Going On Patrol

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Madeleine had woken up. It was around 7am in the morning. Madeleine rubbed his eyes, he looked beside him and saw Espresso sleeping.

Madeleine chuckled. He kissed Espresso's forehead and sat up. Espresso had his arms wrapped around him.

Madeleine nudged Espresso a bit, Espresso was still fast asleep. Madeleine felt a little guilty for trying ot wake him up.

"Babe? Wake up, we have patrol today." Madeleine whispered. Espresso groaned, he was half awake but didn't want ot get up.

Madeleine sighed, "Babyyyy, wake up, we have patrollllll..." he nudged Espresso again. Espresso opened his eyes and glared at him. Madeleine laughed a bit since he knew it was in a joking manor.

Espresso sat up, "I don't wanna wake up though...." Madeleine felt guilty again. He looked at Espresso, "We have patrol today. We have to wake up earlier than usual." Espresso sighed.

"Fiinnnnnee. I'll wake up, but you have to kiss me on the cheek first." Madeleine nodded. He lifted Espresso's face up and kissed his cheek.

"Alright! Let's get ready!" Madeleine beamed. He was quite excited, he liked doing patrols but only if there was action.

Espresso chuckled quietly, "..Dork..." they both got out of bed and changed into some fresh clothes before heading to the dining hall for breakfast.

One hour later...

Espresso, Madeleine, Sorbet Shark, Sea Fairy and Herb were patrolling the area. Lilac couldn't make it to patrol today so Sorbet Shark took his place.

Sorbet Shark stayed close to Sea Fairy. They had always seen her as a motherly figure to them. Herb was humming and taking care of his plants.

Madeleine and Espresso were chatting about something, "Has it already been half a year since we started dating? Time sure does fly, doesn't it!" Madeleine said. Espresso nodded.

"Hey, what do you think Spirit is doing in Prison? Do you think he's trying to escape like last time?" Espresso thought for a moment, "Well, he got sent to the max security Prison. Meaning that there are about 20 times more of the amount of guards. He couldn't even if he wanted to."

Madeleine sighed in relief, "Phew! I would've had a heart attack if he had escaped. Its been like almost a week since he got arrested again. If he broke out that quickly from the Prison, I would probably faint."

Espresso chuckled, "Why are we even talking about this? We should be on patrol, shouldn't we?" Madeleine nodded.

"Stop. I heard something." Sea Fairy said. She pointed in the direction of where the noise was coming from. Herb got out one of their knives and held onto it tightly. Madeleine gripped his sword.

They saw movement. Madeleine grabbed his sword from behind him and held into it. Espresso was prepared to summon his spells. Sorbet Shark and Sea Fairy got ready as well. Herb made sure he had gotten ready with his healing spells.

Dark Enchantress's minions appeared. They all ambushed the five cookies. Espresso summoned a spell to hold them off. Madeleine slashed his sword at some of the minions.

Sea Fairy and Sorbet Shark used their attacks at the same time to deal more damage. Herb used their healing spells to heal any of the cookies who had gotten damaged.

"Witness the might of the seas!" Sea Fairy yelled, summoning more attacks. Espresso had enough stamina to summon another attack. "Escape this!" He yelled out as he summoned another attack.

While they were distracted with fighting off the minions, they didn't realise that one of them had snuck off and went behind them. The minion held out its spear and threw it at Madeleine.

"Madeleine! Watch out!" Madeleine was confused, the spear stabbed through his armor. The minion ran off, leaving the five cookies alone. Madeleine held his side where he had been stabbed. He fell on his knees, Espresso rushed towards him, tears in his eyes.

"Madeleine! Herb! We need help!" Herb rushed over to them and started healing Madeleine. Madeleine slowly fluttered his eyes closed, "No! Don't you dare close those eyes!" Espresso's voice was shaky.

Madeleine leaned against Espresso, he was still bleeding out. Espresso looked at Herb, "WE HAVE TO GET TO THE INFIRMARY!" He quickly picked up Madeleine and they all rushed to the infirmary.

A few hours later..

Madeleine woke up. He groaned when he felt a sharp pain in his side. He looked next to him and saw Espresso crying. He was hugging the Madeleine plushie that they had bought a month ago.

Madeleine looked around. He realised he was at the infirmary. He saw many gifts on the table nearby. Madeleine moved closer to Espresso, nudging him a bit.

Espresso felt someone shake him. He looked up and saw Madeleine smiling at him, "Y-you're awake!" Espresso happily said. Madeleine nodded, "Ugh, but that really hurt..."

Espresso held Madeleine's hand, "Idiot, you always have to make me worry about you, huh?" Madeleine smiled nervously. He tried sitting up but immediately regretted it once he felt the sharp pain in his side.

"Careful, you just woke up. It's better to lay back down and rest. The doctors said that you'll be in here for a couple of weeks. You'll be out by the end of the month, though."

Madeleine nodded. He layed back down ont he bed and sighed, "Will you come to visit me?" He asked. Espresso nodded, "Of course! And if you want, I can even spend the night. The doctors don't mind."

Espresso wiped away some of the tears that were rolling down his face. Madeleine moved closer to him and helped him wipe the tears.

"Don't cry over a silly accident. You should save your tears for something more important than me." Espresso hut Madeleine on the head, "OW! What did I do this time?" Madeleine wasn't sad this time, he was slightly annoyed.

"You are the only person I love in this entire universe and you think I wouldn't cry for you? You treated me much more better than my parents and I am thankful you exist in my life, alright?" Madeleine was slightly shocked. Espresso cupped Madeleine's face with both of his hands and kissed him.

Madeleine blushed, but he kissed back. They pulled away and Espresso smiled, "Don't say stuff lkke that ever again, alright? You are one of the top reasons why I am still alive today so don't say stupid stuff like that, alright?"

Madeleine nodded. Espresso smiled and moved into a more comfortable position on his chair. He started reading a book he had brought along.

"Can I read with you?" Madeleine asked, Espresso nodded. He moved closer to Espresso and peeked over his shoulder to get a glimpse of the book he was reading.

They spent the rest of the night reading and laughing about silly things.


Last chapter of the day. I am sorry if there are any mistakes, I am just really sleepy rn.

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