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Madeleine woke up and yawned. Espresso was next to him, still sleeping. He took this time to prepare for the proposal.

Madeleine stood up and stretched, he grabbed the suit that he was going to wear and headed into the bathroom for a nice bath.

When he was done, he quickly wiped himself and made sure he was dry before he put on his suit. He brushed out his hair and tied it up into a ponytail with a blue ribbon.

He wanted to look perfect for today.

Madeleine got out of the bathroom and wrote a note. He set it down on the table and left the room so that he could set up the proposal.

He was going to have breakfast at the cafe, he didn't want Espresso to find out about the occasion. It had already been a year since they started dating, so it was their anniversary.

Espresso wouldn't be too suspicious on why Madeleine was gone, he would probably think that he was setting up a nice date for them. Madeleine walked out of the castle. It was still pretty early, about 7am. He is surprised that Espresso hadn't woken up while he was in the bathhroom.

He walked over to the flower shop. He bought a bouquet of Espresso's favourite flowers and went over to the Sakura Tree at the beach. He thought it would be a good place to propose considering that they had first met each other near that Sakura Tree.

He had left a small trail of rose petals on the ground leading to it. There were some fairy lights strung up on the tree and a few candles to light up the area. He really wanted to put in all his effort for this.

Meanwhile, with Espresso..

Espresso had just woken up. He yawned and looked at the time, it was 7:27am. He groaned and got out of bed. He got some new clothes and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

When he had gotten dressed, he looked around and realised that Madeleine wasn't in the room. He thought that maybe he was planning something since it was their anniversary.

He saw a small note on the desk. Espresso walked towards it and started reading the note.

I noticed that it had been a year since we had started dating! Time flies by when I am with you, and I am surprised that it had already been so long.

I prepared something for us. Do you remember the place we met? I was signing autographs by the beach and you happened to be walking by!

Can we maybe meet there? I want to tell you something.

-Madeleine <3'

Espresso smiled at the note. He combed his hair and walked out of the room. He headed downstairs and had some breakfast before leaving to the beach.

Madeleine was waiting, he was really nervous about this. He was starting to wonder if he should even propose to him or not.

But, it was already too late. Espresso had already arrived.

"E-Espresso!" Madeleine said, "I didn't expect you to show up that fast! Have you ate breakfast yet?" Espresso nodded, he walked over to Madeleine and kissed his cheek.

"Soo, what's the occasion? You're dressed up so nicely, today!" Espresso said, blushing a bit. Madeleine's face turned red, "W-Well, I wanted to ask you something.."

Espresso smiled at him, "Go ahead! You know that you can ask me anything!" Madeleine gulped, that just made him more nervous. He sighed, trying to calm himself down.

"Espresso, whenever I was upset or sad, you were there for me. When I was being overly confident and annoying, you still stayed with me, and when I was talking about my insecurities, you would listen to me."

Espresso smiled, slightly confused, "Madeleine, why are you saying this? It's cute, but I'm slightly confused.."

"I am saying that I am grateful to have you in my life, and I am hoping that I could spend the rest of my life with you by my side." Madeleine got down on one knee. Espresso blushed when he realised what Madeleine was going to do.

"So, will you please marry me?" Madeleine looked away, flustered. Espresso didn't know what to say, he smiled as tears formed in his eyes, "Y-Yes!" He tackled Madeleine onto the ground and hugged him.

"I will marry you, Madeleine!" Madeleine teared up and hugged Espresso, smiling. They both sat up and laughed a bit, "Was that why you were dressed up so nicely today, dork? If I had known, I would've dressed in something fancier than my usual outfit.."

Madeleine shook his head, "I would've preferred you in your usual outfit. You look lovely in it in my opinion." Espresso blushed. Madeleine lifted Espresso's chin up and kissed him.

Espresso wrapped his arms around Madeleine's neck and kissed him back. They pulled away and laughed, "You have no idea how nervous I was!" Espresso chuckled, "I can tell that you were nervous! You were trembling slightly, you know?"

Madeleine rubbed the back of his neck, "I didn't think you would actually say yes.." Espresso chuckled, "Idiot, of course I'll say yes. I love you, after all!" Madeleine smiled nervously.

"Well, the wedding is going to take a few months to prepare. I hope you don't mind the wait." Espresso shook his head, "Knowing that I am marrying you is already enough to make me the happiest cookie that ever existed!"

Madeleine pouted, "I'm supposed to be the happiest cookie!" Espresso giggled, "We'll both be the happiest cookies that ever existed, how is that?" Madeleine nodded.

"Do you maybe want to go out for lunch later? I did make a reservation at a expensive restaurant incase you said yes." Espresso nodded. Madeleine took Espresso's hand and kissed the top of it.

"Dork!" Espresso said, blushing. Madeleine blushed a bit and stood up, "We should probably get up." He placed his hand out for Espresso. He took his hand and got up, dusting himself off in the process.

"You know, you look really handsome with your hair tied, Madeleine. You look cuter with it down, though." Madeleine blushed, "I can tie it up more often, or would you prefer it down?"

"Whatever that makes you happy, I'm alright with both but I think I'll prefer the usual Madeleine." Madeleine nodded, "Oh, I also got some flowers for you, I think I misplaced it on accident. I was too busy preparing for the proposal."

Madeleine searched around and found the flowers, "For you, darling~" He said, holding it out for Espresso's to take.

"My favourite flowers, thank you Madeleine." Espresso took the flowers and smiled at him. Madeleine blushed slightly, he placed his hand out, signalling that he wanted to hold Espresso's hand.

Espresso noticed and smiled, he took Madeleine's hand. He blushed when Espresso held it tightly. They started walking off the beach, chatting about what they were going to do now.


Last Chapter of the day, sorry that there is one chapter less, I wanted to end it off with this :)

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