The Incident And The Aftermath

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Madeleine finally managed to get himself off of his bed. He was tired due to the lack of sleep but still got dressed anyways.

He went over to the closet next to his bed and changed into his armor. He headed into his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror.

Madeleine shivered a bit once he saw the small scar on his cheek. It was almost unnoticeable but the mark from all those years ago was still there.

He used some of his hair to cover up the scar and went out of his room. He walked downstairs to the dining hall for breakfast. Surprisingly, it was empty today.

There was a small note left on the table. Madeleine walked towards it and read it.

'Madeleine, if you are reading this. Me and your grandfather have gone on a small trip overseas for a few weeks. We won't be back until the end of the month, if you are wondering where your siblings are, they are currently at school. I hope you don't miss us too much!

-Love, Mom'

Madeleine smiled when he read the note. He looked around and saw a plate of food. He walked over and took a seat, looking at his food. He started eating his food and quickly finished.

Madeleine placed the dish on the counter, he was already running late so he couldn't exactly wash it right now.

He ran out of the castle. When he reached the front gates, Latte ran towards him, "Madeleine! Espresso is going to get executed! They are about to burn him!"

Madeleine gasped, "And his parents are leading it! His own parents are planning to burn him!"

He froze. Madeleine knew Espresso had abusive parents, but he didn't think they would go that far, especially when he was still around.

"Take me to him." he said to Latte. She nodded and leaded Madeleine over to the commotion.

Madeleine gasped when he saw what was happening. Espresso was tied up and held high in the air, a Gay Pride flag was held above him, flickering in the wind.

Before Madeleine could fully process what was happening, the villagers took a match and lit up a fire. It was slowly burning Espresso.

"GAH! HELP!" Espresso called out, tears were forming in his eyes as the fire got closer and closer to him.

Madeleine snapped out of it, "What are you doing?! Why are you burning him, he did nothing wrong!" he yelled at the villagers.

"Isn't it obvious? He is gay, a homosexual. Those people are absolutely disgusting! They deserve to burn!"

Madeleine was shocked, "Just because he is Gay?! I am Pansexual myself and no one is trying to burn me! Why do you burn him then?!"

The villagers were shocked. Madeleine payed no attention to them, "We need water! We have to put out the fire!" Madeleine grabbed a bucket and headed to the nearby river.

Latte summoned some coffee to try putting out the fire, it wasn't very affective but some of it was gone. Madeleine got back with the bucket of water and splashed it onto the fire. Most of it was gone now.

Herb and Milk Cookie put out the last few flames of the fire with some water. Latte untied Espresso, but she couldn't catch him on time and he fell.

Madeleine ran over to him and managed to catch Espresso. He was carrying Espresso bridal style and blushed a little, "Espresso? Are you alright?"

Espresso was whimpering and shaking, probably traumatised. "Latte, Milk and Herb, you guys take care of the crowd. I'll bring Espresso back to the castle."

The three of them nodded and Madeleine carried Espresso back to the castle. He ran through the front gates and went through the entrance.

He quickly ran upstairs. Espresso was still shaking a little bit. Madeleine opened the door to his room and set Espresso down.

"I'll go get you some new clothes, you can change in the bathroom. There is a medkit there so you can treat your wounds, I'll head downstairs to make you some food." Madeleine said to Espresso, he nodded and Madeleine went over to the closet.

He grabbed some new clothes and headed back to Espresso, "These are some of my clothes, so they might be a bit oversized on you."

Espresso nodded and took the clothes, he wasn't shaking as severely as just now but he is still slightly trembling.

He stumbled into the bathroom and Madeleine headed downstairs. He made some sandwiches for Espresso and headed back upstairs.

Espresso had already gotten changed and had bandaged himself up. Madeleine sat down next to him and gave him the food.

"I made this for you, I hope you enjoy them!" he smiled at Espresso. Espresso was slightly hesitant to eat it, "Are you sure I can eat it? I wouldn't want to be a burden.." Madeleine nodded.

Espresso sighed and took one of the sandwiches. He took a bite and was slightly surprised, "This..isn't half bad.." he took another bite and Madeleine chuckled.

"It forever since I last ate." Madeleine grew slightly concerned again but he didn't want to make Espresso uncomfortable by questioning him.

Madeleine rested his head on Espresso's shoulder, "Ahh, this feels niceee," Espresso almost choked on his food and got flustered.

He set down the tray of food next to him and looked away, Madeleine wanted to grab Espresso's attention so he wrapped his arms around Espresso's waist.

"W-WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" Espresso turned even more flustered. Madeleine lifted his head up to look at Espresso's face, "Awww, you look so cute when your blushing!"

Espresso looked away, "Yeah..very cute...." Madeleine sounded tired. Espresso scoffed and looked at him, "Go to bed, you dork."

Madeleine groaned a bit, "But.. I want cuddles...." Espresso got flustered but didn't answer him back.

There was some silent snoring. Madeleine had fallen asleep. Right when Espresso thought that he could take a break from Madeleine, he said something in his sleep.

"...You..probably will..reject me like...everyone else...but...I love you...Espresso...."


Cliffhanger :)

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