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Espresso started to cough violently. Madeleine heard and went towards him, "What's wrong, Espresso?"

Espresso shook his head, "Nothing, I usually get a bit sick, that's all. It didn't really happen when I was younger, but maybe it's just an allergy or something, it's not that serious, really."

Madeleine grew a bit concerned, Espresso covered his mouth with his hand, he was coughing more violently now. Madeleine led Espresso to the bathroom.

"I'll wait outside, tell me when your done with, you know." Espresso nodded and headed inside, closing the door while doing so.

He ran over to the toilet and started puking. Madeleine was worried because Espresso sounded like he was in trouble.

After about 10 minutes, Espresso didn't feel like puking anymore. He looked down and was horrified. He had puked out blood. Espresso quickly flushed the toilet, not wanting to see it and went over to the sink.

He washed his face and drank some water to get rid of the vomit in his mouth. He felt exhausted, it was never this severe before.

He walked outside, Madeleine was waiting for him. He hugged Espresso tightly and looked at him, "We're taking you to the nearby infirmary, not the one that is in this part of the kingdom, though, there are to many people trying to assassinate you."

Espresso shook his head, "It's fine, I'm fine, it happens a lot. I don't really know how it started but all I know is that I was eating pasta that Red Velvet, your second in command, had served."

Madeleine scoffed and carried Espresso bridal style, "I'm still taking you to the infirmary, no matter what you say!" Espresso blushed as Madeleine continued chatting.

"Wait, what about your siblings?" Espresso looked at Madeleine, "Eh, they said that they would be fine on their own. They are old enough to stay home alone if they are with each other."

Espresso nodded. He leaned against Madeleine's chest and started closing his eyes. Madeleine blushed slightly and smiled at Espresso.

Madeleine walked towards the other side of town, most of the villagers there were pretty nice but majority of the overall Kingdom were homophobic.

Espresso started coughing again, he placed his hand over his mouth. Madeleine started running, he wanted to get Espresso to the infirmary as soon as possible.

They had already reached the other side of the kingdom, Madeleine started running around, asking for directions since he wasn't as familiar with this part of the kingdom.

Madeleine eventually reached the infirmary. He rushed in and told the nurses about Espresso's situation. They took Espresso away and Madeleine waited.

It had been a few hours, it was 4:57pm. Madeleine wasn't that hungry since he had gotten some food from the cafeteria while he was waiting.

Some of the nurses come out of Espresso's room, "Is he alright?! What happened to him?" the nurses looked at their clipboard and then looked at Madeleine, "Well, he had been poisoned a few months ago. The poison was said to work a few months later so that no one will suspect the cookie who had originally poisoned Espresso to be the criminal behind this."

Madeleine was shocked, "Is he going to be alright?" the nurses nodded, "He has a small chance of dying, but since you brought him here before the poison got worse, it is only a very little chance. About 2%"

Madeleine sighed in relief, "Can I go visit him? Or does he need to rest?" the nurses discussed with each other, "Of course, he is still getting better so I suggest that you shouldn't try to wake him up."

Madeleine thanked the nurses and rushed into the room. Espresso was laying down on the bed, a few IV tubes and wires were connected to him.

Madeleine sat down in a nearby chair and gently held Espresso's hand. He was exhausted, but he wanted to stay awake to watch over Espresso.

Suddenly, Latte burst through the door, Madeleine flinched a bit and Espresso groaned, he didn't wake up, luckily.

"Where is my baby?!" Latte looked around, she had always thought of Espresso as her child that she needs to protect. She is pretty overprotective when it comes to him.

She ran towards the hospital bed and sat down on a chair. "Madeleine, how has Espresso been doing? You rescued him yesterday, so I thought you might know."

Madeleine rubbed his thumb on Espresso's hand, "Well, he is ok. The doctors said he had been poisoned but since we came here before it had gotten worse, they managed to get the poison out."

Latte sighed in relief, "Phew. Hey, your holding his hand, Madeleine." Madeleine blushed a bit and let go of Espresso's hand, "Are you two?"

Madeleine nodded. Latte gasped and smiled, "Wow! That is awesome, just don't break his heart like how Spirit did, alright? If you do break his heart, I will find you, and I will kill you."

Latte glared at Madeleine. He shivered but nodded. Espresso groaned and opened his eyes. They both looked at him, "Ugh, what happened?.."

"Well, you got poisoned, Espresso. Are you feeling better?" Madeleine asked. Latte waited for his answer, "Ugh, headache. Other than that, I guess I'm fine.." Madeleine and Latte smiled.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone. I just needed to check up on my baby, since you two lovebirds seem like you want some alone time, I'll leave." They both blushed as Latte left the room, closing the door.

Espresso sat up, "You seem tired, what happened?" he cupped Madeleine's cheek. Madeleine closed his eyes and snuggled closer to Espresso's hand. "I was keeping an eye on youu.."

Espresso chuckled, he kissed Madeleine on the forehead and he blushed, "Cmon, lay down with me, I'm sure it's more comfortable sleeping on a bed than on a chair."

Madeleine was hesitant, but he layed down next to Espresso, making sure that he wasn't making Espresso uncomfortable.

Espresso layed down with him, Madeleine snuggled closer to him and smiled, "Your so warmmm...." Espresso rolled his eyes, "Just go to sleep already, idiot."

Madeleine fell asleep. Espresso read one of the books that was on the nearby desk as he cuddled with Madeleine.

Espresso eventually fell asleep a few hours later.


Last chapter of the day, wooooo

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