Breaking In

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It had been a few hours. It was night time now, around 11:30pm. Espresso was working like usual. He had already showered and gotten into fresh clothes.

He received a text. Espresso took out his phone and smiled once he saw Madeleine's name appear on the screen.


It's boring, there isn't much to do out here during night patrol. I keep on hearing noises and bushes rustling but whenever I investigate, it's just a rabbit :(

Prof. Espresso☕:
Be glad that you aren't getting killed like last time. It may be boring, but atleast you're safe.

Then, can we chat? Since there is almost no drama or action out here. I'm sleepy rn but I'm scared that smth might appear so I am staying

Prof. Espresso☕:
Fine, but I have work to do so I won't be chatting as often.

Yay! :D


Espresso smiled. He was texting Madeleine back when he heard something. It sounded like something was being thrown at his downstairs window.

Espresso looked under his pillow and got out his knife. He hid weapons around the house just incase this happened. He held onto his phone and continued to text Madeleine.


Prof. Espresso☕:
I think some bitch just broke into my house, or is trying to, atleast.

Wdym trying to?

Prof. Espresso☕:
I heard something being thrown at my downstairs window. I think they are trying to break in. Is it alright if you come back?

Ofc! I'll be home as soon as I can! Stay safe, love <3

Prof. Espresso☕:


Espresso put away his phone and gripped his knife tightly. He covered the blinds at his window so that the person outside couldn't see him.

He peeked outside the window and groaned once he saw Spirit. "Of course that motherfucker has to try and break into my damn house."

Espresso heard a loud shattering sound downstairs. The window had broke. He locked the door to his bedroom and waited.

He heard a lot of shattering and hitting downstairs. It sounded like Spirit had broke in and was trying to trash his house. Espresso stayed quiet, not wanting to get involved.

He heard footsteps. Spirit was coming upstairs. Espresso took out his phone and called Madeleine. He made sure to speak softly so that Spirit doesn't hear.

"Espresso? Is something wrong? I'm already on my way back!" Madeleine said through the phone. Espresso sighed in relief once he heard his voice.

"Spirit just broke in and I'm about to shank his ass. He hasn't found me yet, luckily. Make sure to bring backup so we can arrest his ass."

"Alright, I'll text the royal guards, stay on the line with me. I need to make sure you're safe." Espresso nodded, "I hear his footsteps getting nearer. I don't want him to hear me so stay quiet."

Madeleine muted himself. Espresso cursed under his breath. Spirit tried to open the door, but it was locked. Espresso crawled over to the door, once Spirit opens it, he will get attacked by him.

Spirit started punching the door. He banged on the door, "I know you're in there, Espresso!~" Espresso groaned. Spirit sounded insane. The banging stopped, and the footsteps went away.

"I think he went away. I am still gonna keep an eye out, though." Espresso whispered into the phone. Madeleine unmuted himself, "I see the house! I'm almost there!"

Before Espresso could respond, Spirit kicked down the door. Espresso flinched and stood up quickly, getting his knife ready.

Spirit punched Espresso. Espresso was too tired to summon his spells so he had to use his raw strength instead. Espresso slashed the knife at him, he missed two times but managed to get Spirit in the stomach.

Spirit threw the knife across the floor and tackled Espresso. "HAH! Where is that whore you call your boyfriend now?!" Spirit punched Espresso.

"AGH!" Espresso punched Spirit and pinned him onto the ground. He started punching Spirit in the face. "Ugh! Shit!" Spirit kicked Espresso off of him and punched him.

Espresso noticed his knife was in reach and grabbed it. He threw it at Spirit and it stabbed him, "AGHH!!"

Espresso smiled and pinned Spirit down on the ground. Spirit's hands we're on his back and Espresso was using one of his hands to keep them still, the other was forcing Spirit's head to stay on the ground.

Madeleine ran into the room, he grabbed his sword and pointed it at Spirit, "Can I kill him? He's annoying." Espresso shook his head, "No, we're gonna torture him until he dies. We'll execute him during our wedding."

Madeleine blushed, "Eh?!" he covered his face with his hair. A few of the royal guards came in and took Spirit away, "For now, he is going to prison. If he escapes, we'll put him in the max security prison then."

Madeleine sighed, he hugged Espresso tightly. "I'm glad you're alright, Espresso." Espresso hugged Madeleine back.

Madeleine looked at Espresso for a moment, he lifted Espresso's chin up so they made eye contact. Madeleine's face was going closer to Espresso's.

Madeleine closed his eyes and kissed Espresso on the lips. Espresso kissed him back. They pulled away for a moment, "Uhm, sorry, you just looked pretty so I had to do it.."

Espresso chuckled, "Go sleep, you dork. I'm sure you're tired from running all the way here and from night watch. It's like, 1am now." Madeleine nodded.

"Hm, but your house is all trashed up. I can pay for the repairs, or we can choose another solution." Espresso looked at Madeleine, "What's the other solution?"

"Well, you move in with me. Back at the castle, we can share a room, and there is also two empty rooms downstairs, you can move your lab there."

Espresso thought about it for a moment, "I guess that would be nice. Moving in with you seems like a good idea, and I'll probably be more safer as well."

Madeleine gasped, "So you'll move in with me?!" Espresso nodded. Madeleine punched the air, "Wooo!!" Espresso yawned, "We'll move in tomorrow. Let's just sleep for now, atleast my bedroom isn't trashed."

Madeleine took off his armor and flopped down onto the bed. Espresso got in bed too and they cuddled, eventually falling asleep.


BTW, the part where Espresso said that Spirit would be executed at their wedding is kinda hinting at something.

From the Start, to the End (Madeleine x Espresso) Where stories live. Discover now