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While the cookies back at the infirmary were resting, Dark Enchantress Cookie had a plan.

"Alright, everyone. We must make master happy, Licorice, do you have any information from our undercover scouts?" Pomegranate turned her attention to Licorice Cookie.

"Yes, apparently, most of the cookies at the infirmary are severely weakened. Our scouts made sure to weaken some of the stronger cookies so that it would be easier for us."

Pomegranate smiled as she listened to the news. Dark Enchantress Cookie entered the room, "Hm, it would make sense to attack the infirmary first. We need to kill every cookie that we can, the weaker the better."

"Any other news from our two scouts, Licorice?" Pomegranate turned to him. Licorice read the letters that the scouts had given him, "Hm, not really. Most of our undercover scouts have been making weapons from the Kingdom's smithy so they didn't gather much information."

"But, there was one scout who did manage to get us some info, it appears that Madeleine and Espresso cookie care a lot about each other, if we kidnap one of them, the other has to do what we say!" Dark Enchantress smiled at the news, "Ah, looks like the little Prince has been getting a bit too close to Coffee Boy."

"And even better, they are some of the few stronger cookies in the kingdom! That will work in our favour!" Licorice continued. Pomegranate and Dark Choco nodded.

"Hm, very well, meeting adjourned. We shall head for the infirmary, make sure to kill as many weak cookies as possible during our attack. Make sure to gather more guards first, we wouldn't want anybody to escape, now, do we?" The other cookies nodded and Dark Enchantress grinned.

Back with Espresso and Madeleine..

It had been a few days after the incident with the poison. Madeleine was coming over to visit Espresso.

Espresso heard a knock on the door, "Come in," Madeleine opened the door. Espresso smiled once he noticed Madeleine had brought him some flowers.

"How are you feeling, Espresso?" Madeleine placed the flowers on the table and sat down on the chair near his bed. "I have been doing fine, thank you for asking, Madeleine."

Madeleine smiled, Espresso moved closer to Madeleine and kissed him on the cheek. Madeleine was slightly shocked but got a bit flustered, "Wow, we've been dating for about a week now and you still can't handle a kiss on the cheek? Imagine what would happen when I end up kissing you on the lips, and it would most likely be your first kiss, am I right?"

Madeleine got even more flustered and hid his face with his hair. Espresso chuckled and moved some of Madeleine's hair away, he stared at Madeleine.

Madeleine was slightly confused but he noticed Espresso's face was moving closer to his. He got flustered and shut his eyes, that was until they heard a loud sound coming from outside.

"Ugh, what now?" Espresso mumbled out. Madeleine went over to the door and looked outside. Many of the nurses and injured cookies were running out of the infirmary.

"I think we're being attacked. A lot of cookies, even the injured ones, are running outside." Madeleine said, he quickly picked up Espresso and started running outside.

When they got out, both of their jaws dropped. Dark Enchantress Cookie was killing some of the cookies and capturing others. A lot of the cookies from the other side of the kingdom have come to help, but there were to many.

Madeleine set Espresso down near one of the big and shady trees, "Stay here, I wouldn't want you to get hurt even further." Espresso nodded and Madeleine grabbed his sword, charging towards the enemies.

Espresso had managed to bring his clothes, he quickly changed out of his hospital uniform and put on his gloves.

Meanwhile, Madeleine was fighting Dark Enchantress Cookie. He managed to hit her a few times but she had attacked him much more. He was starting to get a bit lightheaded due to the amount of hits he had gotten.

Dark Enchantress laughed, "HAH! You can't even handle a few simple attacks? Then this shall be your end!" She was about to kill him when something deflected her attack, throwing her towards the trees.

Madeleine looked behind him, "Espresso?" Espresso looked at him and smiled, "You seemed like you needed help, dear."

Madeleine blushed at the nickname but snapped back to reality when he heard the other Cookie's scream for help, "I'll go finish off that bitch, go help out the others."

Madeleine nodded, Espresso flew towards Dark Enchantress and summoned more spells to attack her.

"ARGH! Release the poison gas!" She said, Poison Mushroom nodded and they released a strange gas. Espresso started feeling lightheaded, "What in the.."

Madeleine had noticed the weird gas coming from the forest and went to investigate.

Espresso managed to summon a few more spells before he collapsed. Madeleine ran over and saw him.

He was getting lightheaded due to the gas. He picked up Espresso and ran, avoiding Dark Enchantress and Poison Mushroom's attacks.

Dark Enchantress summoned a spell. Madeleine couldn't avoid it on time and ended up collapsing on the ground, with Espresso still in his arms.

"Great work, Poison Mushroom. Now, let's take these cookies back to our lair." Poison Mushroom nodded. They tried dragging Madeleine but groaned, "Toooo heavyyyyyy..." Dark Enchantress sighed, she summoned some guards to help them drag those two to the lair.

"I must say, I am very impressed, my chi- I mean, Poison Mushroom." Poison Mushroom was slightly confused, wondering what she would've said.

They headed back to their lair. It was pretty silent, except for their footsteps. When they had reached, they threw Espresso and Madeleine into different cells in the dungeon.

"They would make the perfect bait." She muttered under her breath. Poison Mushroom was still slightly confused.

Dark Enchantress patted Poison Mushroom on the head and they smiled. She wasn't trying to be affectionate, she was just congratulating them for their efforts.

Now, all they had to do, was wait.



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