Those Past Few Weeks

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Trigger Warning: Slight mentions of R@pe/S£xual assault. If you are uncomfortable with this, please skip this Chapter.


It had been a few weeks since Madeleine's death. Espresso had been staying inside his house, he hadn't left even once, not even to get food.

Espresso spent most of his time trying to look for a resurrection spell in his book. He would check each page thoroughly but every time, he couldn't find one.

Espresso was hugging his pillow. He was sobbing and crying. Madeleine was gone. That was what he had thought. Espresso heard something fall outside. He stood up and went towards the sound.

He looked at the counter and saw a small note. He took it off the counter and read it.

'I don't think you checked all the books thoroughly, what about my diary? I used to practice spells and write down my progress there!


Espresso was slightly confused, "Alright, who is playing pranks with me? Madeleine has passed on and you shouldn't be joking about him!" Nobody answered.

Espresso crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trashbin. He was about to head back to his room, when another item fell over.

There was another paper, "How in the-" Espresso walked over and looked at the paper.

'I'm not playing tricks with you, Espresso! I'm just a spirit. Go check my diary, there is an ancient resurrection spell that only my family knows about. Go see for yourself.

-Madeleine :)'

Espresso was starting to get creeped out. He stood up and went over to his room. He had kept Madeleine's diary and decided to read through it.

There were a bunch of spells that Espresso didn't know about, it must have been the other ancient spells that only his family known about.

He flipped to a certain page, it was some sort of revival spell. Espresso read through it, "I need redstone, candles, some of my blood and his ashes? I have all of those, surprisingly."

Espresso closed the book and gathered the materials needed. While he was taking the materials back to his room, he felt a somewhat warm presence following him.

"Hm, maybe it isn't a prank.." he mumbled out. Espresso started on the spell, it was more of a ritual but it still counts as a spell.

When he had finished the spell, he looked back at the diary, "Takes around one to two weeks for the spell to fully work.." Espresso sighed, "That's a shame. But, I suppose it will be worth the wait, anything to bring that dork back."

He closed the diary and layed down on his bed. Now all he needed to do was wait two weeks. He started dozing off, and surprisingly, he didn't wake up mid-way like usual.

Espresso woke up the next morning. He was in a pretty happy mood. He got changed and made himself some breakfast, "Bleh, Madeleine's cooking is way better-"

When he thought about Madeleine, he smiled. He couldn't wait for Madeleine to be revived. He had been through a lot those past few weeks.

Most of the cookies believed that Madeleine was just on a trip overseas or something, the only cookies who know about his death were the ones who witnessed it and the doctors at the infirmary.

Espresso had taken over Madeleine's job as a temporary Knight Commander until he gets back. Not only was that pretty stressful, but without Madeleine around, Spirit had been interacting with Espresso more.

And it wasn't in a good way. Without Madeleine intervening those conversations, Spirit had ended up doing something to Espresso.

That was one of the worst days of Espresso's life. There were no cookies around, so there were no witnesses when that crime happened.

Espresso teared up a bit. He had tried fighting back, but it wasn't any use. He hadn't really got much training which ended up with him losing to Spirit.

"That fucking perverted asshole..." Espresso mumbled out, finishing his breakfast. Espresso was still traumatised from that day.

If Madeleine was still alive, he would've stopped it. He would've protected Espresso from being r@ped. But he wasn't.

Which was why, Espresso was in a somewhat happy mood today. He was hoping that the resurrection spell wasn't some sort of prank and that it would actually work.

Since he had become the new Knight Commander temporarily, he had gotten much more physical training as well. Instead of just practicing spells, he knows hand to hand combat as well.

He had managed to defeat Milk Cookie and Red Velvet Cookie a few times during training. Espresso was pretty proud of it.

He had some training with Red Velvet Cookie today. Espresso would prefer to train with Milk Cookie since he wasn't as scary as Red Velvet but that doesn't mean he hates him.

Espresso washed his plate. He placed it on the counter and headed to his room. He packed some fresh clothes to change into after training.

He heard something fall in the kitchen. He placed his bag on his bed and went to check it out. Luckily, it was just a spoon that had fallen.

Espresso noticed that there was another note on the counter. He picked up the spoon and placed it in its original position before reading it.

'I can't wait to be able to hug you again! :D


Espresso chuckled. That was definitely Madeleine who wrote that. It was his hand writing and it seemed like something Madeleine would say.

He was still slightly confused on how Madeleine could write to him, but he had read a book about these types of Spirits.

It is said that these Spirits stayed on Earth to watch over their loved ones instead of going to heaven to rest in peace.

These Spirits can interact with items, but only when nobody is looking. They can write, read and etc. But the moment someone looks at them, it will look like they had never done that.

Espresso sighed. He took his bag and went out of his house. He went to his training, wishing that the two weeks will go by faster.



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