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Trigger Warning: Slight mentions of r@pe, just like the last chapter. If you are uncomfortable with this, please skip this Chapter!


It had been about a week and a half now. Just another three days before Madeleine got fully resurrected.

Atleast, that's what Espresso thought. He had training with Milk Cookie today. Espresso packed some fresh clothes and left his house, locking his door on the way out.

He hadn't noticed the glowing light that was coming from the window of his room.

Espresso walked over to the training area. He placed his bag down and prepared himself to fight Milk Cookie. Espresso looked around and saw him talking with Red Velvet.

He walked over to Milk Cookie, "Ah, General Espresso! Are you ready for training?" Espresso nodded. Red Velvet told Milk Cookie something and walked away.

"Alright, tell me when you're ready! I wouldn't want to make you surprised during training!" Milk Cookie smiled at Espresso.

"Now!" Espresso charged at Milk Cookie. Milk Cookie dodged and charged back. He attempted to punch Espresso but he blocked it with his hands.

"What's the goal for today?" Espresso asked Milk Cookie, swiftly dodging his attacks, "You're going to attempt to pin me down on the ground. When either one of us succeeds, then we'll stop the sparring session for a short break!"

Milk Cookie blocked Espresso's punches, Espresso groaned and punched Milk Cookie in the gut. Milk Cookie held his stomach, but was still able to battle.

Espresso noticed that Milk Cookie was distracted, he tackled him and pinned him to the ground, "Oh, that was quick! Atleast we got that over with!" Milk Cookie sighed out. Espresso stood up and helped Milk Cookie up.

Milk Cookie grinned a bit, and he walked away. Espresso was confused until he felt a pair of arms hug him from behind. He looked behind him and almost cried once he saw Madeleine.

"Surprise! See, it worked!" Madeleine said, touching his hands and his hair. Espresso tackled Madeleine on the ground and hugged him, "Eh? Are you crying?" Madeleine asked, hugging Espresso back.

"Yes, I'm just so happy that it worked!" He smiled at Madeleine. Madeleine giggled, "Maybe we shouldn't be talking here, there are other cookies trying to train, you know?"

Espresso nodded. He got up, wiping away his tears. Madeleine held Espresso's hand and they headed back to Espresso's house for a short break.

When they entered the house, Madeleine sat down on the floor, "Ugh, I'm not used to having a limited amount of energy again..." Espresso chuckled, he sat down next to him.

"Hm, what did I miss while I was gone?" Madeleine asked, looking at Espresso, "I kinda don't remember what happened while I was dead-"

Espresso looked down, "Well, uhm, how do I start this off? I took over your position as the Knight Commander temporarily, I had been staying in here a bit more often."

Madeleine nodded, "And? I'm sure there are other things I missed!" Espresso sighed, "You know Spirit, right?" Madeleine nodded.

"Well, I kinda, got, r@ped by him.." Madeleine's espression turned serious, "You, what?" Espresso looked away. He heard sniffling and looked back at Madeleine, "I really am useless, aren't I?"

Espresso shook his head, "No! It's fine, I was the weak one, you couldn't even do anything about it even if you wanted to!" A few tears rolled down Madeleine's cheek, "NO! IT'S NOT FINE!"

Madeleine punched the floor, "I HAD GOTTEN KILLED BY GUARDS BECAUSE I WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION!" Espresso crawled over to him.

"YOU CRIED BECAUSE I DIED, THAT BROKE MY HEART, YOU KNOW?!" Espresso hugged him and started comforting him, "Shh, it wasn't your fault.."

"AND I COULDN'T EVEN PROTECT YOU, I'M A FUCKING IDIOT!" Madeleine cryed more. Espresso hugged him tighter, "That's not true, Madeleine."

"I'm a useless boyfriend who can't even you, the one that I love..." Madeleine cried, hugging Espresso.

"It wasn't your fault, Madeleine. I was weak, I couldn't fight back. I know that if you were still alive that time, you would've saved me..."

Madeleine whimpered, "It's my fault I got killed, I'm useless and weak.." he started shaking, "Idiot, if you were useless and weak, I wouldn't be with you right now."

Madeleine looked at Espresso. They held eye contact a bit, "Don't ever say that about yourself, alright? All that matters to me is that you're alright. I don't care if you couldn't protect me, I still love you, dork.."

Espresso kissed Madeleine. Madeleine blushed, but he closed his eyes and kissed back. Espresso pulled away, "Stupid idiot, always caring about others before yourself."

Madeleine rested his head on Espresso's chest, "Sleepy..." Espresso scoffed, "Idiot, you always have to make me pamper you, don't you?" Madeleine didn't respond, he just closed his eyes.

"Fine, I guess I'll have to carry you back to my room, why can't you even take care of yourself properly?" Espresso picked Madeleine up bridal styled and headed towards his room.

He set Madeleine down on the bed and removed his armor, making Madeleine more comfortable. Espresso covered him with the blanket and smiled, "Dork.."

Madeleine snored a bit, Espresso headed over to his kitchen and made himself some tea. He walked back over to Madeleine and sat down next to him.

Madeleine snuggled closer to Espresso, he sighed and started to play with Madeleine's hair, "How is his hair alway this soft?" Espresso mumbled.

Madeleine shook a bit, Espresso patted Madeleine on the head, trying to comfort him.

He wrapped his arms around Espresso's waist and started crying a bit. Espresso placed down his tea on the table and hugged him.

"Shh, I'm here. Whatever it is that you're dreaming about, it isn't real." Madeleine stopped crying. He hugged Espresso tighter and smiled, "I love..Espresso..."

Espresso chuckled and whispered into Madeleine's ear, "I love you too, Madeleine."

Silent snoring could be heard in the room, Espresso smiled and picked up his tea. He picked up a book and read it while he was drinking his tea.

He repositioned himself so that Madeleine's head was on his lap. He continued to pat Madeleine's head as he read through the book.


Last Chapter of the day. I am sleepy, so it might not be very good.

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