Back At The Castle

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(This Chapter will be written in UE's perspective :D)


I looked up at the sky, the sun had started rising. I looked back at the tent where Espresso was sleeping. I walked over and headed inside.

He seemed to be having a nice dream, probably one about Madeleine. I smiled and nudged him a little, "Wake up, sleepyhead. Madeleine's waiting for you back at the castle." Espresso groaned, he opened his eyes and put on his glasses.

"I was having a nice dream and you just had to wake me up, didn't you?" I rolled my eyes, "It was one about Madeleine, wasn't it?" Espresso nodded.

I scoffed, "Come on, the sooner you get up, the sooner you get to see Madeleine." Espresso got up and rubbed his eyes. He was clearly sleepy.

I walked out of the tent, Espresso followed behind me. I clapped my hands and the tent disintegrated. Espresso looked at me, slightly shocked, "What? Never seen someone disintegrate something before?" Espresso adjusted his glasses and shook his head.

I summoned a portal. I had made sure that it led to the Kingdom before dragging Espresso in. We landed in front of the castle. I dusted myself off and looked behind me, Espresso had face planted, he looked up at me, his glasses were slightly cracked.

"Woops!" I said. The front entrance of the castle opened and Madeleine pointed his sword at my neck, "WHO ARE YOU, AND WHY DID YOU TAKE ESPRESSO?!" I raised both of my hands in the air.

Espresso ran over ot him and calmed Madeleine down, "Dear, its fine, they are on our side now." Madeleine relaxed a bit. I sighed in relief, "Uhm, my name is UE! I used to be on Dark Enchantress's side because she had forced me, but now I'm on your side! I'm technically a spy for you guys!"

Madeleine looked over at Espresso, "Are you sure we can trust them?" Espresso nodded. Madeleine dropped his sword on the ground and immediately hugged Espresso tightly.

"I-I thought I would n-never see you again..." Espresso hugged him back, "No, it's fine, dear. I'm here now, don't worry.." Madeleine started shaking, I could tell he was crying.

"Oh, uh, well, I suppose that I'm sorry?" I said, Espresso smiled at me and continued to comfort Madeleine. I looked away once Madeleine kissed Espresso, "Ugh, love." I mumbled. I took out my phone and snapped a picture. They were a cute couple.

"This is such a cute reunion, I'm making this my new wallpaper." I made it my wallpaper on my locksreen and looked back at them. Madeleine was slightly glaring at me, but I could tell it wasn't in a threatening manner.

"Hm, it's night time, yall should probably get some rest." I said. Espresso nodded and held Madeleine's hand, dragging him into the castle. I followed behind them.

They headed upstairs while I started exploring the castle. I noticed that someone was watching me but I didn't know who.

"Hello there, you were the one who tried to kill me, weren't you?" I looked behind me, "Oh, hello Pure Vanilla!" I smiled at them. They grabbed their staff defensively, "Oh, uh, right, I did try to kill you, yeah, uh, sorry about that, I suppose."

"And what are you doing here? Who let you into the castle?" They pointed their staff at my neck, "Uhm, Espresso and Madeleine, I'm on your side now, don't worry!" Pure Vanilla was still cautious of me but they didn't try killing me, I count that as a good thing.

They walked away. I shrugged and continued to walk around the castle.

A few hours later...

I was walking past Pure Vanilla's room. I took a small peek inside and saw that they were praying. I looked around and noticed some Non-binary decorations.

I knocked on the door, grabbing their attention. They looked at me and smiled slightly, "Hello there, UE." they said. I walked in, "Do you still want to kill me?" I asked. Pure Vanilla thought for a moment, "...Maybe." I punched the air, "Yes! That's not a no!"

I walked over and sat on the ground. They continued to pray. I examined the room, trying to get used to the environment. It was around 6am now, so the sun is going to rise soon.

I stood up and walked around, examining the small details of the room. It was really nice and clean. I noticed something shiny on the bookshelf and I went towards it.

I looked at it and gasped when I realised what it was, "It's a ring!" I said, I took it off the shelf. I looked over at Pure Vanilla, "It's my engagement ring. Another ancient had proposed to me with it a long time ago. I'm still with him right now."

"Is it Dark Cacao?" I asked, Pure Vanilla nodded. I placed the ring back on the bookshelf, not wanting to get it dirty.

"Huh, I wonder how it feels to be loved, both from your family and your lover. Must be nice." I said. I turned my head to Pure Vanilla, "I'm sure you'll find that special someone, and when it comes to family, we'll be here for you, I suppose."

I smiled, "Well, there is one cookie that I have a small crush on, I think. She is Red Velvet's little sister and she's around the same age as me. We've talked before and we're good friends."

Pure Vanilla nodded, "Is it Macaroon? She's actually moved into the kingdom not too long ago. About a month or two." I gasped, "Macaroon is in the kingdom?!" Pure Vanilla nodded.

I ran over to them and hugged them, "Thank you so much, Pure Vanilla! This is really great news!" They flinched a bit, but hugged me back.

"Herb knows where Macaroon lives. Go talk to him, you'll get to talk with her more often when you find out her address." I nodded. I thanked Pure Vanilla again and ran out of the room.


I think there was a Cookie Run Ovenbreak character who is called Macaroon Cookie, but since that character isn't in the kingdom yet, I decided to make another character who is called Macaroon Cookie.

She's my OC as well :)

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