Madeleine Is Sick!

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Espresso woke up. He yawned and looked next to him, Madeleine was sleeping peacefully. Espresso chuckled, he petted Madeleine's head and sat up.

He stretched, "Need to go to work today, the school needs me." Espresso got out of bed and walked over to the closet. He grabbed some clean clothes and headed into the bathroom to take a bath.

Whne he was done, he got dressed and walked outside. Madeleine was awake, rubbing his eyes, "Good morning, Espressoooo..." he sounded a bit funny. Espresso walked over to him, "Is something wrong, Madeleine? You sound a bit weird."

Before Madeleine could respond, he fell down the bed. Espresso gasped and rushed over to Madeleine. He touched his forehead and groaned, "Ugghh, my forehead is hotttt.." Espresso touched Madeleine's forehead and groaned, "Fever. Atleast its not too severe, otherwise my hand would've been burned."

He helped Madeleine up and tucked him into bed, "Stay here. I'll get you breakfast and some medicine, alright?" Madeleine nodded. Espresso walked out of the room and headed downstairs.

Vanilla MC was making breakfast. She spotted Espresso and smiled at him, "Good morning, Espresso! How did you sleep?" Espresso smiled at her before heading over to the table, "What's for breakfast? Madeleine wants me to bring it upstairs."

Vanilla MC gave him the plate of food, "Look! Bacon and eggs! And it has a smiley face on them!" Espresso smiled at her, "I guess Madeleine got his cooking skills from you?" Vanilla MC nodded, "Most likely! Lemon MC can't cook for shit!"

Espresso thanked her and took the food upstairs. He placed them on the desk in their room and headed downstairs for the medicine.

When Espresso found the medicine, he went back upstairs and back to their room. He opened the door and saw Madeleine had sat up. Espresso sighed, he entered and closed the door before walking over to Madeleine.

"Espresso!" Madeleine cheerfully said. Espresso chuckled and set the medicine down near Madeleine's breakfast, "How are you feeling, dear?" He asked, looking over at Madeleine.

"I'm doing great now that you're here!" Madeleine said. Espresso blushed slightly but smiled at him, "Would you like me to feed you breakfast?" Madeleine nodded.

Espresso took the plate of food, he cut off a piece of the bacon and stabbed it with the fork before feeding it to Madeleine.

"Yummy!" Espresso chuckled, he fed Madeleine another piece of bacon. Eventually, the plate became empty. Espresso grabbed the medicine and poured it onto a small cup for Madeleine to drink.

He gave the cup to Madeleine, he just stared at it. Espresso tilted his head, "Is something wrong, Madeleine?" Madeleine made a disgusted face, "I don't like medicine! It tastes yucky!"

Espresso sighed, "I know but you need to take your medicine or else you won't feel better.." Madeleine thought for a moment, "Will it make you happy if I drank the medicine?" Espresso nodded. Madeleine quickly drank the medicine and immediately regretted his decision.

"BLEH! Yucky!" Madeleine didn't spit it out, luckily. Espresso took the small cup from him and chuckled, "I doubt anyone likes medicine but you still have to take it if you want to feel better!"

Madeleine pouted, "Hmph! I hate medicine!" "I'm pretty sure everyone does, Maddie." Madeleine blushed at the nickname, still pouting. Espresso took the stuff downstairs to wash.

He went back upstairs and saw Madeleine rolling around in bed. Espresso chuckled, he sat down at the edge of the bed and watched Madeleine being silly.

"Oh, you're back!" Madeleine sat up, Espresso nodded and went towards him. Madeleine backed up when Espresso got too close.

"Oh, what's wrong? Am I too close?" He asked, Madeleine nodded, "You'll get infected if you're too close!" Espresso shook his head, "I don't really care about that. I just want to make you happy, especially since you are acting like a child right now."

Madeleine tilted his head, "Eh? Am I?" Espresso nodded, "More childish than usual, so, yes." Espresso moved towards Madeleine, he moved slightly but not as much as just now.

Espresso kissed the top of Madeleine's forehead. He blushed but mumbled out, "If you get sick, don't blame me." He crawled over to Espresso and leaned his head against his chest. Espresso chuckled as Madeleine wrapped his arms around his waist.

Espresso hugged Madeleine, he started playing with some of Madeleine's hair. Madeleine made a small satisfied sound, he closed his eyes and snuggled closer to Espresso.

As Espresso was playing with Madeleine's hair, all he could hear was silent snoring from the other. Espresso smiled, he looked down at his sleeping fiancé and kissed the top of his head.

There was a knock on the door, "Come in!" Espresso said, trying to not wake Madeleine up. Vanilla MC opened the door and gasped, "Oh no, am I interrupting something?" Espresso shook his head, "No, not really."

"Ah, thank the cookie gods! I wanted to check up on Madeleine, I hadn't seen him downstairs for quite some time. Pure Vanilla noticed that you had took some of the medicine, is Madeleine sick?" Espresso nodded. Vanilla MC made a small 'oh' noise before closing the door and leaving those two alone again.

Espresso wanted to sleep, the position he was in was comfy and warm, making him want to sleep. He refused to sleep, so that he could watch over Madeleine, since he was sick.

A few hours had passed, it was around evening now. Espresso was refusing to sleep. Madeleine moved slightly, he looked up and saw Espresso's tired face.

"What time is it?.." Madeleine looked at the clock, 5:47pm. Madeleine had been asleep for almost eight hours. He looked up at Espresso, "Did you not eat? I didn't feel you moving." Espresso shook his head, "It's fine, I'm used to not eating for a long period of time. I could go on for a few days before my stomach starts growing."

Madeleine groaned, "That's unhealthy, you know? And since you're going to get married to me soon, you should get used to eating three times a day. I would be cooking for you everyday, you know?" Espresso smiled, "You don't have to do that..."

"Hm, but I must. Also, get some sleep, don't think that I didn't notice those bags under your eyes." Espresso protested, "I can't, you're still sick and I must look after you."

Madeleine shook his head, "Nope! You're going to sleep, whether you like it or not!" Madeleine pushed Espresso down onto the bed and cuddled next to him.

"It's my turn to look after you!" Espresso sighed, he eventually gave in and snuggled closer to Madeleine, eventually falling asleep.


Be prepared for the next chapter, people.

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