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(I'm so sorry for not writing anything the past few days, as I have mentioned before, my motivation is really low rn so please take this Chapter as a small apology!)


A few days after the scouting mission, Madeleine noticed that Espresso had been slightly off. He tried talking to him a few times about it but Espresso would just say that it's nothing to worry about.

Of course, this had worried Madeleine. He decided to try confronting Espresso again.

"Darling, why have you been acting so strange lately?" Madeleine looked at Espresso. He was working at the desk, "As I've said before, dear, its nothing to worry about."

Madeleine groaned, "Are you sure?" Espresso sighed, "Yes, I'm sure. It's just something that has been on my mind lately." Madeleine tilted his head in confusion. What could possibly be on Espresso's mind?

"Would you like to talk about it?" Madeleine asked. Espresso hesitantly nodded, "It's just, I've been thinking of adopting children. We don't have to rush anything, of course, but, well, I just wanted to be a parent."

Espresso turned his head behind him to face Madeleine, "Oh, what's with the shock, Madeleine?" He shook his head, "Nothing, it's just, I kind of want to be a parent to, I suppose. Do you maybe want to discuss some things before we actually plan on adopting a child, or children."

Espresso nodded. The both of them started discussing about the adoption thing, "Well, I was hoping to get one child that is a teenager and another that is maybe younger than seven years old." Madeleine nodded, "Hm, we can adopt the child from the daycare, I have a certain teenager in mind for us to adopt!"

They continued to discuss about this for a few hours before heading downstairs for dinner.

A few days later...


I was called over to the castle for some reason. Espresso and Madeleine wanted to discuss something with me. Of course, I accepted, after all, they are pretty much good friends of mine, I suppose I see them more as fatherly figures but still.

"You wanted to talk with me da-Espresso." I quickly corrected myself, I almost called Espresso 'dad' and that would've been embarrassing. Espresso looked at me, "Well, me and Madeleine are planning on adopting children!" I nodded, "And what does this have to do with me?"

Espresso looked around the room and sighed, "Have you ever wanted to be part of the Royal family?" I thought for a moment, "It would seem nice, but I don't understand where this conversation is going."

"We were wondering if you wanted us to adopt you, UE." I gasped. If they adopted me, I'll experience having actual parents for the first time ever. I thought for a bit and smiled, "Uhm, sure! I don't mind!" I hugged Espresso, I didn't realise that I was trembling and tearing up slightly.

"Oh, someone seems extra happy!" Espresso joked around. He hugged me back and we stayed like that for a little bit. I let go of the hug and looked at him, "So dad, where is my other dad?" Espresso laughed, "First of all, don't call both of us 'dad' because it will confuse us, and second of all, he's at the adoption centre looking for a younger sibling for you!"

"Oh! Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I held his arm and dragged him out of the castle.

Nobody's POV:

When UE and Espresso arrived at the adoption centre, Madeleine was already inside looking around. The both of them entered and looked around for Madeleine.

"Oh, hey you two!" Madeleine said. He ran up to them and groaned once he saw Espresso, "Damnit, you're almost the same height as me. You're going to eventually grow taller than me like this."

Espresso chuckled, "Alright, UE agreed to be our child, how are things going on your end?" Madeleine smiled, "Well, there was one cookie that I thought would be suitable, her name is Tiramisu, she's a little shy though."

Espresso nodded, "UE, stay here and talk with Madeleine, alright? I'll go check on this 'Tiramisu' cookie." UE nodded and started chatting with Madeleine.

Espresso headed over to the playroom where all the children were. He spotted a small child playing alone.

"That must be Tiramisu.." He walked over and sat next to Tiramisu, "Hello there, child, what are you doing?" Tiramisu looked at him, "I'm playing with coffee magic! A lot of the children stay away from me because of that."

Espresso nodded, "Well, my name is Espresso, if you don't know me, I'm one of the Kings of the Vanilla Kingdom. Me and my husband are looking for children to adopt."

Tiramisu tilted her head, "Eh? If that's the case, then why are you talking with me and not the other children?" Espresso chuckled, "Well, me and my husband are thinking of adopting you. I heard that you're pretty smart and talented for your age, and I wanted to see if you would like to join the royal family!"

Tiramisu gasped, "Really?!" Espresso nodded. Tiramisu stood up and ran upstairs to her room to pack her bags. When she came back downstairs, she was carrying two small suitcases and had a backpack.

"Here, let me help." Espresso held the suitcases and carried Tiramisu on his back. He went back over to the counter where Madeleine was signing the adoption papers.

"Oh, hey! I just got finished with signing the papers!" Madeleine chirped out. UE looked at Tiramisu and gasped, "Awww, she's adorable! I'm so glad PV fixed my soulstone of else I would have been able to feel emotions."

Madeleine smiled at Tiramisu, "Hello there, Tiramisu. I'm glad that you'll be part of the family now." Tiramisu smiled. They headed out of the adoption centre and went back to the castle.

A few hours later...

Tiramisu was playing with UE, Custard and Cream Puff. Pure Vanilla was keeping an eye on them. Madeleine and Espresso were in their room.

"You know, life seems really perfect right now, doesn't it?" Madeleine looked at Espresso. Espresso nodded, "Yeah, let's just hope nothing comes in between that."


Spoiler alert, something is gonna come in between their perfect life.

Also, I'm so sorry for not posting, I just didn't have motivation, I think I got some back, tho.

Take this short chapter as an apology

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