Private Talk

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Madeleine woke up and yawned. He saw Espresso sleeping next to him and smiled. He got up and realised that he had slept with his armor on.

Madeleine groaned. He walked over to his closet and changed into more comfy clothes. He didn't have any training or duties today. He walked out of the room and headed downstairs. Cream Puff and Custard were already at school.

Madeleine headed over to the kitchen. He saw his mother making some pancakes, "Are those LGBTQ+ pancakes?" He asked, walking over to her.

Vanilla MC nodded, "Yup! I felt like making something LGBTQ+ themed today, I don't really know why." Madeleine nodded. He headed to the dining hall and sat at the table.

Pure Vanilla walked in, "Oh, hello there, Madeleine! I didn't expect you to wake up this early. You have a break today, so I am a bit surprised." Madeleine smiled at Pure Vanilla.

Pure Vanilla sat down near Madeleine and they started discussing about Spirit, "Yes, I am afraid that he has broken out of jail. I am surprised he broke out that fast, it has only been about three days!"

Madeleine nodded, "He most likely has someone helping him out. I'll keep an extra eye out for him."

Vanilla MC served them the pancakes, "Vanilla, why did you make them LGBTQ+ themed today? Is it a special occasion or did you just feel like doing it?" Madeleine started eating his pancakes, it had a small Pansexual flag theme to it.

"Well, both of you are part of the LGBTQ+, Madeleine is Pansexual while you are non-binary, so I thought I could make something special for you two!" Pure Vanilla smiled. They started eating their pancakes.

Madeleine finished first. He headed over to the sink and washed the plate, "Oh, Madeleine dear, make sure to give Espresso the Gay themed pancakes later!" Madeleine nodded.

He took Espresso's breakfast and headed upstairs. Madeleine opened the door, Espresso was still asleep. He now noticed that Espresso was blushing.

Madeleine placed the pancakes on the table and walked up to Espresso. He shook Espresso gently but he didn't budge. He shook Espresso again but he still didn't move. Madeleine whispered in Espresso's ear, "Wake up, Espressoooo.." Espresso still didn't wake up.

Madeleine groaned. He walked over to the drawers and took out his megaphone. He didn't want to do this but Espresso had to wake up. He turned on the megaphone and shouted, "WAKE UPPP!!" Espresso woke up and immediately face planted tot he floor.

Madeleine ran over to him, "Oh no, I didn't mean for that to happen, I just wanted to wake you up." Espresso's nose was bleeding, "Ugghhhh, its fine, just get me some tissues and a packet of ice-"

Madeleine nodded. He ran downstairs and got a ice packet from the freezer. He went back upstairs and gave the ice packet to Espresso. Madeleine ran into the bathroom and got Espresso some tissues.

"..Sorry..." Madeleine whispered, wiping the blood off of Espresso's nose and face. Espresso held the ice packet on his nose to stop the bleeding.

"It's alright, just don't do that next time." Madeleine took the bloody tissues and threw them into the dustbin. He went back over to Espresso and hugged him.

"Why didn't you wake up though? You would usually wake up much easier." Espresso shrugged, "I fainted last night. I guess I fell asleep during that amount of time to."

Madeleine got concerned, "Why did you fainted? Was it something I said in my sleep?" Espresso nodded, "Well, I fainted due to happiness, I guess." Madeleine sighed in relief.

"Well, what did I say?" Espresso thought for a moment, "Well, you were wondering when we were going to get married..." he mumbled out.

Madeleine processed what Espresso told him and blushed, "EH?! UHM, I UH, I, UHM..." Madeleine got flustered and hid his face with his hair.

Espresso chuckled, "Your so adorable, you know that?" Madeleine stayed quiet, still hiding his face. Espresso crawled over to him and brushed some of the hair away.

"Cutie.." Espresso mumbled, he kissed Madeleine on the forehead. Madeleine blushed but smiled. Espresso cupped Madeleine's cheek, he sighed.

Madeleine snuggled into Espresso's hand, still smiling. "Uhm, about the wedding thing, I don't really want to make you uncomfortable.." Espresso chuckled, "No, you didn't make me feel uncomfortable, it was really cute that you wanted to marry me."

Madeleine blushed but sighed in relief, "Oh, I thought you were going to break up with me, I know that it makes people a bit uncomfy so I thought.." Espresso used his other hand and hit Madeleine on the head.

"OW! What was that for?" Madeleine said, whining. "Don't you ever think that I will break up with you, alright? I will be loyal to you until the end, but I will end it here if you do something bad to me."

Madeleine looked down, slightly sad. Espresso chuckled, "Of course, you hadn't done anything bad, so I won't be breaking up with you anytime soon."

Espresso heard Madeleine sniffling, "Shh, you big baby, I just told you that I wouldn't break up with you." Espresso comforted Madeleine. Madeleine wrapped his arms around Espresso's waist tightly.

"I'm sorry..." Madeleine mumbled out, Espresso hit Madeleine on the head again, but he did it gently this time, "You have nothing to be sorry for, idiot." Madeleine smiled, a small tear rolling down his face.

"Besides, why would I even want to break up with you? You are much better than Spirit in every way, and I love you, idiot. Don't think like that again or in will hit you harder." Madeleine nodded. Espresso smiled and wiped away some of the tears on Madeleine's face.

"Don't cry, idiot. I need to eat breakfast now and I'm starving, but then if you cry I will have to take more time off to make you happy again so don't cry." Madeleine nodded. Espresso patted his head, "Good, now no more thinking about that topic."

Espresso got up and went over to the desk to eat his food. Madeleine flopped back down on the bed and smiled.



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