Espresso Is Sick!

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It had been a few weeks since Madeleine and Espresso got married. When Madeleine woke up, he went downstairs and made some breakfast for the family. He brought his breakfast upstairs to eat later.

Madeleine got some fresh clothes and headed into the bathroom for a shower. When he was done, he headed out and he brushed his hair.

Espresso woke up, he had a headache. "Oh, good morning, darling!~" Madeleine chirped, Espresso smiled at him and touched his forehead, "ACK! Shit, I'm burning up-" Espresso cursed.

"Oh? Let me have a look." Madeleine walked over to Espresso and touched his forehead, "GAH! You are burning up, did you take your flu shot?" Espresso shook his head.

"Ah, you must have a fever! Don't worry, I'll take care of you like how you took care of me!" Madeleine got up, "I'm going to get you your breakfast and some medicine, stay here!"

Espresso nodded as Madeleine ran out of the room. He went to the kitchen and grabbed Espresso's breakfast, he got some medicine from the medicine cabinet and ran back upstairs.

Espresso was sitting at the desk, waiting for Madeleine. The door slammed open and Espresso flinched, " breakfast...and some...medicine...." Madeleine said, panting. He had ran through the castle pretty fast.

He handed Espresso his stuff and face planted on the floor, "Madeleine! Are you alright?.." Espresso looked over at Madeleine. Madeleine gave Espresso a thumbs up and lifted his head.

"Come over here, dork." Madeleine stood up and walked over to Espresso. He sat down on the floor next to him and Espresso started healing Madeleine's face.

"Ugghhh, I'm so damn clumsy and that's not a good thingggg..." Madeleine groaned, Espresso chuckled and patted his head, "Aw, no worries, dear! It's cute, just be more careful."

Madeleine nodded. Espresso kissed his cheek, making Madeleine blush slightly, "ACK, my head." Espresso groaned, "Headache?" Madeleine asked. Espresso nodded, "I'll go get you some pills, they should be in the medicine cabinet somewhere."

Madeleine stood up and ran out of the room again. He rushed downstairs and searched through the medicine cabinet, he grabbed along some extra tissues just in case and ran back upstairs.

This time, he tripped and fell onto the staircase. He groaned and got up, a few bruises were forming on his face. He ran back to the room and kicked the door open again, "GAH! Madeleine, stop doing that!"

Madeleine handed Espresso the stuff and face planted onto the floor again, "Ugghhhhhhh..." Espresso rolled his eyes, "Come on, I'm pretty sure I saw a few extra bruises on your face than before." Madeleine got up and walked to Espresso.

"I should be the one taking care of youuu..." Espresso chuckled, "It's fine, I'm just sick, you on the other hand, are getting injuries." Espresso healed Madeleine's face.

When he was done, he started eating his breakfast. Madeleine sat on the ground next to him and ate his breakfast as well, "Mads, did you make this?" Madeleine nodded. Espresso smiled and continued to eat breakfast.

"Would you like to take some pills as well? For the headaches." Madeleine asked, turning his head to Espresso, "Yeah, is it alright if you give me some massages as well?.." Madeleine nodded. He finished his breakfast, "Would you like me to take the plate downstairs or massages first?"

"Go take the plates downstairs, please." Madeleine nodded. He grabbed the empty plates and ran downstairs. Vanilla MC was was slightly confused when Madeleine placed the plates onto the counter and sprinted back upstairs. She just shrugged it off and continued.

Madeleine closed the door once he got back up and sat on the floor to breathe for a moment, "Huh, looks like you're getting lots of exercise today!" Espresso laughed. Madeleine glared at him, "Not my fault that I want to take care of the person I love!"

"Heh, I guess you have a point." Madeleine stood up and walked over to Espresso, "Have you taken the pills yet?" He asked, Espresso nodded, "Before we do this, I'm not the best at massages so if I accidentally hurt you or anything, please tell me."

Espresso nodded. Madeleine started massaging Espresso's back, "..Mmm." Espresso relaxed, he was less tense now. Madeleine continued to massage Espresso.

"I thought you said you weren't good at this, Mads.." Espresso mumbled out. Madeleine chuckled, "Eh, I'm not. But if you enjoy them, then I guess I can count it as good."

Espresso sighed, "You're way too nice to me sometimes.." Madeleine tilted his head, "I want to treat my lovely husband with respect and love! Of course I'll treat you nicely!~"

"I called you a dork, an idiot and I even made you cry sometimes and yet, you don't want to do the same. It's just strange, I guess." Madeleine smiled at Espresso, "Even if you do all that stuff, I'll still love you regardless."

Espresso chuckled, "You're such an idiot. You and your happy-go-lucky attitude." Madeleine grinned, "I'm happy because of you!" Espresso blushed, "Dork.."

After a few minutes, Madeleine had decided to go downstairs for a bit to stretch. When he got down, he heard Pure Vanilla and Vanilla MC talking about something.

"I heard that Dark Enchantress is planning an attack. What do we do, Vanilla MC?" Pure Vanilla spoke, "Well, we could send a scouting team to try and find out their plans. We need cookies who are strong and stealthy."

"Of course, Madeleine and Espresso are both strong, they are pretty stealthy as well." Pure Vanilla said. Vanilla MC thought for a moment, "Well, Lilac Cookie is also pretty stealthy, I think he would go nicely with those two."

"It's risky to go without a healer, Herb is the most stealthiest healer we know. Let's take him along." Vanilla nodded in agreement. "We can't have more than five cookies or else it would be too noisy or noticeable, let's send those four."

Pure Vanilla nodded. Madeleine walked in, "So, we are going on a scouting mission tomorrow?" He asked. The two of them nodded, "I'll go tell Espresso, we'll get our stuff ready."

Madeleine left the room. He headed back upstairs, "We're going on a scouting mission tomorrow, darling. Let's hope that you are alright by tomorrow."

Espresso nodded, "Alright. I'll go pack some stuff later." Madeleine sat down on the bed and sighed.

"I wonder what their plan is."



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