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Espresso was stunned. He processed the words Madeleine has said and blushed.

"I, don't know what to say.." Espresso was slightly hesitant, his ex-boyfriend was pretty mean to him and cheated on him as well. He was worried Madeleine might do the same.

But, he had to admit, he did have a small crush on Madeleine. When they both first met, Espresso noticed that Madeleine would act differently to him than other cookies.

Madeleine was more, soft around him. He also noticed that Madeleine would try impressing him whenever they meet.

Espresso could feel his heart beating faster, his face was heating up a bit and he definitely was flustered. He didn't know what to do or say so he started playing with some of Madeleine's hair.

"Huh, his hair is really soft.." Espresso mumbled to himself. He looked at Madeleine's sleeping face and chuckled a bit.

"Dork.." Madeleine hugged Espresso tighter, "..Warm...." Espresso got flustered again, but sighed.

He tried keeping calm, but he still managed to freak out a bit. He covered his face to muffle his scream.

"Idiot, you just have to make me feel this way, don't you?" Espresso mumbled out. It was pretty silent, so Espresso decided to finish his food.

"Hmm, his cooking is pretty good. I hope he can cook for me more often.."

Espresso finished his food and set the tray down next to him. He sighed and looked at the ceiling.

Espresso moved Madeleine off of him so that he could take the tray back to the kitchen.

"Nooooo, don't gooooo..." Madeleine mumbled out, half awake. "I'll be back, dork, no worries."

Madeleine pouted and rolled over to the other side of the bed. Espresso chuckled and went out of the room.

He headed downstairs and into the kitchen. While he was washing the plate, he heard a knock coming from the front entrance. This surprised Espresso since the entrance was pretty far from the kitchen, so whoever was knocking was probably doing it violently.

He placed the clean plate on the table and headed to the front entrance.

He opened the door, he immediately regretted that decision once he saw who was outside.

"Hello there, dear! Long time no see, am I right?" the cookie greeted Espresso and attempted to shake his hand, but Espresso refused it.

"What are you doing here, Spirit? Shouldn't you be with that whore?" Spirit gasped, he put his hand on his chest and looked at Espresso, offended.

"My, my! Espresso, you don't know what happened, I still love you!" Espresso rolled his eyes at Spirit.

"That definitely was not what happened. I saw you kiss her with my own eyes, I trusted you. And this is how you repay me?"

Spirit scoffed, "You know what? I guess it was the right decision to cheat on you, you fucking brat."

"Get the hell out before I make you.." Espresso gave Spirit a death glare. Spirit nodded and left him alone. Espresso sighed, he headed back upstairs to Madeleine's room.

He closed the door to the bedroom and sighed, "I'm back, dork.." Espresso sat down next to Madeleine. He rolled around and hugged Espresso's waist.

"Yay.." Espresso chuckled, he saw a book on Madeleine's desk and reached for it. It turned out to be Madeleine's diary.

Espresso didn't want to intrude on Madeleine's privacy so he placed it back down on the nearby desk. He looked down at Madeleine.

Espresso started petting Madeleine's head, he smiled when Madeleine blushed a bit. Espresso layed down. Madeleine moved closer to him and cuddled him.

Espresso blushed, "..Dork..." Madeleine mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that?" Espresso asked Madeleine, he opened his eyes and stared at Espresso. Madeleine blushed and looked away.

"Your ok with me doing this?.." Madeleine looked back at Espresso. He nodded and Madeleine smiled a bit.

"Uhm, are we, dating, Espresso? You didn't exactly say no when I confessed earlier..." Espresso thought for a moment.

"Well, I guess we can, if you want to.." Madeleine smiled and hugged Espresso tighter, "I love you, Espresso!"

He buried his face into Espresso's neck, Espresso blushed a bit, "I guess I love you too, Madeleine.."

Madeleine smiled and closed his eyes. He was starting to fall asleep again. Espresso noticed and started petting his head.

"Sleepy?" he asked, Madeleine nodded and snuggled closer to Espresso. Espresso laughed and continued to pet Madeleine.

"Idiot.." Espresso mumbled under his breath. Madeleine had fallen asleep so he didn't hear Espresso. Espresso looked around for a book to read other than Madeleine's diary.

He groaned when he couldn't find any. He took off his glasses and set them down at the nearby desk, trying to not wake Madeleine up.

He looked up at the ceiling and started wondering what would happen now. Madeleine and him were a couple now, but what would the Kingdom think? The Eldest son of the royal family and the coffee mage that they had just tried to burn are together.

Espresso closed his eyes, he was wondering what kind of adventures he and Madeleine would face in the future.

"Will he, cheat on me?" Espresso mumbled out. He was worried that Madeleine would be just like Spirit. He looked over at Madeleine and cupped his cheek.

"Idiot, it's a bad idea to date me, and yet, you still decided to do it. What am I going to do with you?" Madeleine shifted his position a bit.

Espresso scoffed, "You really are an idiot, a stupid idiot who thinks it's a good idea to date a depressing coffee mage such as me."

He kissed Madeleine's forehead, "But, its your fault if you end up getting hurt by me, don't say I didn't warn you."

The room was silent, all except for Madeleine's silent snoring. He mumbled something under his breath a few times but that was it.

Espresso yawned, he was starting to grow sleepy as well. He snuggled closer to Madeleine and smiled, "I guess it isn't as bad as I thought.."


Spoiler alert: This definitely isn't the last time you see Spirit.

Also, the credits for the OC goes to SoniaSimp11037 aka my online friend :D

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