Cold To The Core

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Trigger Warning(?): Mentions of @buse. If you're not comfy with this, please skip the chapter!


It was snowing. Madeleine and Espresso had decided to walk around outside today. They both had their winter outfits on.

Madeleine placed his hand out, Espresso looked down and smiled, "If you wanted to hold hands, you could have just said so." He held Madeleine's hand. Madeleine blushed but smiled at Espresso.

Espresso was admiring the snow falling. He didn't really have a favourite season but Winter calmed him at times. Madeleine chuckled when he saw Espresso enjoying himself.

"Hm, where should we go today, Espresso? We can go over to the cafe and get hot cocoa or we could make some snowmen, there is so much we can do during winter!" Espresso thought for a moment, "Hm, let's head over to the cafe for some hot cocoa. I'm a bit cold and I need something to warm me up."

Madeleine made a sad face, "You don't need hot cocoa to make you warm when you have me! Everyone knows my hugs are the warmest!" Espresso knew that Madeleine was joking about it and smiled, "Hm, are you sure about that, dear?"

Madeleine blushed when Espresso called him 'dear', "Uhm, yeah! Of course I am!" He looked away, blushing a bit. Espresso rolled his eyes and continued to admire the scenery.

When they reached the cafe, Madeleine opened the door for Espresso, "After you, my love~" Madeleine got slightly punched in the shoulder by Espresso, "Idiot! Stop being such a gentleman!" Espresso obviously meant that as a joke.

They entered the cafe, Madeleine told Espresso to sit at one of the seats and went to go order some hot cocoa. Espresso looked out the window, he was pretty happy until he saw two very familiar cookies outside.

His expression instantly dropped. He clenched his fists and glared at them, they didn't notice him luckily. Espresso looked away and scoffed. He tapped his fingers on the table, waiting for Madeleine to return with the hot cocoa.

After a few more minutes, Madeleine came back with two hot cocoas. He set them down on the table and sat in the chair that was on the opposite end of the small table. He took his cup and started drinking.

Espresso chuckled, "You're so cute sometimes, you know that?" Madeleine choked a bit on his hot cocoa and blushed, "N-No I'm not!" He set down the hot cocoa and looked away from Espresso.

Espresso chuckled, "Don't try to deny it, you are cute, idiot." Madeleine blushed even more, "Stoppp..." He was pretty embarrassed. Espresso smiled at him and continued to drink the hot cocoa.

When they had finished, Madeleine payed for the drinks and they left the cafe. They started walking back to the castle, that was until the two cookies approached them.

"Espresso, dear, I didn't expect you to be in this Kingdom!" The female cookie said, smiling at him. Espresso scoffed, "Don't act like you care about me." The female cookie's expression dropped slightly. The male cookie approached Espresso, "How has it been, son?"

Espresso rolled his eyes, "Fuck off, seriously." Madeleine placed a hand on Espresso's shoulder, "I'm sorry, but if my fiancé doesn't like you, then you'll have to leave us alone." The two cookies were shocked, "You're engaged to the Prince and the Knight Commander?!" Espresso nodded.

The male cookie's phone rang, "Excuse me, I'll have to take this." He left the female cookie alone with Madeleine and Espresso. She scoffed, "Well, your highness, I need to talk to my son alone, so may you please leave?" Madeleine shook his head, "No, I'm not leaving. I'm sure that whatever you need to discuss with Espresso can be done with me here."

The female cookie scoffed, "Espresso, my LOVELY son, I'm so happy that you are getting married to Madeleine! Do you know how much money you'll get access to?! It'll be such a dream!" Espresso shook his head, "I may have access to all that money, but that's not why I'm marrying Madeleine. I'm doing it because I love him."

The female cookie groaned, "Well, it would be pretty bad for the Kingdom's reputation if they had a gay king, now, wouldn't it? If you had just married him for the money, it would be much more easier for you."

Espresso glared at her, "First of all, don't talk about me or my future husband like that, you don't have the right. Second of all, I am not marrying him for his money, I told you already. I love him and he loved me, what more can I ask for from him? You never showed me any fucking love, you would hit me for no fucking reason and make it seem like my fault, if you're being nice to me now so that I can allow you access to the money, then I'm sorry, but it's not working. I hate you and your fucking guts. "

The woman cookie was too stunned to speak. She scoffed and walked away. Espresso sniffled a bit, "Even after so many years, it still hurts that she only wanted me so that I could make money for her one way or another.." Madeleine comforted him, "Shh, its alright, don't listen to what that bitch says, she doesn't deserve to say her opinions about you."

Espresso hugged Madeleine, he started crying as Madeleine moved his hand around Espresso's back, trying to comfort him. He kissed the top of Espresso's head," "Don't worry, I'm here, don't worry about her." Espresso sniffled, "..Thank you, Madeleine...for loving me..." Madeleine smiled, "Of course, I mean, how could I not love you? You're pretty, you're smart, talented and adorable, how could I not fall in love?"

Espresso blushed a bit and smiled at Madeleine, "Dork.." Madeleine picked up Espresso bridal style and started heading back to the castle.

A snowflake fell on top of Espresso's nose, he smiled. Madeleine noticed and giggled a bit, "Have I ever told you how cute you are? You're absolutely adorable!" Espresso blushed, "S-shut up! No I'm not.." Madeleine shook his head, "Yes you are, and nothing can change my mind!"

Espresso hid his face with his hands, making Madeleine chuckle, "See? You are adorable, especially when you're flustered!" Espresso punched Madeleine gently, "Aww, cutie!~" He chuckled as Espresso continued to punch him.

Espresso let out a small yawn, "Aw, even your yawn is cute!" Madeleine smiled as Espresso hid his face in Madeleine's scarf, "If I had brought my phone with me I would've taken a picture, you just look so cute!" Espresso didn't respond, "Welp, there's always a next time to take cute pictures of you! I'll stop teasing you now, though. You are pretty sleepy!"

Espresso closed his eyes. He fell asleep as Madeleine carried him back to the castle.


I didn't have much motivation today so I only managed to post two chapters for now, if I can I'll try posting another one.

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