really hurts-"

Espresso noticed the sun was rising, he made the coffee bean disappear. They both realised that they were very near a cliff side. There was a waterfall flowing down at the opposite end and the bottom was a big river.

Espresso gulped, "I can use my teleportation magic to teleport you back to the castle. Unfortunately, I will have to walk back since I can only use it once a day." Madeleine nodded. Espresso teleported him back to the castle and started walking back.

Madeleine commanded for some of the guards to follow him later to find Espresso incase he hadn't returned yet. For now, he was going to rest for a bit.

Espresso hummed as he walked back. He had used up most of his energy when he was running and summoning spells so he had to reserve it or else he would collapse.

Espresso heard a twig snap. He looked around and saw the minions running at him. "Oh shit." he started running. He was running back to the cliff side, the minions were blocking his way back to the kingdom.

He thought that maybe he could shove them off. He didn't want to use his magic because he would collapse if he used too much in a short amount of time.

Some of the minions had luckily gotten lost. Espresso reached the cliff side. He gulped as he looked down. He looked behind him and saw four minions charging at him.

Espresso dodged the attacks and three of the minions ended up falling off. The last one charged at him and he dodged it as well. He scoffed and was about to walk away when he was starting to get dragged down.

"AGH! WHAT THE?!" Espresso held onto the edge of the cliff. He looked down and saw one of the minions. Espresso noticed that there was a small piece of land nearby.

If he had fallen, he could swim over there and look for a way back up. He noticed that there was a possible way he could get back up. It was very steep but it was possible.

The ground that he was holding onto started cracking. Espresso tried to climb up but the minion wouldn't let him, "FUCK OFF!" He yelled at the minion. There was nothing below, just a bunch of water and the small piece of land.

Madeleine and the small team had arrived to the cliff. He saw Espresso hanging onto the ground. It was about to break off.

"ESPRESSO!" Madeleine rushed towards him and held onto his hand, trying to pull him up. The minion didn't let him. The ground broke off and Espresso and the minion fell down.

"AHHHHHH!!" Espresso screamed as he fell. Madeleine quickly jumped into the water with them. "Madeleine!" Latte called out. She got on her spoon and flew down.

Espresso fell into the water. He had unfortunately ended up in a area full of thorns and vines. He couldn't see where he was going. "HELP!" Espresso yelled. One of the thorns cut him and he screamed.

Madeleine saw where Espresso had landed and swam towards him, he grabbed his sword and started slicing through the thorns, "Espresso!"

Espresso was starting to bleed more. The more he moved, the more cuts he received. He stayed still, waiting for Madeleine to help him.

Madeleine had cut through most of the thorns and saw Espresso. He swam towards him, the thorns dealing no damage to him due to his armor. He quickly carried Espresso on his back and swam towards the tiny piece of land.

Espresso held onto Madeleine tightly. He was bleeding and exhausted. When Madeleine had reached the piece of land, he took a moment to breathe. Latte came over, "Madeleine, I can take Espresso back up. Would you like me to help you up as well? But I can only do it one at a time."

Madeleine nodded, "Get Espresso up first. Make sure he gets healed by Herb." Latte nodded. She placed Espresso on the spoon and flied up.

Madeleine tried climbing up. It wasn't much of a use though, so he waited for Latte to pick him up. Latte quickly came back down. Madeleine climbed onto the spoon and they got back up.



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